It is profoundly disturbing to watch a once-great power commit suicide in real time


Monica Crowley:

There will be a lot of argument made about why Mitt Romney (and so many other Republicans lost last night): he ran a poor campaign, he played it too safe, President Obama ran a more effective campaign, the Democrats’ bogus “war on women” worked, Republicans have to find a way to “talk” to women and Latinos and black voters…And on and on. All background noise and not particularly relevant right now.

A very slight majority—but a majority—of the American people KNOWINGLY chose four more years (at least) of high unemployment, anemic economic growth, break-the-bank spending, unsustainable and record-breaking deficits and debt, unpopular and bankrupting socialized medicine, and record numbers of people on food stamps and living in poverty. They KNOWINGLY chose four more years….of this.

A lot of folks are attributing Obama’s win more to his hypnotic hold on so many people than his actual policies, but I think that’s too simplistic a view. While Obama IS a uniquely seductive figure—and while many still feel a deep emotional investment in the first black president—it IS his policies which are—paradoxically—responsible for his win.

When Obama came into office in January 2009, he had three main, overarching goals: first, to expand government as fast and as widely as possible; the ultimate objective of that was to expand the number of people dependent of government as fast and as widely as possible; and the ultimate objective of THAT was to leverage it into a permanent Democrat voting majority. If you are getting a constant stream of freebies from a government promising to stick it to the other guy while providing you with cradle-to-grave “security,” you are less likely to vote out the guy doling out the free stuff.

Obama had a multi-pronged strategy to achieve those three goals, but two were particularly effective. First, he chose a path of divide and conquer to pit Americans against each other in order to make it easier to slide in his radical redistributionist agenda. He divided us by class, gender, race, and age. He turned the American motto, “E Pluribus Unum” (“Out of Many, One”) upside down. It is now, “Out of One, Many.” The American experiment cannot go on as it once did driven by divisions and envy rather than uniting values and common goals.

The other thing Obama understood was that if you expand government and dependency on it AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, you take the sting out of a bad economy. The more government aid and programs to “take care” of you during an economic crisis, the less likely you are to throw the bums out who caused—or who are prolonging—the economic crisis. Therefore, by exploding government dependency, many Americans who would normally be bearing the brunt of this atrocious economy do not feel the kind of acute pain they would have in the past. As recently as 15 to 20 years ago, an incumbent presiding over this kind of disastrous economy would be thrown out on his ear (see: Jimmy Carter; see: George H.W. Bush. Carter’s economy was dismal, but Bush 41 got tossed for a much milder economic downturn than the epic disaster of the Obama economy).

Take the big pain out of a bad economy by getting people dependent, win elections. Get that coveted permanent Democrat voting majority. Although the results were extremely close last night and the country is fairly well divided, enough dependents and those who love dependency chose that path to bring us close to that permanent Democrat voting majority—if we’re not already there. Normal Americans look at Obama’s economic record and see destruction. Obama, his fellow leftists, and now, sadly, a slight majority of Americans, look at it and see a success.

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I don’t necessarily think a lot of people “knowingly” knew what they were choosing. Obama has a pretty thick coating of teflon.

I watched the obama-bots celebrating and wondered if they would ever understand they were celebrating the cutting of their own throats.

Optimism is a much more productive attitude than round-the-clock negativity.

A very slight majority—but a majority—of the American people KNOWINGLY chose four more years (at least) of high unemployment, anemic economic growth, break-the-bank spending, unsustainable and record-breaking deficits and debt, unpopular and bankrupting socialized medicine, and record numbers of people on food stamps and living in poverty. They KNOWINGLY chose four more years….of this.

A very slight majority means more than one-half of the entire voting population. Nor did they KNOWINGLY choose four more years….of this, Ms. Crowley. They consciously rejected your view of the past four years, and consciously rejected your dire predictions concerning the next four.

Democrats, and some Republicans and Independents, knowingly chose not cast their vote for a man without any core beliefs of his own—except those inherited from his religion—Mitt Romney. He was a man who, like any businessman, danced for anyone who pays the piper. Or, more succinctly, all he had was enough functioning digits—as Grover Norquist puts it—to sign any conservative measure that comes across his desk. And I’m sure all conservatives who comment of the site would be proud of him for that.

More than half of those who voted chose to be looters, parasites and to revel in amoral behavior. Look at the facts. Obama’s leftist ideology led to the anti-American and anti-free market policies that have added $6 Trillion to our national debt. Obama is responsible under the Constitution to ensure we have an annual federal budget, yet we have not had a SINGLE Obama budget in over 3 years. Yet he has managed to produce over $1 TRILLION deficit each year. You cannot blame Bush for that. Obama and his keynesian warlocks promised us that if we passed OBAMA’s stimulus that unemployment would never go over 8%, and would quickly return to the <6% rates we were seeing at the beginning of the economic disaster of 2009. The actual unemployment rate, even with BLS cooking the books by dropping off the folks unemployed for more than 6 months, has been higher than the econ warlocks projected it would be WITHOUT the second Obama stimulus. Obama has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in failed 'green" energy companies that have all gone bankrupt, or are about to do so. Obama forced GM to screw over the stockholders to give control of the company to the despicable union thugs, and the only reason that GM has made any money at all is because Obama keeps buying vehicles from GM for government use.
Obama, Holder, Reid, Pelosi, Clinton….all of them are utterly contemptible and deserve to be put on trial for treason. I am sickened that so many Americans are too ignorant of history, politics, economics and lacking in personal character that they willingly voted such a nasty, deceitful, arrogant bastard not just once, but TWICE. Jefferson said that any government that can give you everything can also take everything from you. It is tragic that so many people seem to have forgotten that bit of common sense.
I don't want to be mean…I really don't. But after I sacrificed 25 years of my life in service to my country, I can tell you that I will have absolutely no sympathy for those who voted for Obama when gas hits $7/gallon, unemployment flies upwards of 10%, there are no doctors for people to get their "free" health care, and the economy collapses.

Optimism is a much more productive attitude than round-the-clock negativity.

As much as I would like to ignore: the double-dip is here, we are back in recession, and we will start feeling the pain of it very soon. We are already witness to the market’s current contraction – odds are these entrepreneurs, businessmen, ceos and various boards will go Galt for the next four years. CNBC is already grooming their readers with a headline: Why US economy may be headed for another recession. Hard to be an optimist when the economy is in the shitter.

Oh yeah – Funemployment. Forgot. It’s my perspective. Silly me.

From a very talented poet who goes by the name of Winston:

The Sixth of November

Remember, remember, this sixth of November,
The radicals’ treasonous plot.
I know of no reason the radical’s treason
Should e’er be forgiv’n or forgot.

The Sixties were waning,a nd the Leftists were claiming
That radical changes were due.
Their Marxist solution was armed revolution:
The Weatherman made their debut.

The radicals raged on the national stage, and
Horrific explosions ensued.
Their bombs were fdramatic, but also erratic;
They sometimes killed radicals, too.

The Leftists grew older, the underground, colder,
And so they came in from the cold.
“Subvert from within–in the long run, we’ll win,” said
The Leftists, determined and bold.

And thus it began–this nefarious plan–and
The radical slowly took charge:
Complete infiltration of all education;
The long institutional march.

The journalists schools would produce useful fools, for
The Left would need media shills.
And Hollywood, too, would assist in the coup, with
Its slick propagandizing skills.

“Community action” would build a new faction;
‘Twould organize proles on the street.
A smooth politician would front for the mission,
And run for the president’s seat.

The radicals’ goal, which they proudly extol, is
A communist U.S. of A.
Collectivist scheme lead to brutal regimes, and
For this do the radicals pray.

But Jefferson’s aim, with the charters he framed, was
To guard individual rights.
And “redistribution” was not a solution,
But one of the evils to fight.

So let us remember, this Sixth of November,
Just what is at stake on this date.
Will Jefferson’s dream, or the radicals’ scheme, now
Determine America’s fate?

I guess we have our answer to the last line. Will the tree of liberty have to be refreshed with the blood of new patriots?

I will probably be in trouble, but the United States Of America has lost it’s super power status,and the enemy knows it.They no longer fear us they openly mock us,in my day this would never have happened,It is now the Divided United States Of America,my heart aches for us now.May God help us.

I would like to know the count of paper ballots compared to electronic ballots. There are so many stories about electronic machines being programmed for obama, I would like to know the individual totals of both. I have always wanted paper ballots, so that if there are any questions, there is something to go back and check. It will take longer, but I believe it is more accurate, and harder to program for one side.

Very few democracies or republics (the USA is a republic) last more than a few hundred years. When people realize they can vote free stuff for themselves, they tend to vote free stuff for themselves. Eventually, there isn’t enough money coming in for all of the free stuff, so there is a revolt. Too many times, another country sees a chance to take over that country, and does. If that happens to us, there will be a free for all of which country gets what part of the once free USA. If that does happen, Idaho will be the last to fall, if it falls.

@wildbill: #9

I will probably be in trouble, but the United States Of America has lost it’s super power status,and the enemy knows it.

You are not in trouble for stating the truth. WE are in trouble because what you say is true.