They Wouldn’t Act This Way If Ted Cruz Weren’t Putting Points on the Board


Erick Erickson @ Redstate:

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board is upset with Ted Cruz for leading a filibuster against gun control.

John McCain tweeted out the Journal’s editorial in a moment of wackiness.

Bill Richardson, the scandal plagued former Governor of New Mexico, says Ted Cruz can’t be called hispanic despite being hispanic because Ted Cruz isn’t a race baiter like Richardson.

And now Harry Reid calls Ted Cruz a schoolyard bully for Cruz objecting to Harry Reid trying to expand government in a bipartisan fashion.

Most interesting to me is this part of Harry Reid’s statement of frustration:

He pushes everybody around and is losing and instead of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him, but he changes the rules that way no one wins except the bully who tries to indicate to people that he has won.

Harry Reid is right. Ted Cruz is not playing by the rules. The rules have, for years, been that the conservatives sit on the back bench and the let the Senate’s Republican and Democratic leadership collaborate to grow government. The rules say that Senate “adults” can leak to the New York Times about conservative senators, but those conservative senators have to take it.

The rules have been stacked against conservatives and Ted Cruz isn’t playing by those rules. He’s fighting for freedom. We should thank him. His efforts are not alone either. He is tag teaming with Rand Paul and Mike Lee. The three of them are putting the rest of the Senate GOP in the awkward position of finally having a triumvirate by which to be measured.

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Bill Richardson’s claim that Ted Cruz can’t be called hispanic despite being hispanic harkens all the way back to a California issue.
The California University Regents were deciding whether or not to put in race quotas as part of state college admissions.
A black regent, Ward Connerly, was opposed.
His opponents called him “partly black” for taking that stand.
In truth he’s as mixed as Obama.
And Obama is NEVER called partly black.

We have honest Reps in the House who are also standing on principle.

Bill Richardson, a man who cheated on his wife, spent New Mexico taxpayer money for his own use like he was entitled to it (sound familiar?) and who has such a cloud of scandal hanging over his head that he couldn’t even make the grade in the Obama administration (and that’s saying something with the recent nomination of Penny Pritzer) said he would not define Ted Cruz as Hispanic.

Yesterday, the Conservative Hispanic Society, calling Richardson a “loud-mouthed Latino) demanded an aplogy from Richardson. Finding a sympathetic ear in Shepard Smith, Richardson denied that is what he said saying he said “Cruz should not be just defined as Hispanic.” No, Bill, that is not what you said and if Shepard Smith was an honest reporter of the news (which he’s not) he would have called you down on that comment.

But in one way, Richardson is right. Cruz, himself, does not “define” himself by his ethnic heritage. He consideres himself an American. End of story. And the only thing that Richardson did was lay bare the mindset of the left. If you are Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Star Parker, Mia Love, Allen West, Walter Williams, Tim Scott, or any member of Project 21, by DNC standards, those people are not really black. If you don’t tow the line that the Democrats have set for certain groups, the Democrats feel the right to define their race/ethnic heritage. And as we know, blond haired, blue eyed teen agers are given affirmative action preferences to universities simply based on their ethnic minority names, like Cruz.

So now Richardson has moved the goal posts for Hispanics. You either side with the Democrats, or you are not really Hispanic.

instead of playing the game according to the rules, ………. but he changes the rules that way no one wins except the bully who tries to indicate to people that he has won.

What a hypocrite Dirty Harry is. Obviously, he suffers from Old Timer’s disease. He seems to have forgotten how Obamacare was crafted, behind closed doors with the Republicans locked out, and shoved down the throats of the American people in a Democrat crafted “procedural” move. He seems to have forgotten that Obama told the American people they would be able to read the bills before he signed them, while Pelosi said we had to pass the bill so we could see what was in it. Reid has been bending the rules for years. He’s now just p.o.ed because someone is making him stick to them, and he doesn’t like it.

Harry Reid’s greatest fear is the Gang of 3; Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. No more back rooms deals. That is what the dust up was all about yesterday. Cruz is demanding that sunlight be shed on the cockroaches, and Reid objects. Reid has been spoiled with the go along to git along RINOs like McCain and Graham who will sell this country out all in the name of comity.

The long knives are out and you can be sure that the Democrats and the left wing media (alas, I repeat myself) will go after Cruz with a vengence. But Reid is too stupid to understand he has just met his army of Davids.

Perhaps if Se. Cruz had a Hispanic accent, and shivered like a chihuaha with a brain seizure everytime he heard a leafblower, Harry Reid and Bill (wait, I have no accent either) Richardson might concede his (Cruz’s) ethnicity.
Wait- is “Richardson” a hispanic surname? Or is he parlaying his alleged ethnicity into a “political advantage”?
Wouldn’t that be rare-

I like TED CRUZ, he is not a FOLLOWER, he is his own man fearless in front of threats,
and RAND PAUL like him, they are the WARIORS who love AMERICA OVER ANY THING,
and will play a big role in the restauration of the TRUE AMERICA,
which the DEMOCRATS are too coward to face the OBAMAFIA,
oh they don’t think AMERICA HIS WORTH THE FIGHT,
they are about to fall in the weakness hole they have digged since 2008
they did it themselves,

@ilovebeeswarzone: Cruz,Paul and Love. Red ,Red and Dead Red. Let me know when they win anything on a National level.

Richard Wheeler
don’t be in a hurry, they will win, because they make sense and love AMERICA,
wouldn’t you MARINE be happy to have the people totally sold to the real AMERICA,
be in a position to PROTECT HER until they die,
JUST LIKE THE MILITARY carrying their OATH with the FLAG as a true message
to the WORLD until they die,

@Richard Wheeler:

Paul and Cruz, two men whose boots, again, you are not fit to shine.

@retire05: You’re just a sad old lady and I laugh at your continued insults.

According to the newspeak of the liberals….
You are not really gay unless you are pro-gay marriage.
You are not really black unless you are a Democrat.
You are not really a woman unless you are pro-abortion.
You are not really Hispanic unless you side with Dems on issues.

I guess we’ll all just have to be satisfied with being considered American.
According to Obama:
You are not really American unless you agree with him!

Nan G
you say that so well,
I love to read you as I’m sure the other do.

We love Ted Cruz, and our background (my family’s) is Hispanic with many other ethnicity -s (?) mixed in. Viva Ted Cruz! Just keep on pushing!

Richard Wheeler
WE don’t need the insults,
we need facts and solutions.
we have only time for that now.

stay with us, we have the WARRIORS on our side.
of course they are CONSERVATIVES,
you would not find a real warrior DEMOCRAT,
they all repeat what their leader say,

I found another POST on TED CRUZ
check it up he is on the top of the list of comment
on active discussions
the name of the post is : they wouldn’t act …..