The Church of Government


Michael Ramirez’ work at Investors Business Daily is always brilliant, butyesterday’s editorial cartoon may be one of his best ever.  The two-time Pulitzer Prize winner takes on the Church of Government, as my friend John Hinderaker calls it at Power Line, and skewers Barack Obama’s pretensions of being a faith leader while shredding the Constitution — in the cartoon, literally.  Do not miss the details of this work, one of Ramirez’ most richly illustrated entries ever.  Click on the image if you need a closer look:

Michael Gerson wrote earlier this week that Obama has declared war on religion, and has betrayed those who sought to work with him:

The implications of Obama’s choice will take years to sort through. The immediate impact can be measured on three men:

Consider Catholicism’s most prominent academic leader, the Rev. John Jenkins, president of Notre Dame. Jenkins took a serious risk in sponsoring Obama’s 2009 honorary degree and commencement address — which promised a “sensible” approach to the conscience clause. Jenkins now complains, “This is not the kind of ‘sensible’ approach the president had in mind when he spoke here.” Obama has made Jenkins — and other progressive Catholic allies — look easily duped.

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“This is not the kind of ‘sensible’ approach the president had in mind when he spoke here.”

The good Rev. either misspoke, or really has been duped. Obama very well had that “sensible” approach in mind, meaning what is transpiring now, when he spoke there. Anyone who looked into Obama’s background could easily have seen that there would be a BIG difference between what Obama said in speeches everywhere, and what he would actually do.

For the most part, Obama’s speeches were littered with “centrist” speak, leading the easily duped to believe that Obama would govern from the center. However, all one had to do was listen to the clips from the unrehearsed, spur of the moment comments he made to know he wouldn’t. Remember Joe the Plumber and Obama’s words to him promoting “redistribution of wealth”? Only the ignorant, or stupid, or liberal/progressive faithful could have believed Obama.

As for the Rev. Jenkins, I believe the phrase “reap what you sow” is appropriate.

The most hypocritical religious pretense I see these days is in pretending to be a true follower of Christ, while totally disregarding everything he said about wealth and what should be done for the poor. That was the central part of the message.

Jesus didn’t comment on birth control, or on the point at which a fertilized egg becomes a human being.

JESUS would come clear if he would be talking today,
don’t forget the era JESUS was talking about it.

@Greg: Greg: You had me reading on until paragraph two when your true self jumped out. I for one live on a small Reserve Marine retirement and yet of my on choice I tithe 10% through my church for my personal support of the less fortunate. If I could be less of a Christian spirit then I would surely follow our VPOTUS’s $594 annual charitable giving example. To further respond to your sanctimonious comment, Mr. Romney is a great example of the fortunate more than supporting the less fortunate through the auspices of his God as guaranteed by our Constitution.

As far as the human baby (life supreme) and which came first the fertilized egg or human existence, it really seems that you mean to pursue the “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” conundrum. Please be forthright and just say it.

You doth try to hard to convince us to join your Margaret Sanger Eugenicist club credited with ending the life/existence of 50 Million plus babies since Roe v. Wade was foisted upon the taxpayer. What is truly amazing is the disproportionate number of babies of color whose lives were (and will be) extinguished. Did you ever wonder why the black population share of the US population as a whole continues to shrink?

Marine 72
hi, very smart comment of yours telling me there will come a day, the BLACK COMMUNITY will curse OBAMA for his encouraging the abortion of so many lives to have been born from ROOTED AMERICANS,
BECAUSE THEY WHERE POOR, instead of providing the means for the mothers to feed her baby
when born to become a proud AMERICAN, now forever gone. and the same to the white was done to a lesser number but the same failure to help the right way,