I am watching cnn and it is 100 percent rita…even though it is a little wind and a little rain…it is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today…and in the world!!!!
She really does take the cake. Hey look at me, look at me, my son died doing what he VOLUNTEERED to do, but Bush is a criminal…..
Even more amazing is that someone on KOS actually disagreed with her:
it is 100 percent rita…even though it is a little wind and a little rain
I’m in Southeast Texas with family on the coast and in Lake Jackson, LA.
I’d like you to tell us it’s just a little wind and rain. They’ve lost their homes, jobs and businesses and gone through fear and panic while you bask in your fan’s adulation, party with your celebrity friends and play the star.
Shame on you, you’re jealous of media coverage of other’s suffering. You’ve become a caricature and I no longer support you. I’m ashamed I ever did.
Cindy answered back with a lie:
when i was watching cnn this morning, that’s what it was…i know it was much worse earlier and it was devastating, i didn’t make myself clear and i apologize.
i also know that the media will cover anything else besides the war.
Cindy, these posts have time stamps.
when i was watching cnn this morning, that’s what it was
Four hours before your post, the eye hit just east of Port Arthur and west of Lake Charles. Between then and two hours after your post, hurricane force winds were tearing through Beaumont and Orange, TX and all through Vermillion Parrish, LA..
Imagine, if you can, what was happening to those poor people while you were watching tv and getting upset about them covering “a little wind and a little rain” rather than your special day.
it was devastating earlier
And during. And after.
You might also realize that the people in a hurricane’s wake don’t suddenly get happy and whole an hour after the eye passes over. It’s still not a little wind and a little rain to them. Do you know they are still very afraid down there – right now, Cindy, trying to find 1,000 people lost in Vermillion as I type..
You can find the story now on CNN’s website. I’m very sorry, it’s slightly above the story about you – that’s just so unfair too isn’t it.
i also know that the media will cover anything else besides the war.
Well Joan Baez sang for you today, and you got your smiling-happy picture taken with Jesse Jackson today, and your story is still front page on CNN.com today. So it was a very good day. Yes it was a beautiful day for Cindy wasn’t it?
Except for a little wind and a little rain earlier.
And again:
That is damn stupid. The death toll from these hurricanes is still rising, and you really think the Iraq war doesn’t get covered? What a selfish woman! I’d be downright ashamed to read anything else you have to say from here on in.
Maybe there is hope that the lefties will come to their senses and see this wackjob for what she is, a selfish pathetic women. I doubt it, but at least a few have come to their senses a bit.

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