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What a flaming liar. Observe the eyes diversion, lips, eye brow movement, shoulder and finger movements during his verbal expressions. The Corp has an expression for an individual of this contempt and nature.
Useless piece of garbage is an understatement and the numbers he quoted are pure trash.

This idiot is buying into Osama bin Laden’s ploy of always finding an excuse for his own acts of terrorism.
The koran demands Muslim fighters are retaliating, not instigating against others when they jihad.
Osama used ancient history, blaming 9-11-01 on the fact that Spain had come back and taken Islamic rule away from the Spanish land back hundreds of years ago!
No way anyone alive would ”fix” that.
It will Always be a point to use as an instigation against the West.
Josh Earnest is using its existence as a point to use as an instigation against the West.
But even were it non-existent now, it had been in existence.
That enough could always be used by any Muslim with that sort of mindset.

In other words, there’s ALWAYS going to be SOMETHING Muslims can use as instigation.
We could not possibly live in the tiny corner painted by our own self-censorship that Josh pretends might lead to peace.
And even if we tried to do so, as did the Coptics in Egypt, it wouldn’t work.

Around 520 Gitmo detainees were released or transferred beyond U.S. control by the Bush administration. A total of 779 prisoners have been held at Gitmo since the prison facility opened. The present Gitmo prisoner population is 127. Simple arithmetic tells us that the Obama administration has released or transferred a total of only around 132 prisoners.

Of those released by the Bush administration, 171 are known for a fact to have returned to the battlefield. One such person is Ibrahim al-Rubaysh, a senior al Qaeda leader, who presently has a $5 million reward on his head.

Of those released by the Obama administration, only 7 are known to have returned to the battlefield. So, we have 171 dangerous fanatics turned loose by Bush, versus only 7 who slipped by the Obama administration.

Apparently the Obama administration’s screening process has been much more effective than that of their less competent predecessors.

@Greg: Greg, you make NO point!! Are you saying Bush was correct to release these prisoners or incorrect!! Are you saying Obola is correct to release them?? Anyone with half a brain would conclude the prisoners retained the longest would be the most hardened!! Of course this does NOT include you. You still can’t admit Obola lied when he told America if you like your insurance and/or doctor you can keep them period!! For you it’s Bush’s fault no matter what happens!!

@Common Sense: You should be more tolerant towards our mentally handicapped liberals who post here. Shame on you! LOL

@Common Sense, #4:

Greg, you make NO point!! Are you saying Bush was correct to release these prisoners or incorrect!! Are you saying Obola is correct to release them?

There’s a point, alright. The White House is defending itself from a lie that right wing propagandists are constantly pushing: that Bush won the war, but Obama lost it. They’re trying to pin blame for everything that has gone wrong as a result of Bush and Cheney’s screw ups on the guy who has had to deal with the negative results of them.

Here’s the point: If you want to blame Obama for what 7 former prisoners did after their releases, you’re going to have to apply the same standard to Bush in the case of 171. If you’re not going to be consistent you’ll need to stop making the claim. Otherwise, the White House will feel compelled to point out such inconsistencies.

The Obama White House has actually treated their predecessors quite respectfully, in my opinion. Cheney, on the other hand, has sometimes behaved like a total a-hole. There have been times when I would have liked to have seen the White House favor Cheney with a public dose of his own vile medicine.

Anyone with half a brain would conclude the prisoners retained the longest would be the most hardened!!

That’s your statement, not mine. My brain is working just fine and draws no such conclusion.

The prisoners retained the longest will be the longest time out of touch with their organizations and out the fight. They’ll be those who have been under close observation for the longest periods of time. They’ll also have become older. There are reasons why most violent crimes are committed by younger men, and why you’ll find far fewer men in their forties and fifties on a battlefield.

I’m not claiming that any of this automatically makes them safer candidates for release. All I’m saying is that there’s no good reason to believe that those released after briefer stays were automatically safer, either.