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The Cowardly French

Just have to blog a bit about the ongoing French series at Mike’s America. It’s good for some laugh’s, especially when the cowards (oops, meant the French) take offense.

First we have the opening salvo from Mike:

Let Them Eat Cake!

Oh la la! This story has been around for a while, but we at Mike’s America have had our hands full fending off the communist surrender monkeys…

The French, and assorted America haters have their berets in a knot over this promotion for a new Subway sandwich:

In response to the criticism, Subway has withdrawn the ad, giving France the only victory that sorry bunch of frogs has ever known.

Indignant frogophiles are still not satisfied, threatening to boycott Subway. I say: Let ’em eat cake! Or better yet, pass the snails!”

But then it gets better in the comments:

What a good example of the stupidity of some part of the american people.

Thanksfully, not everybody is like this.
Ju | Homepage | 10.11.05 – 7:04 am | #

Thanks “JU” or let’s call you Froggy.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves for your ungrateful behavior and your utter lack of support of democracy and freedom initiatives which benefit YOU as much as D-Day did.

Maybe we should just have told Hitler, who never attacked us, that we just want PEACE! We’re against war!

It’s none of our business if Hitler wanted to rape France! After all, who are we to judge?

And now, in the present day, Froggies like you want to come and insult Americans?

I hope you some spare time after you finish sewing that white flag to begin work on your Burka.

And on behalf of the rest of Americans that you call “stupid:” GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Mike’s America | Homepage | 10.11.05 – 11:26 am | #

So I should thank you for bombarding tousands of people in Normandie?

I should thank you for waiting 6 years until the III Reich was a threat for your commerce?

I should thank you for the huge investments (including some from W Bush grand father) in the III Reich?

I should thank you for the help provided to the german during the 30’s?

USA only attacked Hitler when he started being a threat to their monney.

USA only attacked Irak to get hold on the petrol and had no care of the threat it represented to anybody.

Irak was no threat and had no power as it has been proven.

Captain America, you should check your history…
marius | Homepage | 10.12.05 – 3:24 pm | #

Right Marius… Iraq was not threat as you froggies were taking millions in bribes from funds that were meant to provide women and children with medicine.

As for thanking us for saving your sorry butts… Maybe your German language skills are better than your English… or How’s your Russian?

As far as us taking Iraqs oil? I’m still paying about $3 per gallon for gas froggie…

If that’s stealing… someone owes me a refund.

Talk about someone who needs a history lesson… FROGGY!
Mike’s America | Homepage | 10.12.05 – 10:46 pm | #

Now the comments from JU are just plain ignorant. Does he even comprehend the amount of American lives lost saving his grandparents asses? I mean the French lasted two weeks against the Germans before they completely surrendered, not that the word surrender is alien to the French:

But I digress. Mike’s next post:

Examining my visitor logs, I found that my post on the Subway sandwich flap “Let Them Eat Cake” has been attracting quite a bit of attention today in France, Great Britain and one hit from San Francisco, which is about as close to France in spirit as you are likely to find this side of Montreal.

Sorry, readers, but I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about the French, as you will see if you visit that comment stream. But to have one of the ungrateful amphibian slimy toads call Americans “stupid” is just inviting a stronger response.

I have momentarily lifted the ban on profanity, in case any AMERICANS want to put in their two cents… Defeatist, America hating surrender monkeys (and this includes Democrats) may be subject to stricter speech regulation.

Which did not bring back the troll JU unfortunately….but Mike found that JU blogged about him instead here. The poor Altavista translation here:

Nice small American has an opinion radically different from the mienne when one speaks about the countryside of Subway in the USA. This nice small Mike left a message: “So go back to eating snails and see yew we care.” (Turns over to eat snails and see whether one is worried some) Merci Mike, but I eat neither snail, neither frog, nor MacDo. Each one its tastes. It also let see its opinion on its site: “Let Them Eat Cake! Oh it! This story has been around for has while, goal we At Mike S America cuts had our hands full fending off the communist surrender monkeys… The French, and assorted America haters cuts to their berets in A knot over this promotion for has new Subway sandwich: In response to the criticism, Subway has withdrawn the AD, giving France the only victory that sorry bunch of frogs has ever known. Making indignant frogophiles are still not satisfied, threatening to Subway boycott. I say: Let ‘ EM eat cake! However better yet, pass the snails!”” Which beautiful example of depth in the text. And when one sees the photographs of this good old man W one everywhere on the site with the American flags per Ci by there, I suppose an active member of the other with dimensions of the mirror. God Bless America…

Now I know why I cringed every day I was in France in 99. The only thing I did other then eat their awful food was visit Normandy and all the beaches. My Mother and Daughter went and did the touristy stuff but I could not get the bad taste out of my mouth in that country of cowards and ungrateful idiots. Thankfully we were only there for two days before we headed back to England. Wow, what a relief.

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