Constitutional law professor on separation of powers: “Stop hatin’ all the time”



It is indeed “hatin’,” not “hating,” as both CNN and ABC note, and that’s deliberate. His strategy in answering the GOP’s lawsuit in the court of public opinion is cynical and brilliant: He’s going to laugh the whole thing off as highfalutin nonsense, something the average joe shouldn’t spend two seconds thinking about. Obama the Harvard Law grad knows how significant the underlying separation-of-powers issues are and how weak his case is on the merits. So Obama the politician is going to reassure low-information voters who lack basic civics that the whole thing is basically a goof. That’s where the use of vernacular comes in — he’s as befuddled by this constitutional folderol as you are, America. It’s just “hatin’.” Needless to say, had George Bush responded to liberal worries about presidential signing statements by jovially accusing them of “hatin’,” the media would have dumped in its pants. MSNBC hosts would be demanding his resignation for treating matters of grave constitutional concern so dismissively and lefty bloggers would be wondering if Bush wasn’t showing symptoms of being a “dry drunk” in laughing off something this serious. As it is, hackery will prevail.

I’ve gotta say, pessimist though I am, I thought the public would be a harder sell on transitioning to a system of government by executive decree than telling them that the opposition’s just “hatin’” and don’t you worry your pretty heads about the details. Evidently it’s time to lower the bar of expectations once again. Here’s today’s clip followed by a blast from the past (2008) back when Obama thought checks and balances meant more than Congress “being mad.”

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Obama’s not just fashionably late (as usual) he’s dropping his ”white” dialect.
He’s modulating all up and down the scale. (see 1:30 also at 2:45)
He’s stuttering.
He’s ginnin’ ’em up.
Ya’o. (you know)

He sounds high as a kite.
I know he drinks, but he doesn’t sound like he’s drunk too much.
He sounds high on drugs.
Or maybe he forgot his speech earlier this week about talking black.

IMHO Most teachers/professors are liberals and border on communism. I remember an economics teacher used to show the class his communist card – and he taught how great communism was. Thankfully I was older than most of the group and had some sense not to listen to him.

2nd video: 1:25 min
It seems from what Obama is saying Bush actually ‘looked at, and read Bills’ which is why he vetoed some line items he though were questionable.

Unlike the Pelosi infamous and scary quotes “we have to pass the Bill to see what’s in it.” And no one, but no one in all of congress all of Senate, and in particular, our own President – actually read this ‘bill’ called Obamacare…which was laden with ‘other Bills hidden within (is that the: to the see what’s in it part too?) sneaky? Yup. Bribes to members of Congress to vote on this – corrupt and sneaky? Yup.

How many other bills were passed under Obama on a Friday – late at night – over a weekend? Sneaky? Yup.

Obamy = hypocrite of the highest order.

Constitutional Professor = Concentration = 14th Amendment/community organizing
Constitutional “Scholar” = hardly.

Mark Levin – Constitutional Scholar – Dead on – The man is awesome.