MSM At It Again – Part III

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This kinda reminds me of the incident after Bush was re-elected where someone at CNN named his picture to “asshole.jpg“.

The Pope died today and what does the NYT put out immediately afterwards? This:

Even as his own voice faded away, his views on the sanctity of all human life echoed unambiguously among Catholics and Christian evangelicals in the United States on issues from abortion to the end of life.

need some quote from supporter

John Paul II’s admirers were as passionate as his detractors, for whom his long illness served as a symbol for what they said was a decrepit, tradition-bound papacy in need of rejuvenation and a bolder connection with modern life.

“The situation in the Catholic church is serious,” Hans Kung, the eminent Swiss theologian, who was barred by from teaching in Catholic schools because of his liberal views, wrote last week. “The pope is gravely ill and deserves every compassion. But the Church has to live. …

In my opinion, he is not the greatest pope but the most contradictory of the 20th century. A pope of many, great gifts, and of many bad decisions!”

Among liberal Catholics, he was criticized for his strong opposition to abortion, homosexuality and contraception, as well as the ordination of women and married men. Though he was never known as a strong administrator of the dense Vatican bureaucracy, he kept a centralizing hand on the selection of bishops around the world and enforced a rigid adherence to many basic church teachings among the clergy and Catholic theologians.

Hmmm, so they spend 99% of the article talking crap about him and then they put in a little blurb for later “need some quote from supporter”. They realized their snafu quickly and put up a new edition, but not before Powerline got a screenshot:

Yes, we all know that mistakes happen but I think the big picture here is how this article can’t find much good in this man. They write about all his criticism’s and then obviously the writer thought he would insert some cookie cutter quote and be done with it. Just show’s you the mindset of the Times staff and the MSM as a whole, again.

Check out Michelle Malkin, The Captain, and Patterico’s Pontifications for more.