Video: Obama not handling gun-control failure in Senate very well


Allahpundit @ Hot Air:

promised you a tantrum. Via Mediaite, here it is. It’s interesting to see what gets The One’s dander up, and what doesn’t:

Never mind Benghazi. Where was this supposedly righteous anger after Aurora? The victims in that case weren’t small children, but that can’t possibly explain O’s dramatically more subdued reaction after that shooting. They were innocent people too; many of them were young, if not kindergarteners. No angry Rose Garden press conferences freaking out about Senate inaction after Aurora, though. Any theories why? Anything, maybe, having to do with when that shooting happened vis-a-vis Newtown? Right: One of them came three months before a presidential election and the other came a month after. That’s the difference. As you watch him point the finger here at supposedly gutless senators who care more about retaining public office than Doing Something, remember that there’s hardly one among them who’s as attuned to political self-preservation as O. He kept his mouth shut nice and tight about guns when it was his own ass on the line last year in purple states; he ignored gun control almost completely when he had 60 Democrats votes in the Senate early in his first term; and as we know from the gay-marriage farce, he isn’t above lying outright to voters about his true positions in the name of getting elected. (Let’s not start on the many ways he’s followed Bush’s counterterrorism lead after selling himself to the left in ’08 as the anti-Bush on foreign policy.)

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Pressure cookers and now fertilizer have taken the fire away from Obama’s emotion-laden demand for gun control.

Obama will be at a prayer vigil for those victims of the terrorist attack in Boston.
But in Texas a real tragedy occurred.
A fertilizer plant caught fire, volunteer firefighters responded then a tank of highly explosive fertilizer exploded, killing at least 5 to 15 people, others missing, over 140 injured.
But is Texas too RED a state to warrant comments from our petty prez?
Is he still too angry that a pressure cooker killed people, taking fire away from his pity-party with his anecdotal gun victim props?
How can he deal with all these non-gun deaths?
Like he did all those gun murders in Chicago? By wanting laws that would do nothing?
Only this time against pressure cookers and fertilizers?

Too easy. Losing in the Democrap Senate makes him look bad. Losing in the House would make the Repubs look uncaring and so out dated. He wants the House with dingbat Pelosi in charge. This pettiness could cause trouble in the Senate come 2014. His second term could be a lame duck disaster. He surrounds himself with victims and continues to lie in order to grind down America.

I think that our Dear Leader needs a nice calming round of golf and a few tokes to settle down. Maybe a bit of blow too.

@UpChuck.Liberals: Why do you think Reggie Love is back in Obama’s life?
He handles all of the above.


NRA head David Keene told Secrets that the president and his team misplayed their hand because they don’t have a sense of the public’s attitude toward gun control. “They just can’t gauge the public reaction to what they do because they don’t have any sense that the public has feelings different than they do,” said Keene.

He thought and his folks thought that Newtown changed everything. Newtown was a tragedy but that doesn’t change people’s basic values and feelings,” added the NRA president. “What he learned is that he bit off a lot more than he can chew and that you can’t just talk your way to a victory. You have to have something that makes some sense and he what he was proposing just didn’t make much sense.”

All the rest here:

Joe isn’t handling it very well either;

Scarborough On Gun Bill: GOP’s Headed ‘Toward Extinction’

And both he and Obama are right.