Surfing around some blogs today I ran across a few interesting Iraq one’s. The first one Iraq Calling had some great info on Sadr
“There are reports that Moqtada Al-Sadr is getting very frustrated with his henchmen. While he gives the nice political face to his organization, he is furious that his orders to assassinate Allawi and other officials have come to nothing. We may see some more activity from him.”
Also some great pictures. This first one shows the former Grand Saddam Mosque

This next one is the author flying over some children with a flock of sheep

See the rest here.
Another good one is Iraq The Model Where he says
“The people here are eager to register themselves in the voters’ lists and every once in a while one could hear some of the folks complaining about not receiving their registration forms till now.
From what I’ve observed so far I expect that this area, together with many other regions in the Iraqi south will witness the highest rates of participation in the elections.”

See author page