“Listen to what I say; not see what I actually do.”

While segments of the mainstream media have adopted President Obama’s excuses yesterday that he’s tried hard to close Guantanamo’s detention facilities since day two, but for Congress standing in the way, Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare Blog cuts right to it:

I respect Greenwald’s right to dissent from Obama administration policies. I do not respect Obama’s right to dissent from his own administration’s policies.


he described himself as fighting against a policy he has, in fact, adopted.

Obama ‘The Peaceful’ To Keep Gitmo Open

Drones over sovereign countries killing innocents Going to war without Congressional approval. Assassinating American citizens. And now Gitmo to remain open for business. The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel …

“Zero Dark Thirty”: Dramatized Fiction on CIA “Torture”

How accurate and realistic is the portrayal of CIA interrogation in the film? The movie, after all, opens with a statement saying “based on firsthand accounts of actual events”; then goes on to show the fictionalized brutal abuse and torture of a fictional high value terrorist, including waterboarding.

Well, one “firsthand account” not utilized as an expert consultant to the movie is Jose Rodriguez, former head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, author of Hard Measures, and unapologetic defender of the CIA’s “torture” program….