According to this article Michael Moore is going to win the peoples choice award. This is not surprising since the voting was done online…..bawhahahaha. You have to be kidding me. Will the lefties believe in themselves again after tonite? Those poor wittle lefties.
Lefty filmmaker Michael Moore has been tipped he’s going to win the People’s Choice Award tonight, Tom O’Neil reports at goldderby.com.
This is the first year these awards – which insiders have long suspected notifies winners in advance – resorted to online voting instead of a Gallup poll.
Tinseltown has been buzzing about organized campaigns on behalf of Moore’s Bush-bashing “Fahrenheit 9/11,” which goes up against the likes of “Spider-Man 2” and “The Incredibles” for favorite movie, as well as for Mel Gibson’s equally controversial “The Passion of the Christ,” which is up for best drama.
Moore’s flacks didn’t return Post movie critic Lou Lumenick’s calls, but sources confirmed he is snubbing tonight’s New York Film Critics Circle awards to attend the Hollywood ceremony, where polar opposite Gibson is also expected to make an appearance.
And the biggest irony is that this fraud of a show is being broadcast by none other then SeeBS. If I was telling a joke I couldn’t make this up any better.
Little Green Footballs has his own poll up, its a internet poll also so you know how that is but hey, his poll wont be broadcast on SeeBS I don’t think.
While we’re on the subject of the fat turd lets go to Ace Of Spades where he has a great article on him.
Apparently on the Today show this week Michael Moore proclaimed his full and undying love for America. As Ari wonders– what precisely does he love about the country?It’s a good question, and our news twits never seem to ask the obvious follow-up: Given your obvious discontent with nearly every institution and tradition in this country, what specifically do you love about America? Don’t speak in generalities; anyone can say “I love you.” Pour your heart out about the particular wonderful things you find so endearing in your self-proclaimed beloved.
“Progressives” always have trouble with this, because, of course, they focus primarily on America’s flaws; they want to change America, after all. But that’s a curious sort of “love” — a “love” which manifests itself in nothing but constant criticism and denigration. Yes, apparently there’s the possibility of actual love, should America change more to their liking….
Michael Moore loves this country? Um, yeah sure….
“Progressives” will often say that they love America so darned much that they feel compelled to constantly point out its flaws in order to improve it.
But you try this with a spouse. Tell your spouse, “I love you so damn much I just can’t ever announce what I love about you, but rather must constantly criticize and castigate you in order to make you more like the imaginary perfect person in my head, which is the one I really love, but which you could actually be. One day. If you play your cards right. And get some breast augmentation surgery. I mean serious surgery– I want you out there competing favorably with Plenty Up Topp and Kayla Kleavage.”
I don’t think that that sort of a protestation of love could possibly work with a person. I think if you tried that, you’d be sleeping on the couch.
Which is pretty much where the Democrats are, actually, thanks to this “maybe I can love you if you change completely to appease me” love affair of theirs. They’re all on the political couch right now, getting the ideological silent treatment from the electorate, while George W. Bush — far less reluctant to say “I love you” with no caveats attached — gets to sleep in the Big Bed and have his way with the American people at least four or five times a week, sometimes twice a day when they’re feeling particularly amorous.
A perfect metaphor.
All in all this doesn’t surprise me as well it should not surprise you. He will probably win the oscar since we all know who does the voting for that fraud of a award also. If one thing should of taught you to stay away from the oscars it should of been when Shakespeare In Love beat Saving Private Ryan…..lol. That’s rich.
I will close with a few select facts about fat turd’s movie. If you haven’t checked this report yet then you should.
If all you know is what the mainstream media tell you, then you are living in a world of illusions. But you can?t free your mind if you merely replace one set of manipulative illusions with another set of manipulative illusions.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a twisted, dishonest, paranoid, and hateful fantasy. Learn the facts, and make up your own mind. The list below is a summary of a much longer report, which is available for free at www.davekopel.org. The report also discusses many other issues about the movie.
1. The Gore ?victory? rally isn?t celebrating a Florida win. It was held before the polls had even opened.
2. Like all the other networks, Fox mistakenly said that Gore had won in Florida. The first network to retract the Florida mistake was CBS, not Fox.
3. A 6-month study by a consortium of major newspapers shows that Bush would have won the Florida recount under any of the terms which Gore sought in his lawsuits.
4. Investigation by the Palm Beach Post and others shows that race was not a reason why election officials mistakenly disqualified some voters because they were incorrectly thought to have felony convictions.
5. Bush?s Presidency before 9/11 was not in serious trouble. No commentator said that he looked like a lame-duck president. Congress had passed his #1 bill (the tax cut) and was on the way to passing his #2 bill (the education bill). The scene at the end of the movie in which Bush tells a rich audience ?I call you my base,? was from an October 2000 charity fund-raiser. Both Gore and Bush spoke at the fund-raiser and, as is the custom at the fund-raiser, made fun of themselves.
6. ?In his first eight months in office before September 11th, George W. Bush was on vacation, according to the Washington Post, forty-two percent of the time.? As the Washington Post reported, the figure includes weekends, and includes time in ?vacation locations? such as Camp David, where Bush was working?as when he met with Tony Blair.
7. In the golf course scene (about the middle of the movie), Bush had just heard about a terrorist attack on Israel. He called the press together to make a quick statement condemning
the terrorism against Israel. He was not speaking about attacks on the United States.8. There is no evidence that Bush did not read the Aug. 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing about al Qaeda.
9. He never claimed that the title?s ?vagueness? was an excuse for not reading it.
10. The Briefing did not say ?said that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes.? It said that the FBI has ?not been able to corroborate? such a threat.
11. The Saudis left the U.S. only after air travel was opened for the general public.
12. According to Richard Clarke and the September 11 Commission, Clarke personally approved the Saudi departures,
and the decision went no higher in the chain of command.13. Moore lied to a TV reporter in claiming that Fahrenheit discloses Clarke?s decision to the audience. Clarke called the Saudi exit material in Fahrenheit a ?mistake? by Moore.
14. Contrary to what Fahrenheit claims, the September 11 Commission found that many Saudis were asked ?detailed questions? before being allowed to leave.
15. James Bath did not invest bin Laden family money in Bush?s energy company Arbusto. He invested his own money.
Thats just the first 15, there are a total of 59 deceits in his film, go check em out. Check out Dean’s World, Drink This, and The Original Musings for more on this jackass.

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