Obama 2nd term: Jobs? economy? Nope. Global Warming! [Reader Post]

If you thought that in a second term Barack Obama would focus like a laser beam on jobs and the economy, think again:

President Obama plans to make climate change his top priority for his second term. No, that’s not from The Onion, a humor publication, but the left-leaning New Yorker. What planet does this president live on?

Obama’s ego is writing checks cashed with the souls of men [Reader Post]

This vainglorious administration is so self-absorbed that it refuses to keep secrets if it can in any way benefit politically from them regardless of the cost. Obama is so bent on preening he seems not to have any concern at all for those who actually make the sacrifices. First Joe Biden outs SEAL Team 6 as those who participated in the Bin Laden raid and then Leon Panetta outed the doctor who helped provide intelligence for the raid. That was catastrophic for the doctor.