Dear PBS, I don’t think there’s a compassionate way to murder infants


Matt Walsh:

Dear PBS,

This is quite the bold move. As a third rate, tax subsidized broadcasting outfit with a viewership in the single digits, I’d expect you’d try your best to fly under the radar. There is, after all, no conceivable reason for you to exist, nor is there a solid justification for spending tax money to keep afloat an irrelevant television channel that has long since drowned amid a sea of a million other channels.

Sure, you “only” bring in about 40 million dollars a year in tax money, but why draw attention to the scam? It might be a good 460 million dollars less than the amount that Obama gave to Planned Parenthood last year, but it’s still a sizable sum. It’s still 40 million dollars earmarked for a TV channel which provides absolutely nothing that can’t be found on dozens of other TV channels.

Yet here we are, and you’ve decided to air a 90 minute pro-late term abortion propaganda piece. Of all of the documentaries at your disposal, you chose to give airtime on your tax funded airwaves to a film that glorifies the butchery of viable, fully formed human beings.

The synopsis on your website says that the pro-infanticide film After Tiller paints a “humanizing” portrait of the “doctors” who openly kill fully developed babies who could survive outside of the womb — if they weren’t first poisoned or dismembered by these very “courageous” medical professionals.

In fact, I think the entire synopsis you provide is worth a read:

Martha Shane and Lana Wilson’s After Tiller is a deeply humanizing and probing portrait of the only four doctors in the United States still openly performing third-trimester abortions in the wake of the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas—and in the face of intense protest from abortion opponents. It is also an examination of the desperate reasons women seek late abortions. Rather than offering solutions, After Tiller presents the complexities of these women’s difficult decisions and the compassion and ethical dilemmas of the doctors and staff who fear for their own lives as they treat their patients.


The compassion of people who get paid to kill children.

Pray you never encounter that sort of “compassion,” PBS, for it ends in blood and death and suffering.

Imagine if you aired a documentary which painted slaveowners or Klan members as compassionate. You’d be condemned across the globe, funding would be cut, the President would publicly admonish you, and thousands of death threats would fill up your mailbox. But, instead, you broadcast a love letter to people who kill infants, and a mob of morally bankrupted liberals celebrate you for it.


So I know I’m in the anti-murdering-fully-developed-children-minority, but I still hope you’ll consider a few points about this movie you’re about to show:

First, yes, George Tiller was a late term abortionist who was murdered a few years ago. He was shot through the eye, as I understand, which means the man who aborted him used a far more humane method than the one Tiller used to slaughter 60 thousand human children.

Still, I don’t condone aborting abortionists. I think it’s morally wrong, but only a fool would act as though they don’t understand why a man who made millions through putting children down like rabid dogs at the kennel might be the target of considerable and passionate disapproval.

I hope his killer has asked for God’s forgiveness, but I also hope that the many people who feel no anger in the face of such unspeakable atrocities have also begged for the Lord’s mercy. I can tell you this: those who sit silently and condone the violent destruction of innocent children are, without question, guilty of a sin as serious as, if not more serious than, the man who let his disgust at these crimes against humanity get the best of him.

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Is PBS supporting the killing of a disproportionate number of black babies through abortions? Wonder if they may offer this program for a rerun on BET TV

Does the “documentary” cover Gosnell joking about killing a baby so big “it could have walked to the bus stop”? That was one funny guy.

Ever wonder how many women bill clinton knocked up and had to have abortions?