Say What? August 15, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Nancy Pelosi: “He’s (Bush) saying something to the effect of we’re so glad to welcome you here, congratulations and I know you’ll probably have some different things to say about what is going on-which is correct. But, as he was saying this, he was fading and this other thing was happening to me. My chair was getting crowded in,” said Pelosi. “I swear this happened, never happened before, it never happened since. My chair was getting crowded in and I couldn’t figure out what it was, it was like this. And then I realized Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth, you name it, they were all in that chair, they were. More than I named and I could hear them say: `At last we have a seat at the table.’ And then they were gone.”

Say What? August 6th, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.: “I don’t think the burden should be on me.  The burden should be on him. He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn’t he release his tax returns?”  Harry Reid, incidentally, has not released any tax returns.

Sen. Chuck Schumer: “Every day Mitt Romney has to talk about tax returns is a bad day for him and a good day for the Democrats.” Chuck’s right on this.

I’m not saying Barack Obama is a drug dealer, but if he was it would be a felony [Reader Post]

The Obama campaign has repeatedly made references to Mitt Romney being a liar and a felon.

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter suggested that Mitt Romney may be a criminal on a conference call with reporters this morning about a Boston Globe report that shows that Romney stayed at Bain Capital three years past when he said he’d left.

Say What? May 22, 2012 Edition [Reader Post]

Obama Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “The goal of Romney economics has always been about wealth creation, but job creation. It’s wealth creation for a handful of investors like Mitt Romney, not about the creation of jobs for everybody else.”

Chris Wallace: “Mr. Goolsby, can you name a single CEO who does not see their job as creating wealth for their investors rather than creating jobs?” [quoted from memory]

Austin Goolsbey, an Obama adviser: “Uh, I don’t know the answer to that.”