The Anti-American Department Of Justice

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UPDATE 7/24 0900hrs

Just found via A Soldier’s Perspective that one of the artists is none other then the anti-America idiot Steve Percy:

A perfect example of the type of people I am referring to is Steve Pearcy, a Berkeley, California resident who is intent on terrorizing the people of Sacramento with his obscene anti-American art. Pearcy gained national fame after he began displaying U.S. troops hanged in effigy from a noose on the front of his 2nd home ? in Sacramento, California.

Pearcy maintains a BLOG where he describes those who support our troops as:

??drooling, toothless conservatives gathered across the street from my home to hold their candlelight, faith-healing, vigilante prayer meeting? Next time, for the sake of my neighbors across the street, I hope that the bible-thumpers will remember to bring their drool buckets with them.?

You may view Steve Pearcy?s BLOG online here (warning there is a great deal of offensive content): (I chose NOT to hyperlink this one, CJ)

Even more reason to demand that the Calif State Dept. of Justice take down these pieces of toilet paper by going here.


It’s funny, when you say that most lefty’s are anti-American they get all upset. But who do you see painting and posting anti-American art & litature? That’s right, the lefties:

You think this is hanging in some lefty art house? Nope, it’s hanging in the halls of the California State Department of Justice. That’s right, it’s hanging in a public government building along with these:

The Palestine one has a caption that reads “STOP U.S. FINANCED GENOCIDE IN THE MIDDLE EAST?

SACRAMENTO A painting on display at the Department of Justice has sparked a debate over free speech and good taste.

The piece depicts the United States sinking in a toilet and is titled “T’anks to Mr. Bush.” It’s part of a temporary exhibit of art by lawyers or with legal themes.

Republican Party spokeswoman Karen Hanretty says the painting is offensive and does not belong in a public building. She says Attorney General Bill Lockyer should have it removed from the exhibit.

A Lockyer spokesman says the attorney general believes taking down the painting would be a violation of the artist’s freedom of speech.

Stephen Pearcy, the artist, last stirred up controversy when he hung a U-S soldier’s uniform from his Sacramento home with the note reading “Bush Lied. I Died.” had this to say:

CLICK HERE to see press release by taxpayer-funded California Arts Council announcing display of anti-American ?art? – hosted by the California State Attorney General, displayed at the Department of Justice Building in Sacramento.

Attorney General Bill Lockyer is an official sponsor of this disgusting display of anti-American, anti-military and anti-Semitic ?art,? according to a press release issued on July 12, 2005 by the California Arts Council (a taxpayer-funded entity).

The news release quotes Lockyer as saying:

?It is an honor to co-host this powerful exhibit and display the talent of our legal community,? Lockyer said. ?Creative expression stimulates freedom of thought, appreciation for diversity and opens new windows onto the world in which we live. The collected works of these fine artists ? and lawyers ? achieve these worthwhile objectives with style and beauty.?