Air America failed to pay their employee’s on time last week. Wonder why?
Now, to make matters worse, an internal memo obtained by the Radio Equalizer indicates Air America Radio employees faced late paychecks just over a week ago.
They were apparently stunned to receive a last-minute notice sent at 5:09pm Thursday, July 28th, indicating direct deposits would not be made Friday, as expected.
Written by company Vice President/Finance Sinohe Terrero (this article confims Terrero’s corporate role), it implied the payroll processing company was to blame:
We have been advised by ADP that Direct Deposit will probably not post until Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cost (sic). If you have any questions please feel free to call me.
Sinohe Terrero
VP Finance
718-807-****Was it really a foul-up at ADP, the nation’s largest payroll processing company?
Have you ever known ADP to delay direct deposits, due to its own negligence?
I thought not.
Worried insiders think the real problem may be something far more alarming: a lack of ready cash to make payroll on Friday, July 29th.
The VP’s implication that it is the processing companies fault is just plain bullshit. That company requires that the cash for the payroll be wired to them by Wednesday to pay on Friday. These guys knew they couldn’t make the payroll long before Friday, then sent the email after the close of business so there could be no double-checking.
Since Air America employees face non-disclosure policy agreements, they’ve been speaking on condition of anonymity.
The sense of real trouble ahead compels them to divulge information. And maybe they’re just tired of the hassles.
It doesn’t appear many AAR staffers were fooled by the suggestion ADP might be responsible. Perhaps they’ve heard it all before, while the company assumes they’re gullible?
Here’s the kicker: could this mean the reported $13 million Air America received in March is already used up?
How could that be?
(new update) Since the new loan is said to be for a mere $2.5 million, it would not seem to be enough to cover AAR’s huge overhead for long.
If $13 million didn’t last six months, could $2.5 million cover more than say, six weeks?
Now we all know why they want 2 years to pay back the loan to the Club, but if they can’t even pay their employee’s then I doubt the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club will ever see a dime. Al and Jeanne will get paid tho, those caring souls.
Hasn’t the left said that Air America was a huge success? Then why not pay the whole bill free and clear? Show the right that your a success…come on. What a joke.
The big story, as I have written about before, is the continued white-wash from the MSM. Macho Nacho’s wrote:
Every day that the Times allows this to go by is another day they are tacitly saying that defrauding a public charity is no big deal, so long as it is done by those with a liberal agenda. Every day the bloggers and other national newspapers discover this story while the Times remains silent, the virtually non-existent credibility of the Grey Lady takes another serious hit.
Which is actually a nice way of saying that the times are just proving our point.
Want proof? Redstate has it:
When the Swift Boats Veterans for Truth started getting some traction with their accusations against Kerry, the NY Times immediately sent two top reporters to Texas to try to link their funding back to the Bush campaign. After a week of digging, The Times produced a lengthy expose and a fancy chart that basically proved that Texas Republicans historically help each other get elected. The horror.
The dollar amount of the donation in question was $250,000. The dollar amount in the Air America scandal is almost $900k.
I’d say that if a legal $250k donation justifies sending two reporters halfway across the country for a week, $900k of embezzled funds in your own city probably justifies one reporter for a half day.
But that’s just me…
Ace has even more:
The media was very interested in Bush’s large-but-perfectly-legal campaign warchest in 2000, and his opting out (legally) of the campaign finance system, but not so much interested in Gore’s illegal donations from Chinese nuns, nor AG Janet Reno’s claim that the independent counsel law didn’t require her to appoint an independent counsel… because Al Gore said no wrongdoing occurred, and that, apparently, was enough for her.
Hypocrites one and all.
Check out The Blue State Conservative, Wizbang, Red State Rant, The Strata-Sphere, FullosseousFlap?s Dental Blog, UNCoRRELATED, USS Neverdock, Captain’s Quarters,& Michelle Malkin for more.
The Corruption In Air America
The Corruption In Air America, Update
The Corruption In Air America, Update II
The Corruption In Air America, Update III
The Corruption In Air America, Update IV
The Corruption In Air America, Update V
The Corruption In Air America, Update VI
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