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This is exemplified in broader society by the “anti-secession” petition in response to the petitions moving around several states on seceding from the US. In that petition, the main call of action is for the President to issue an executive order removing citizenship and deporting all people who have signed a secession petition.

Freedom of thought? Sure. As long as you keep it to yourself and not express it in public.

And conservatives are the ones most often called fascists.

The people promoting and signing the “anti-secession” petition are openly advocating for the removal of protection under the first amendment for those who are not the right kind of people. Those people who may think and believe differently than the anti-secession people do. Hell, the people promoting the “anti-secession” petition might as well come out and say it out loud; “Think as we do, or you will be punished. “

J.G. The anti -secessionist folks are as frivolous and out of the mainstream as are the ridiculous secessionists. IMO both should stand down.

Btw Gov.Rick Perry agrees

@Richard Wheeler:

My posting wasn’t meant to be in any way a “pro-secessionist” rant. I tried deliberately to avoid that. My point is that the “anti-secessionist” people and those promoting that idea are exactly as described within the video. Where free thought and expressive opinion is ok, as long as it matches public opinion. If not, then punishment is called for, exactly like the “anti-secessionist” folks calling for removal of citizenship and deportation.

And speaking of deportation, where would they be deported to, considering most of those signing the secession petitions were probably born here, and typically, you deport someone back to their home country. Kinda stupid, aren’t they?

@Richard Wheeler:
I don’t know Rich, I think we are getting too big for the centralized government we have. Everything is being decided at the federal level; and it’s wrong. Did you know that Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution says we should have no more than one representative for every 30,000 people. The House of Representatives was capped at the 435 number by the Reapportionment Act of 1929. My congressman represents a population of 691,000 people. No really much representation there, is it?
You know I’m a big State’s Rights guy. Something has to give.

J.G I see the anti-secessionist “movement” as a joke. A” tongue in cheek” deliberately over the top response to the utterly ridiculous secessionists.

Surely we’ve got more serious stuff to work on.

Aqua Is there a Jefferson Davis among you?

@Richard Wheeler:
Jeff Davis wasn’t as great as he’s made out to be.
The secessionist petitions are wholly symbolic. Only a State legislature can petition for secession. But the petitions are a means of making your voice heard, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.
After Bush won in 2004 and even more so in 2008, a lot a people in New England talked about secession. Hell, I supported them.
The bottom line is that we are a deeply divided country. I definitely think we should find a way to come together, but that does not mean those of us on the right should just give in to whatever President Obama and those on the left want.

@Richard Wheeler:

utterly ridiculous secessionists.

Utterly ridiculous? Last I checked, the people had a right to petition the government to redress the wrongs, perceived or real. That is one of the foundations of our Representative Republican form of democracy, Rich.

And, as Aqua has said, the petitions are wholly symbolic in form, as a statement against growing the size, scope, and influence the federal government, and politicians, both left and right, are engaged in.

The “anti-secessionist” petition, though, is not a petition to the government to redress the wrongs the government has inflicted, but rather, a petition against a certain segment of We, the People. Not exactly what the founders envisioned, is it?

Whether “tongue in cheek” or not, it doesn’t matter as it suggests that citizens can use the government to bully and squash the rights of others, simply because they don’t agree with them.


if they think it will scare the TEXANS, THEY BETTER THINK TWICE, they should carefully read the CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS AND THE COMMERCE CLAUSE,

Richard Wheeler
from what you said on your number 2
I say the anti secessionist are the ridiculous one,
just because you put this attribute adjective on the secessionist, only,
demand a radical correction from me,