The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XXII

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Whoa….now HERE is some fireworks:

A Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks, a congressman said Thursday.

The employee is prepared to testify next week before the Senate Judiciary Committee and was expected to name the person who ordered him to destroy the large volume of documents, said Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa.

Weldon declined to name the employee, citing confidentiality matters. Weldon described the documents as “2.5 terabytes” ? as much as one-fourth of all the printed materials in the Library of Congress, he added.

On Wednesday, former members of the Sept. 11 commission dismissed the “Able Danger” assertions. One commissioner, ex-Sen. Slade Gorton, R-Wash., said, “Bluntly, it just didn’t happen and that’s the conclusion of all 10 of us.”

Weldon responded angrily to Gorton’s assertions.

“It’s absolutely unbelievable that a commission would say this program just didn’t exist,” Weldon said Thursday.

Pentagon officials said this month they had found three more people who recall an intelligence chart identifying Atta as a terrorist prior to the Sept. 11 attacks.

Two military officers, Army Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and Navy Capt. Scott Phillpott, have come forward to support Weldon’s claims.

So now we have a witness who will testify under oath that he was ordered to destroy these documents. What do you think the response will be from the 9/11 Commission? The same excuse they gave yesterday, that there is no proof.

Speaking as a cop I can tell you that if every criminal proceeding required hard (ie: documents, photo’s, video’s, and the like) evidence to convict then maybe 7 out of every 10 convictions would never had happened. Can you charge someone for murder if there is no body? Your damn right they can.

For this Commission to dismiss more then 3 witnesses, and now 1 who will confirm the destruction of the documents is absurd. Hard evidence is definitely more preferable but as in everything in life, nothing is perfect, there is rarely a smoking gun.

If the documents were destroyed after the order to shut down Able Danger was given then it might be common practice, especially since they had gathered information about American citizens. Something to look into tho.

If the documents were destroyed prior to the shutting down of Able Danger then whoa boy, lookout.

Either way, this witness will confirm that yes indeed, there were documents that were ordered destroyed and despite what Sen. Gorton said, it did happen.

AJ Strata hit on something I did not think of, that the data may still be around somewhere:

Interestingly enough, if the information was travel and purchase information tracking the four terrorists as they entered the country – this data may still exist and can be reprocessed. The data sets the DoD had were purged. But the commercial data they purchased may not have been purged yet. Also, the data sets were purchased for the DoD by JD Smith?s company – which may still have them since it is not illegal for that company to hold onto the data. This was only happening in 2000, and many companies keep data for five years as records of their work. Whatever the case, the original data sets may still be around to prove the Atta information was hidden inside.

Check out Blogs For Bush, & Opinipundit for more.


The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XXI
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XX
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XIX
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XVIII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XVII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XVI
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XV
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XIV
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XIII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update XI
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update X
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update IX
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update VIII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update VII
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update VI
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update V
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, update IV
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update III
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update II
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger, Update
The Gorelick Wall & Sandy Berger