I’s posting something today that I take a great interest in.
Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David March was killed on Apr 29th, 2002 by this man

Here is his story.
Deputy March was shot and killed after stopping a vehicle in Irwindale, California at approximately 1040 hours. The suspect had stated to friends that he wanted to kill a police officer during a traffic stop. The suspect intentionally got stopped and waited for Deputy March to get in front of his patrol car so he could open fire, as Deputy March would have no place to take cover. Deputy March was shot several times in the head and chest.
The suspect, who was identified shortly after the shooting, fled to Mexico where he remains at large. The Mexican government refuses to extradite the murderer back to the United States.
Deputy March had been with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for seven years and is survived by his wife and step-daughter.
His wife wrote a letter recently
April 29th, 2002, was the worst day of my life. I found out that my soul-mate, David March, was shot and killed on duty while doing a routine traffic stop at 10:30 in the morning. He was shot in the side of his chest, where the vest did not cover, then executed in the head. I also learned that his killer fled the scene.
Instantly the news media was at the hospital, and at my home to catch the drama as it unfolded. I didn?t want to be on camera, but needed the worlds help finding the person(s), that fled from the scene in a black Maxima. Within two days, the face of the expected killer was all over the news. I wanted to see the eyes of a killer who took my dreams away.
As I sat there, ill in despair, two Hispanic men told the media, they had told Armando Garcia, “Chato” to flee to the border (Mexico). I thought this was a place to run and hide. Not a place to seek a safe haven. I was soon to find out how broken our justice system really was.
I began to learn new terminology such as; extradition, deportation, bounty hunters, treaty, corruption within Mexico, and worst of all our own governments lack of involvement. This was very overwhelming considering my future, as I saw it, was never going to be the same.
As I approach the one year mark, I cannot believe that this is a battle I need to fight. My husband protected the citizens and loved this career. This was his lifelong dream to make this world a better place. I want to believe that his death brings attention to the very real problem that if people kill and flee to the border, they are getting away with murder.
This isn’t a new problem. How could this not be a huge concern? After September 11th, this nation was attacked by terrorists. We learned that we are not safe, and our homeland needs a better protection system.
Mexico is harboring Mr. Garcia. A cop killer is still living a free life in Mexico. This is a continuous nightmare. Mexico will not extradite a violent criminal wanted for murder, because they don’t agree with the death penalty, or life in prison. This monster moved from Mexico and illegally came to the United States, and resided here in California. He plagued our streets with drugs, and criminal activities. Why isn’t he accountable to our laws, if he lived here and committed murder here? Why is Mexico forcing their laws on our country? Where is the mutual respect? Why would Mexico protect a criminal, who had been deported three times, and had two previous attempted murders, prior to Dave’s death? I want the assurances he is paying for the crime here in the United States. Our family will not settle for a lesser crime such as manslaughter. He took a life, and should be willing to give up his own. That is why the law is in place.
I’m so grateful to our law enforcement, our Sheriff, Lee Baca, and our District Attorney, Steve Cooley, for being a voice, and supporting our family during this most difficult time. This is in the hands of our federal Government, and our President. We appreciate the prayers and want this tragedy to shed light on our broken system. We cannot let the bad guys win. Our citizens and our police officers are not safe. Please write to your local Congressman and our leaders in Washington D.C. More voices and letters will increase our chances in making our government accountable.
To this day even though the Mexican Government knows where he is staying in Mexico that government refuses to hand him over. Just yesterday one of our elected leaders asked the Mexican Government to hand this scumbag over
County Supervisor Mike Antonovich is again urging the president of Mexico to extradite a Mexican national wanted for the murder of a Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy.
During a traffic stop on April 29, 2002, in Irwindale, Deputy David March of the Santa Clarita Valley was allegedly shot to death by Armando Garcia, who fled to Mexico.
March stopped a black Nissan Maxima and entered the car’s license plate into his Mobil Data Terminal. Shortly after, he was shot several times at close range.
In a letter to Mexican President Vicente Fox, Antonovich referred to the recent extradition of Victor Garcia, a suspect in the 2001 murder of a Costa Mesa teenager, and asked that Armando Garcia be extradited as well.
The Mexican government has refused repeated requests for Armando Garcia’s extradition. As a policy, Mexico doesn’t extradite suspects facing either the death penalty or life in prison.
According to a Supreme Court of Mexico ruling in 2001, no extradition can be granted until the requesting state gives assurances the suspect will be eligible for parole.
The purpose of punishment is rehabilitation, the Mexican court held, which makes life in prison cruel and unusual punishment. The court reaffirmed the ruling in April. Also, Mexico generally does not extradite nationals like Garcia.
A new California law, which takes effect Saturday, amends the penal code, allowing anyone prosecuted in a foreign jurisdiction for crimes committed in the United States, to be retried if they re-enter the country.
And a request to boycott Mexico is gaining steam among us cops which I hope will catch on with other’s
A boycott of Mexican products, services and vacations to pressure that government to extradite fugitives wanted for murder and other crimes in the United States is gaining momentum among law enforcement agencies, including the Riverside Sheriffs’ Association.
“These guys are murderers and heinous killers. I’m sure citizens of Mexico don’t want them hanging around in their neighborhoods either,” said Pat McNamara, president of the Riverside Sheriffs’ Association. “Extraditing these people is purely the right thing to do.”
The movement began after the April 2002 killing of Los Angeles County sheriff’s Deputy David March. While on patrol in Irwindale, March was allegedly shot to death by Armando Garcia, who fled to Mexico.
Garcia remains untouchable to American authorities because Mexico doesn’t extradite suspects facing either the death penalty or life in prison without parole…
Organizations adopted the boycott after taking their cause from Sacramento to Washington, D.C., only to be shunned later by federal authorities who’ve offered little recognition of the problem, said Roy Burns, president of the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs.
“We’ve talked to levels as high as (Attorney General) John Ashcroft and are unable to achieve our goals through political and legal means,” Burns said. “This is our last stab at justice.”
Is David’s murder the only one of it’s kind? No way.
On April 9, 1999, Anabella Vara was kidnapped and held at gunpoint by her estranged husband, Daniel Perez, for four hours. Her life was repeatedly threatened. Anabella was able to temporarily reach a place of safety and call 911 on her cell phone. This enraged defendant Perez who pursued her fleeing vehicle with his vehicle and ran her off the road causing her to run for her life. Perez caught up to Anabella and shot her in the back of the head, leaving her for dead.
Perez was quickly apprehended and charged with attempted murder. He bailed out on $1,000,000, probably illegally posted. Two days before the trial ended, on the day that Anabella, her sister and her father testified, August 27, 1999, Perez broke into the family home at 3:00 a.m. and opened fire hitting her father, Carlos Vara, seven times, killing him instantly. Anabella had been relocated to a “safe house” that evening. Perez has threatened to come back and finish the job on Anabella. She lives in constant fear of his return.
Daniel Perez was convicted of all counts and sentenced in absentia to 33 years, 8 months to life, plus life on Anabella?s case. Carlos Vara’s murder took place in Fontana, California and San Bernardino County District Attorney has filed one count of murder with a P.C. 12022.5(a) and 12022.53(d) allegations. Although no special circumstance has been filed to date, it is clear that P.C. 190.2(a)(10) applies.
There are many many cases such as these, against civilians, against cops.
On May 13, 1979, Deputy Willmon approached Alvaro Rodarte and began questioning him about a burglary that had taken place in the area. During the encounter, a struggle ensued and Rodarte stabbed Deputy Willmon numerous times. Rodarte then fled to Mexico where he remained a fugitive for 24 years.
On August 29, 2003, Rodarte was arrested in Zacatecas. He will be prosecuted for the murder of Deputy Willmon in Mexico under Article IV of the Mexican Federal Penal Code. If convicted, he could have been sentenced to prison for 2-60 years; however on September 4, 2003 a Mexican court ruled that the statute of limitations had run and Rodarte was acquitted and released.
[Note: If this were a California case, the acquittal would forever bar prosecution and Rodarte would be free to live in either country without fear of arrest or prosecution.]
Agent Richard Fass, 37, United States Drug Enforcement Agency
Murdered June 30, 1994On his last day as an undercover officer, after attending a transfer party in his honor, Agent Fass went to a strip mall in Glendale, Arizona to complete a narcotics transaction. The drug dealers had planned a robbery and execution and immediately engaged Fass in a gun battle. Fass fired back, wounding one man, but was then hit by a fusillade of bullets. He was shot six times in the head at point blank range with a .45 caliber handgun. The two shooters were quickly arrested, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to life without the possibility of parole plus 55 years. The mastermind of the plot to kill Agent Fass, Augustin Vasquez Mendoza, fled to Mexico.
An intense manhunt was begun. Police began interrogating members of Vasquez? family and death threats began flowing. Nine Mexican police officers throughout the area were assassinated, including five who had worked directly on this investigation. During the course of the investigation, DEA agents and local police uncovered the lucrative drug trade of the Sinaloan Cowboys from Michoacan. Drug runners throughout the United States were apprehended.
After more than six years of searching and rewards totaling $2.2 million dollars, Vasquez was arrested in Puebla on July 10, 2000.
In January, 2002, after a year and a half of negotiating, a judge ruled that the recent Mexican Supreme Court decision barred his extradition. The US argued that under the law as it existed in 1994, a life sentence meant 25 years in prison. With all charges stacked, the maximum sentence would be 53 years. In October, 2002, the PGR approved extradition and DEA agents went to the prison where Vasquez-Mendoza was being housed only to be turned away at the jail door. Vazquez-Mendoza had filed an Amparo related to a pending drug charge arguing that he couldn?t have been the subject wanted in the drug case because at that time he was on the run for the murder of Agent Fass. Prison authorities refused to honor the extradition order and release Vazquez-Mendoza to U.S. authorities until the Mexican drug charges were resolved. As of the date of this report, more than nine years after the murder of Agent Fass, Mexico continues to refuse to release Vazquez-Mendoza to the United States. There is some question as to whether or not the extradition process will have to begin anew.
I would urge anyone reading this blog to please send email to your representative urging them to pass legislation to force the Mexican Government into action. You can find a sample letter and directory to your Congressman here.

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