Maybe it’s time to drop the picket signs and pick up a copy of The Road to Serfdom [Reader Post]

It was with great interest that I watched Facebook catch fire with support of the calls for picketing and sick-outs at Wal-Mart stores across the country on Black Friday. From what I could tell, most of those supporting the calls were liberals who attacked the company with claims that it doesn’t pay “a living wage”, “exploits” its workers, or owes its workers health care. I even saw one fantastical claim that a majority of Wal-Mart employees are on food stamps.

Jimmy Carter is Rick Perry’s biggest fan…[Reader Post]

If Barack Obama were prone to conspiracy theories, he might think the last couple of weeks were part of a plot orchestrated by Jimmy Carter to salvage his own legacy.

First off the Democrats get the GOP to acquiesce to a debt ceiling bill that will result in the federal government raising taxes and increasing spending by over $7 trillion over the next decade.

What does it say about the United States when a Russian president sounds more like a capitalist than the American president? [Reader Post]

In preparing for the 2012 election campaign the President said the following: “The proposition that the government is always right is manifested either in corruption or benefits to ‘preferred’ companies.” He went on: The “economy ought to be dominated by private businesses and private investors. The government must protect the choice and property of those who willingly risk their money and reputation.” Also: “Corruption, hostility to investment, excessive government role in the economy and the excessive centralization of power are the taxes on the future that we must and will scrap.