The bastard is dead, hopefully by a American bullet. It sounds like he died a painful death….couldn’t have happened to a better guy: (via Hammorabi)
The Jordanian thug Fadhel Nazal Al-Khalayla (Zarqawi) 38 years has died.
He received treatment from Arab doctors who were not very experts and lacking intensive care equipments which he needed for his puncture in the right lung. His wounds infection gets resistance to the antibiotics. He had what is called septicemia which is according to doctors an infection of the blood resulted from infected wound. Zarqawi’s systems started to fail including his kidney and liver.
He died and now in the hands of the Keepers of the Hell in its worst level.
More from Adnkronos International:
Baghdad, 27 May (AKI) – For some days now al-Qaeda sources, Western intelligence, Middle Eastern governments and journalists have been agreeing on one thing – Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted man in Iraq, has been wounded. The only ones to express doubts are anti-terrorism experts from al-Zarqawi’s home country, who argue that it might all be a sophisticated disinformation campaign.
While most interested observers believe he is injured, there are a myriad of hypotheses about when and where this occurred. The latest evidence of al-Zarqawi’s existence is an audio message posted on an internet site last week, in which the only time reference is to the death of Pope John Paul II on 2 April. So it’s likely that the gunbattle in which the militant was injured was after that date. According to one Arab newspaper, al-Zarqawi was wounded by an operation by US troops in the Sunni city of Ramadi during clashes at the end of April. This seems to be endorsed by eyewitnesses who claimed in various Arab media that they’d seen him on 28 April at a hospital in Ramadi.
The police reportedly arrested the doctor who had been treating him who is said to have confirmed his injury and escape from US soldiers.
Plus this:
Amman, 27 May (AKI) – The family of injured Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi – al-Qaeda’s pointman in Iraq – is already preparing his obituary, the Saudi daily al-Watan said on Friday, quoting sources close to the family.
Al-Zarqawi’s close relatives, all of whom live in the Jordanian city of Zarqa, are reported to be in state of high tension over the conflicting reports circulating over his state of health, and are only waiting for officials to confirm his death before releasing the death notice.
Jordanian security forces have surrounded the Ramzi quarter of Zarqa where al-Zarqawi’s family lives, al-Watan said. Relatives have confirmed that al-Zarqawi’s wife and four children fled to Iraq in secret six months ago.
An interesting sidenote, who will succeed this jackass:
Experts on Islamic terrorism are already mulling the possible successors to al-Qaeda’s number one in Iraq, Jordanian militant Abu Musal al-Zarqawi, reportedly injured in one lung. There are six main contenders among his right-hand men, the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported. The paper’s sources believe it is most likely that an Iraqi will be chosen. The ‘favourite’ is the head of al-Qaeda’s information service, Abu Maysira al-Iraqi, while another strong contender is its chief of operations in Baghdad province, Abu Darda al-Iraqi, the paper said.The alleged top contenders to succeed al-Zarqawi were officials in the Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein and members of the Salafite – or extreme religious conservative – faction within the Republican Guard, which trained Arab recruits. Both men trained many secret service and Iraqi army officials in Jihad (holy war) an unnamed former Iraqi official told al-Hayat. The men allegedly trained some 1,000 officials over a seven-year period, the source said.
The third name on the analysts’ list is that of Abu Azzam al-Iraqi, while the fourth is that of Abu Sad al-Duleimi. Both are current al-Qaeda chiefs in Iraq and operate in the rebel al-Anbar province. According to al-Hayat, the organisation initially relied on Arab recruits, but its power-base is now Iraqis who are former Baath party members. Al-Qaeda’s finances and arms are being handled by Iraqi militants, and for this reason the terrorism experts interviewed by al-Hayat believe it is most likely that one of these will succeed al-Zarqawi.
Despite experts’ general belief that an Iraqi is most likely to succeed al-Zarqawi, sources close to Islamic fundamentalist circles have also mentioned two non-Iraqis – Suleiman Khalid Darwish, a Syrian who is also known as Abud al-Ghadiya, and the Saudi Arabian Abud Haf al-Qarni.
Al-Ghadiya, aged about 40, was a companion of al-Zarqawi in the al-Qaeda training camps al-Zarqawi ran in Herat, Afghanistan in 2000. After the fall of the Taliban, the two men met up again in Iraq.
The Arabic-language Elaf website claims an Iraqi defence ministry source confirmed al-Qarni, from the prominent al-Qarni mountain tribe in Saudi Arabia, is al-Zarqawi’s designated successor. On Thursday, however, al-Qaeda published a website message denying the nomination of al-Qarni. The statement was signed by the organisation’s information chief, al-Iraqi – tipped by Islamist terror experts as the top contender to replace the Jordanian militant if and when his death is announced.
Is this all true? Who know’s…Zarqawi might be trying to get the heat off himself for awhile but more then likely he was hit and is dead. It was bound to happen with Marines on the ground. Someone will replace him and carry on but there will be a window of opportunity to hit these guys in the balls until that successor is in place and running things.
One more interesting observation from Pardon My English:
The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is wounded, according to a statement posted on Islamist Web site that has carried al-Qaeda messages in the past.
See what I’m talking about?
The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is wounded…
Still don’t see it?
The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq…
One more time…
…al-Qaeda in Iraq…
This is being reported all over the place… I’m surprised no one noticed. Apparently al-Qaeda is in Iraq. Who’d of thunk it?
As we say in the field, good ob’s!
And lastly, sweet justice (via Hammorabi):
Few hours ago the Iraqi civilians in the centre of Baghdad near Haifa Street captured two terrorists before they carry on their crime.
This is not the first time that the Iraqis capture terrorists before the cockroaches commit their filth but this time the people perseverance with postponing justice by the government has finished and they decided to carry out immediate justice.
After capturing the terrorists the brave civilians impose the justice the criminals deserve. They hanged them in the street and made them a lesson and warning for the others. This is probably why the terrorists used a dog (Mujahdeen) today in the north of Baghdad. They booby-trapped the dog with explosive by a strap around it and when an Iraqi police patrol passed; they put the strap off with a remote control which killed the dog only. Eight suspects were immediately arrested in connection with it.
Check out The Jawa Report,The Dread Pundit Bluto,& Scared Monkeys for more.

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