Bush Protects His Secret Service

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SANTIAGO, Chile Nov 20, 2004 President Bush stepped into the middle of a confrontation and pulled his lead Secret Service agent away from Chilean security officials who barred his bodyguards from entering an elegant dinner for 21 world leaders Saturday night.

Several Chilean and American agents got into a pushing and shoving match outside the cultural center where the dinner was held. Bush noticed the fracas after posing for pictures on a red carpet with the summit host, Chilean President Ricardo Lagos and his wife and first lady Laura Bush.

Abandoning the other three, Bush walked over to the agents, reached through the dispute and pulled his agent from the scrum.

The president, looking irritated, walked away with the agent. The incident was shown on APEC television.

“Chilean security tried to stop the president’s Secret Service from accompanying him,” said White House deputy press secretary Claire Buchan. “He told them they were with him and the issue was resolved.”

This video of the President not hesitating one second to turn around and wade into a crowd of people to save one of his own bodyguards show’s once more the true character of this man. This guy really does have balls and I am even more proud to have him as our President. What do you think Kerry would of done, not a damn thing, he probably would of called the agent a son of a bitch for holding up his picture taking time.

Wizbang has some thoughts which quite frankly make a lot of sense. I’m glad he is the type of man that would take this action but it just wasn’t a smart security action. It could of been a ruse to create a disturbance while someone assassinated the President….and where was the rest of his detail to stop him from going in there like that? I’m sure this agent is taking some ribbing from his co-workers, having to be saved by the man he was supposed to protect, funny stuff.