Two Dimensional Thinking [Reader Post]

n the movie Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan, Mr. Spock says to Admiral Kirk,

“He is intelligent, but not experienced; his pattern indicated two dimensional thinking”

This perhaps is one of the best descriptions of President Obama, and yet more accurately applies to members of the house and senate. As a former Military Intelligence Analyst as well as a former Crime Analyst, I believe that these elected officials share the traits of not only children, but career criminals as well.

Liberty Tree Fruit [Read Post]

Freedom is but one of the fruits which blossoms on the boughs of the Liberty Tree. For Duty, Responsibility, Pride, Commitment, Self Reliance, Truth, Determination, Justice and Equality are also there to be harvested for the nourishment of our national body.

Some are a little bitter, others sweet and yet others tart, but none are distasteful.