‘Beyond parody’: Lefties’ unbelievable take on stay at home parents



@Popehat that was my tax professor’s theory in law school. Paint your house rather than hire a painter? You should pay the tax he didn’t.

— Lawyer Cat* (@LawyerCat_) January 28, 2015

Astoundingly un-American ideas like this caused a stir on Twitter thanks to an article in The Nation and a New York Times blog post

Um. <blinking eyes rapidly> pic.twitter.com/TfLukF48ZO

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 28, 2015

That epically ridiculous retweet is a quote from — wait for it — The Nation.http://t.co/1i9oRqnvgr

— Blasphemous Hat (@Popehat) January 28, 2015

@Popehat All your stuff belongs to the government. It’s just letting you rent it.

— Konabianca (@konabianca) January 28, 2015

This ridiculous snippet from the article at The Nation is going viral.

And as Josh Barro points out, single-earner households are getting a bonus another way: the labor a mother or father performs in the home caring for a kid or wiping down a counter is unpaid and therefore goes untaxed. When two parents work outside the home and pay someone to watch their children, both those incomes are taxed.

The link in that snippet points back to a New York Times blog post by Josh Barro with an equally ridiculous smart take.

President Obama’s proposal to expand a tax break for working parents with children under 5 has some conservatives criticizing it for discriminating against stay-at-home parents.

Those parents wouldn’t be able to take the proposed tax credit equal to 50 percent of child care expenses, up to a maximum of $3,000 per child. What the critics fail to see is that the playing field wasn’t level to begin with. The tax code is already hugely distorted in favor of stay-at-home parenting: Labor outside the home is taxed; household work, such as stay-at-home parenting, is not. (emphasis added)

You see, by being a stay at home parent, you are a recipient of government benevolence because your “labor” is not taxed. Funny. We were always under the impression that it wasincome that was taxed, not labor. But the moonbats are actually arguing that by performing labor without income, you are technically stealing—or at least receiving benefits—from the government. Your labor is not your own.

Couples w/ 1 job are cheating the rest of us “@MZHemingway: Um. <blinking eyes rapidly> pic.twitter.com/b2zKc5nS4m

— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) January 28, 2015

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Years ago, Hillary Clinton proposed a new tax, “imputed income”, in which anything that you owned would be taxed as if you were renting it from others.
Is your home paid off? Then you are neither paying rent nor payments, whatever your home would rent for is added to your taxable income.
This could easily be expanded to auto ownership- you aren’t paying for a cab. Do-it-yourself projects, because you aren’t paying a carpenter…
Because it just isn’t “fair” that you can own things, or have the skills to do things that others must pay for, because y’know, fairness.

Wasn’t there some talk a while back that they wanted to consider a person living in their paid up home to have extra income equal to the rent on a comparable place. They would have to pay taxes on that income….

President Obama’s proposal to expand a tax break for working parents with children under 5 has some conservatives criticizing it for discriminating against stay-at-home parents.

Those parents wouldn’t be able to take the proposed tax credit equal to 50 percent of child care expenses, up to a maximum of $3,000 per child.

Even with this proposed tax credit working parents LOSE big-time!
There are only two types of ”approved” child care facilities.
The Child Care Center
The Family Child Care Home.
There are two tiers of costs for children under 5 at these types of places.
Here are the AVERAGES for them in CA 2014:
Child Care Center, Infant= $11,461/yr.
Child Care Center, Preschooler=$7,982/yr.

Family Child Care Home, Infant= $7,446/yr.
Family Child Care Home, Preschooler= $7,050/yr.

So, as you can see, it is NOT WORTH IT to send stay-at-home parent into the work force.
It is a lose/lose situation.
The extra costs of Child Care, new clothes, gas, eating away from home, etc., make it very expensive so that the second earner must have a very high pay to make it worthwhile.

PS, McDonalds in Utah pays $12/hr while the legal min wage is only $7.25.

We can’t have stay at home parents and home schooling. It takes a village. Its the exclusive right of the state. We need our Hitlerjugend, especially at an early age. Heil Hitler! Fascism at its finest.

It is the never-ending voraciousness of the leftist for income of any sort to be always run through the government first to allow the greatest possible portion to be taken for the benefit of the politician. They are simply becoming more blatant in their greed as they have brainwashed an increasing number of low information voters to accept the lies of marxist class warfare propaganda.

Looking at this from a constituency standpoint, it makes sense.
Voters on the Right come from and create two-parent families.
Voters on the Left come from and create one-parent families, usually single moms.
Obama (and his Leftists) looks at the state as the other parent.
He keeps striving for ”equality of outcome,” even though many from his constituency have created a situation where they lose.
They had ”equality of opportunity,” and chose unwisely.