Short Takes May 8th, 2011 [Reader Post]

1) Osama bin Laden was on the 3rd floor of his compound, and it took quite awhile for Navy SEALS to break through the inner wall and get up to that third floor. There were guns on that third floor. Laden did not grab a gun and come out with his guns blazing; he did not grab a gun and take cover, and start shooting. Apparently he threw one of his wives at a Navy SEAL, and that seems to be the extent of his resistence. Where is the great terrorist who would like to take as many Americans down with him at his death?

$6 million is not enough [Reader Post]

As has been long recognized, it is best to watch Barack Obama’s actions does as opposed to listening to his words. We are finally getting some insight into something he said, i.e. are able to begin to flesh out a definition. Obama once said

“I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money…”

Hey Barry- if you don’t need the tax cut, why are you taking it? [Reader Post]

Barack Obama filed his tax return, showing he made about $1.7 million last year.

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is making less money than he used to, though it’s still a lot: He and wife Michelle reported income of $1.73 million last year, mostly from the books he’s written, according to his just-filed tax return. That was down from the $5.5 million of a year earlier.