While I hope the British are a stronger people then the Spanish, I have a feeling that the majority will soon be calling for their Government to cut and run soon. Their growing anti-American, anti-Israel population will soon demand that they run from Iraq and support the Muslims, because its their fault anyways for supporting the US and Israel, didn’t you know that? Sigh.
The mainstreaming of anti-Semitism and demonization of Israel is felt most acutely, however, in the public culture of the capital city of London. In the past decade, the United Kingdom??s undisputed political, economic, and cultural center has also become a major world center of political Islam and anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and anti-American activism.
Through its Arabic-language newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses, not to mention its flourishing network of bookshops, mosques, and community centers, radical Islam has taken full advantage of what British democracy has to offer for its anti-Western goals, reaping the benefits of London??s significance as a hub of global finance, electronic media, and mass communications technology.
The effect of this with regard to anti-Semitism and virulent anti-Zionism has therefore been quite different from that found elsewhere in Europe: Although Britain??s Muslim population of about 1.5 million is only a quarter of that of France, the growing influence of London??s Muslims has given the most inflammatory of ideas a greater legitimacy in the capital??s political and cultural discourse than they enjoy virtually anywhere else.
Mayor compares Jewish reporter to Nazi camp guard
Such sentiments have long ceased to be limited to Muslim self-expression; the politics of London have begun to internalize the discourse of hate. In February of this year, the city??s mayor, Ken Livingstone, angrily compared a Jewish reporter for the Evening Standard to a concentration camp guard.
Instead of later apologizing, Livingstone criticized the reporter??s employer for what he said was its history of racism, scare-mongering, and, oddly enough, anti-Semitism.
Shortly thereafter, Livingstone published a piece in the Guardian claiming that Ariel Sharon ??is a war criminal who should be in prison, not in office,?? adding that ??Israel??s own expansion has included ethnic cleansing.??
Subsequently, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, responding to Jewish critics of the mayor, published an article on its web site entitled ??Zionists Want Their Pound of Flesh.??
Given the legitimacy that such rhetoric enjoys in Britain today, it should not surprise us to discover the emergence of efforts among the intellectual elites to convert their rhetoric of hate into action – principally through the boycotting of Jewish and Israeli products and people.
It is these which have turned the public atmosphere in Britain into perhaps the most uncomfortable for Jews in all of Europe.
I know Blair will refuse to run like the Spanish, but he can hold out for only so long before those who make excuses for terrorists force his actions.
On a related note, Bookworm Room has an excellent post about the anti-Jewish sentiment rooted in the British countryside:
To his credit, Tony Blair has stood resolutely with America since the Islamists came for America on 9/11, but he, the British press and large segments of the British public have been scarily silent at the blood bath in Israel for the past decade. Isn’t it time that they start acknowledging that Israel is not the enemy?

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