Stefan over at Sound Politics has done a outstanding job of researching the vote irregularities of King County in Washington State.
I’ve finished the massive project of trying to reconcile the King County voter list to the vote count as accurately as humanly possible. My conclusion: their numbers are off by at least 3,748 votes, or roughly 30 times former Attorney General Gregoire’s alleged “victory” margin.
The previously reported discrepancy of 2,150 (348 unverified provisionals + 1,800 unexplained more ballots than voters) represents only the net difference between ballots and voters. While many precincts counted more ballots than voters, a lot of precincts counted more voters than ballots. When you add up all the voterless ballots and all the ballotless voters, the true number of improperly counted votes reaches at least 3,700 and is presumably somewhat higher.
But as fair as I can be, I can’t come up with a good explanation for precincts that have more voters than ballots.
The bottom line? The imputed lead for all of the mismatches between ballots and identified voters was 649. That calculation is based on the fact that the unidentified voters includes the unregistered military and ACP voters, who can’t be easily subtracted from this number. But in all probability, the number of extra votes that Gregoire picked up from the various extra ballots and missing ballots is hundreds more than her margin of “victory.
Hmmm, something smell’s fishy. It’s a mute point tho, the Democrat is in office and you don’t hear the left screaming “Fraud!” anymore. Wonder why.
VoterLaw linked to a article in the Seattle Post Intelligencer that say’s basically the same thing.
Allegations of dead voters and election fraud elicit gasps from outraged voters and pundits, but they won’t really matter in the legal challenge to the Washington governor’s election.
As legal arguments unfolded in court last week, it became clear the case will turn instead on a close reading of the state constitution. Who has jurisdiction over election challenges – the courts or the Legislature? What is an “illegal vote”? What kind of proof does the constitution require to nullify an election?
…The heart of the Republicans’ challenge so far is their contention that election workers in several counties fed 437 provisional ballots directly into vote-tabulating machines on election day without determining whether the voters were registered.
Provisional ballots are given to voters whose names don’t show up on the
registration rolls – often because they recently moved from another precinct,
and sometimes because they’re not registered voters. Election workers are
supposed to set those ballots aside and verify them before adding them to the
court. Provisional ballots look exactly like regular ballots, so once they’re
counted there’s no way to go back and separate them out againRepublicans say this allegation alone should be enough to nullify the
election.“That’s more than three times the difference between the two
candidates,” GOP attorney Robert Maguire told Chelan County Superior Court Judge John E. Bridges at last Thursday’s preliminary court hearingDemocrats responded that even if 437 unverified provisional ballots were counted, that’s not enough to nullify the election results.
Windham Wogs is blogging about some voter fraud in NH.
The state Republican Party has not dropped the ball on investigating voter
fraud.The party has set up a panel to probe reports from last Election Day of ineligible people going to the polls.
According to task force member Jeff Newman of Concord, “We have reports of a Somalian national voting and of people in Nashua using a package delivery company office as their address” and many other potential problems.
“Republicans in the state need to know that we are not letting these suspicions go uninvestigated,” Newman said. He said the group is developing a report to be released later this year “so we can generate legislation, if needed. And if it leads to legal action or prosecution, we need to have a case.”
Stix over at Stix Blog blogged about a interesting indictment reported in the St. Louis Today.
An indictment that accuses an East St. Louis official of attempted murder of a
witness officially acknowledges for the first time that federal authorities are
investigating voter fraud in the city…The indictment against Ellis, a Democratic committeeman, states that he learned that a confidential witness had met with federal agents Oct. 5 and implicated him in election fraud. That was a month before candidates and others raised vote fraud allegations following the November election. Republican County Board member Steve Reeb, who lost the race for St. Clair County Board Chairman, was one of them.
Without East St. Louis votes, Reeb had a lead of 52 percent to 48 percent over his Democratic opponent, Mark Kern, and a 4,000-vote edge. After East St. Louis was included, the numbers reversed. Reeb said at the time that he believed the election numbers were fishy.
Fishy indeed. I guess it’s only big news in the MSM if the fraud helped a Republican.
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