The Communist Protesters II

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Found an interesting tidbit about the peaceful demonstraters in Seattle

(AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Due is a U.S. Army recruiter.

Today, during the time of the inauguration, he was engulfed by a swarm of redolent, reeking moonbats at Seattle Central Communist Community College.

For 12-minutes these punks, twerps, and losers tore up Army brochures. These people did not vote for Dino Rossi.

The clowns succeeded in creating such a violent and dangerous environment that security and police asked Sergeant Due and another recruiter to leave their table, for safety’s sake, which they did. The cretins cheered.

Hundreds of other mental midgets boycotted classes at other Seattle colleges and universities to “protest” the inauguration of President Bush, and visit their pushers, presumably.

I’m sure you also heard about the traitor Judge who ordered that security information be given to the communists for the inauguration

As the nation’s capital prepares itself for the presidential inauguration by going into lockdown mode and placing portable Stinger missile launchers throughout the city, Americans may be stunned to learn that the District of Columbia has been forced by a federal judge to hand over intelligence data on police tactics, training, and strategies from the last inauguration to an organization with documented ties to terrorist groups and Saddam Hussein.

The District of Columbia was forced by court order to turn over this information to the International Action Center (IAC), a group involved in Thursday’s protests of the second Bush inaugural through the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition. The anti-Bush groups expect as many as 100,000 will converge on the nation’s capital and they intend to get as close to the presidential motorcade as possible. Some media pundits have expressed surprise that the District has offered protestors “prime real estate” along the parade route along Pennsylvania Avenue. But this is largely because of legal pressure exerted by the protesters and their radical law firms.

….The court orders were related to a lawsuit filed by the IAC in 2001 [International Action Center, et al., v. United States of America, et al., Case no. 01CV00072] against federal and local agencies that handled security for the 2001 inaugural. The IAC describes itself as a political association that fights racism, war and militarism, and the program of the Bush administration. In fact, it is linked through overlapping personnel to the communist Workers World Party (WWP), a group that came under investigation by the Congress in 1974 and the FBI.

IAC founder and director Ramsey Clark recently made worldwide headlines when he joined Saddam Hussein’s defense team. The IAC boasts of having a relationship to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army?both of which are labeled terrorist groups by the State Department. The International Action Center has sent delegations to meet with FARC soldiers and leaders in the Colombian jungle and lauds their military victories, including “spectacular raids” on U.S.-trained battalions. Last November Colombia’s defense minister claimed that FARC had targeted President Bush for assassination.

…The information provided by the D.C. Metro Police Department by court order to the IAC so far includes:

? Lesson plans and handbooks on use of aerosol sprays, force and tactical batons;
? Management of Mass Demonstrations, Civil Disturbance Units training documents;

? Metro Police Department (MPD) instruction on use of firearms and other service weapons;

? Portions of Operations Plan, Parade Manual and Civil Disturbance Unit Response Plan for the 54th Inauguration of the President of the United States;

? All rooftop and street-level surveillance videotapes of the presidential inauguration;

? Redacted logs from the Synchronized Operations Command Center and the Running Resume for the Inauguration Day intelligence teams; and

? The identification of all plainclothes MPD officers who were detailed to intelligence teams for the Inauguration.

The plainclothes intelligence officers identified by name were stationed at various locations along and near the presidential parade route in order to monitor the crowds and to report any information heard or observed concerning plans, attempts or actions that might disrupt Inaugural events and/or violate the law and to take law enforcement action, if needed.

Judge Gladys Kessler, who handled the case, issued the orders disclosing the security data. (Kessler was appointed to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in July 1994 by former president Bill Clinton and confirmed by the Senate.)

Who the hell is this jackass judge?

?I think this says it all about Kessler,? said writer Michael Tremoglie, a former Philadelpia police officer. ?She says it is imperative that the Metro D.C. Police Department release confidential information that might endanger the lives of U.S. citizens, yet a government commission cannot release info of possible criminal conduct of labor unions and the Democratic Party.?

Tremoglie was referring to a 2001 decision by Kessler blocking the Federal Election Commission from re-releasing public documents from an FEC probe of AFL-CIO dealings with the Democratic Party. Kessler?s order sought to protect ?proprietary information,? including campaign strategies and employees? names of the DNC.

Kessler also made headlines in August 2002 when she ordered the government to release 9-11 detainees? names, a decision which was overturned by a federal appeals court.

Sometimes I wish we could just give these people a quick kick in the nuts. Woops, I’m sorry, only the leftist protesters can do that since they are peace loving. Moving on, the same article show’s the ties that the IAC has to Communists and Terrorists.

AIM has found no mention in court documents of the self-documented ties between the IAC and terrorist organizations like FARC and the National Liberation Army. Those terrorist groups, in turn, have documented ties to the Colombian drug trade and have engaged in mortar bombings, assassinations, decapitations, castrations, torture, kidnapping, hijacking and disruption of election activities. FARC’s activities often target elected officials and government installations.

There was also no reference in the court documents to the fact that the WWP, whose personnel operate the IAC and International A.N.W.E.R., came under investigation by the House Committee on Internal Security and the FBI.

The IAC and A.N.S.W.E.R. are now recognized by writers on both the right and the left as front groups for the WWP. The leadership of both groups has been virtually interchangeable, including such figures as Brian Becker and Larry Holmes.

Even on the left this fact is recognized. Leftist lawyer Nathan Newman, for example, has written extensively on the inter-connections. Newman was very familiar with their workings because his organization did legal work for them. After Newman staunchly opposed the WWP leadership of the anti-war movement in 2002 and 2003, he was subjected to what he calls a “witch hunt” and termed a “red-baiter” and “McCarthyist.”

The intimidation didn’t silence Newman, though. He went on to castigate the WWP and its fronts as supporters of “authoritarian butchers” and “mass murderers,” including Fidel Castro, Kim Jong-Il, and Saddam Hussein. The WWP supported the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre of protesting students and workers, who were conveniently labeled “counter-revolutionaries.” The group was actually started in 1957 when they split from the Socialist Workers Party. The WWP split because they supported the Red Army’s 1956 invasion of Hungary and the subsequent shooting of unarmed demonstrators, also termed “counter-revolutionaries.”

While the court documents made no mention of the IAC’s relationship to groups labeled as terrorist by the U.S. State Department, the IAC has documented their own activities extensively in print, emails, videos and in public pronouncements.

Just a week before a Dec. 7, 2000 deadline for the expiration of peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the revolutionary movement, an IAC delegation headed by Ramsey Clark traveled to the demilitarized zone in Colombia to meet with FARC leaders.

The delegation also included Teresa Gutierrez, an IAC co-director and member of the Workers World Party and ANSWER, Elisa Chavez, who videotaped key discussions, and Carl Glenn, who served as an interpreter. According to Glenn, once in the demilitarized zone, a FARC official known as Lucas picked up the visitors and drove them to a FARC encampment outside Los Pozos, Colombia.

There the IAC met with leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC). Clark met for several hours with FARC Secretariat member Commander Raul Reyes, who heads the insurgent group’s “International Commission.”

In addition to discussions with the communist commanders, the delegation also met with FARC soldiers and area residents and spent the night in the encampment. IAC leaders later boasted that in the 36 years since the FARC’s founding, only four other U.S. visitors had been invited to any of the insurgent encampments.