‘Islam Is A Religion Of Beheading’


“All Scholars… Agree On The Permissibility Of Killing A Harbi Infidel”

“I don’t know what to say. My mind is perplexed by words I have read and heard from people whom I do not know how to describe!! Millions of Muslims have been killed, tortured and driven from their homes; tens of thousands of Muslim women have had their honor violated and have been sexually abused by the Americans – yet people are weeping over a Christian American harbi infidel who entered the Islamic State, knowing full well what the Islamic State is, and without a pact [of protection]. Were the soldiers of the Islamic State supposed to pat this American harbi on the back and smile at him? All scholars, without exception, agree on the permissibility of killing a harbi infidel, and agree that his blood and property are fair game. Most of them [also] agree on the permissibility of killing him if he is taken prisoner. So where does this condemnation of the IS come from?… Let it be known to all people that when a harbi enters the land of Islam without a legal pact [of protection], his property, life and progeny are fair game.

“Many Muslims are influenced by the West’s false views and its repulsive ideas, which are exported to the Islamic nation in order to weaken it and change the perception of its youth so that [the youth] become cowardly and subdued and abandon the means of power and terror, and thus create a generation that does not know fighting or the cutting of necks. Recently we saw some who are considered scholars mixing things up and deceiving the nation, changing the concepts of Islamic law to fit the plans of the enemies. We don’t know if they did this out of ignorance about some of the tenets of Islamic law, or were [simply] lying…”

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A Saudi Grand Mufti recently complained about the “Islamic State” using the name “Islamic” while it perpetrates the violent, abhorrent crimes it does. Well, a rose by any other name, they say.

If Muslims do not like the Islamic State acting in their name, they should do something about it and simply denouncing them using the name “Islamic” is a cowardly version of nothing.

What is ironic is the ISIS mouthpiece is saying exactly what the koran says regarding the status of infidels under islam, while those muslims professing the propaganda of “islam means ‘peace’ ” nonsense are the ones engaging in taqqiyah (the muslim goal of lying to infidels – as directed by Mohammed – until the muslim has sufficient strength to overpower, conquer and enslave the infidel.)

It is all in the koran and the haddith, but you have to go read them for yourself, rather than relying on the lying, pro-muslim, leftist propagandists.

Bin Mahmoud goes on to quote a long list of texts which, according to him, prove that Islam condones beheading as a means of terrorizing the enemy, and then emphasizes once more that Islam is not a peaceful religion, since its essence is jihad and martyrdom. He concludes that “Islam is a religion of beheading”:

“The truth is that what distorts the image of Islam is not the beheading and terrorizing of infidels, but rather those who want [Islam to follow the path of] Mandela or Ghandi, with no killing, fighting, brutality, bloodshed or the striking of heads or necks. That is not the religion of [the Prophet] Muhammad son of ‘Abdallah who was sent [to fight] with the sword [until] Judgment Day. The only Koranic surah that is named after him, Surah Muhammad, is [also] called ‘The Surah of Fighting’…

“Islam is a religion of power, fighting, jihad, beheading and bloodshed, not a religion of turning the left cheek to whoever slapped you on the right cheek. On the contrary, it is a religion of breaking the hand that is stretched out to humiliate the Muslim. [Any Muslim] who fights for his property, blood or honor is a martyr.

“In Islam, tourism [means] jihad for the sake of Allah… There is no true life for its believers except through jihad, [and] the goal of its fighters is to die for the sake of their religion…”

Ummmm… yeah. Their goals are not to create, to improve, to make the world a better, more beautiful place. Their goals are to die for the sake of their religion.
Their goals are not at all compatible with the rest of the world.
Their goals lead them to be unfit for anything short of death and destruction. Not creation or improvement.
What a sick cancer on the world islam is.

Ignorance will kill you.
The Koran (in translation) is easily obtained.
We will have peace, says the Prophet, when ALL worship only Allah.
Until then, it is all jihad, all the time.
You could look it up.

Anyone remember “Satanic Verses”?