Obama’s Reich



How fortunate for governments that the people they administer do not think
Adolf Hitler

In July of 2014 Barack Obama uttered what might prove to be the most chilling words he’s ever spoken

It is true that there are a lot of things that may be legal that probably aren’t the right thing to do by the country.

Obama was speaking to tax inversions, but these are frightening words. Terrifying words. It takes “you didn’t build that” to galactic heights. In that one sentence Barack Obama reveals that it is his belief that we are all owned by the state and everything we do should not be for ourselves but for the good of the country.

Hypernationalism. It evokes the memory of another nation’s leader. The Fatherland. Uber Alles

That leader made it his business to degrade and destroy the legal, civil and political rights of Jews. The current President of the US makes it his business to degrade and destroy the legal, civil and political rights of anyone he sees as doing what he considers not “doing right by the country.” Obama, as did Hitler, has appointed himself as the arbiter of all that is right and wrong.

Obama’s propensity to demonize segments of our society has evoked the Hitler comparison before:

It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the parallels between the endless attacks by today’s liberals and Democrats on “the rich” and the Nazis’ demonizing of Jews in the 1930s. Even more obvious is the way in which  the Hollywood media has acted as the propaganda arm of the “hate-the-rich” movement.The Nazis knew very well that in order to gain support for their takeover of the lives of ordinary Germans, they needed to create an “enemy at home” – someone to blame for unemployment, inflation, and economic chaos. Being highly visible as business owners and professionals, and even more importantly, seen as successful while many Germans were struggling, “the Jewish problem” was the perfect scapegoat.

How ironic that Barack Obama’s mentor Saul Alinsky should derive so much from Adlf Hitler

Rule 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

And demonize it. See how similar these words are:


Obama: “I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

In 2008 Obama claimed to be a supporter of the Second Amendment but it is also indisputable that Obama is a liar. Nothing he says on any given day has any durability. Obama is attempting to destroy legal businesses with Operation Chokepoint and trying to drive the gun industry out of existence with onerous ATF rules.


“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”


“At the heart of the President’s proposals to reduce gun violence is a focus on making sure our kids are safe.”



Obama: “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”

The Obama Rule: Spread the Wealth Around

“I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.”

The parallels between the actions of Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler are dismaying. Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and it is clear that that transformation includes both socialism and authoritarianism. No one is saying that Obama will go on to order the annilhilation of millions of people but the extra-Constitutional harassment and demonization of law abiding persons and businesses is as un-American as it gets.

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It is true that there are a lot of things that may be legal that probably aren’t the right thing to do by the country.

It is true that he also believes that a lot of things that are the right thing to do (by his judgment; his and his alone) but are NOT legal. He decides to simply go ahead and do them. As did Hitler. As did Stalin. As did Mao. As do dictators.

The last graphic with Hitler’s quote is very compelling. It proves that NAZIism and modern American socialism are essentially equivalent. That quote could have been made by an Occupy Wall Street organizer. Contemporary leftists have demonstrated their virulent anti-capitalism and anti-semitism. There is no difference in their goals and those of Hitler’s. The only thing missing today is a ruthless dictator. Obama is uniquely poised to fill this gap, leading the way to a modern American NAZI government. He already has the Young NAZI OFA troops, and is building his domestic army of militarized cops and weaponized government agencies. The only thing that may save us from this fate is that he is too intellectually lazy to pull it off by himself. However, his puppet-masters Jarrett and Soros may still push him into it.

Well one thing is for certain is that some people are completely obsessed with the POTUS

But only for a few more months:
Countdown until Obama is OUT OF OFFICE

780 days
18741 hours
1124498 minutes
67469914 seconds

Yeah. Sure is different from all the love and affection the media and democrats showed George W Bush.

@John: Well, I tell ya, John… this POTUS is pretty obsessed with me and a lot of other people like me and I don’t particularly like it. I wish he would pay more attention to what actual enemies of the state are up to rather than if I agree with every one of his policies or not.

Remember his program to have his loyal followers send the White House emails of those who disagreed with his policies so they could be “corrected”? Remember him saying those who disagreed with his immigration policies are “enemies” that “should be punished”? I have a right to be a bit obsessed.

Obama was speaking to tax inversions, but these are frightening words. Terrifying words.

Context is everything. A military general says “Exterminate them all.” Frightening words, unless he’s talking about a carpenter ant infestation under his front porch.

It is true that there are a lot of things that may be legal that probably aren’t the right thing to do by the country.

This is certainly true. For example, a lot of people have made a lot of money by exporting millions of the nation’s manufacturing jobs to China, and by importing and selling enormous quantities of cheaply made Chinese goods that were once produced here. It’s legal, but it hasn’t been good for the country.

@Greg: But Obama seems to be somewhat selective as to who this applies to. He doesn’t seem too upset if GE keeps its profits offshore and pays no taxes (as long as NBC continues to cheer lead) or Berkshire Hathaway owing a billion in taxes (as long as Buffett is the billionaire that says the wealthy don’t pay enough taxes). The problem is Obama selectively applies and waives laws to benefit HIM and his ideology.

Remember the NAZI’s used the Jews (and others) for SLAVE LABOR….people need to be careful of what they wish for….

People need to really step back and see who is REALLY taking ADVANTAGE of CAPITALISM….especially in WASHINGTON DC…

…”Those” are the people the low information voters are keeping in power thinking they are somehow going to get a bigger piece of the pie someday….NOT!!! Never going to happen….they will just get poorer….That is why people like Obama and his kind are called elitists. Everyone else is, and forever will be the ‘little people’ so long as the Democrats/Liberals and Progressives remain in power.

DrJohn hits on some serious parallels, all in fact right on the button. For those on this site (and any who follow mine ), they will not be shocked by the fact I agree with his premise.

In wanting to respond to this post,I have spent most of the last day looking at various resources to confirm or refute my set premise as well as rereading what I have written in the past on this subject, so some of it might be familiar. My apologies for repeating myself (and I do get a bit crass). As I looked back on it I realized if anything my position has in fact hardened on the comparison. I wish I didn’t have to say that, but every bone in my body believes it and that is scary to me and should be to our country.

I myself have asked more than once, who made the following quotes? The answer of course: ADOLF HITLER.

“How fortunate for governments that people they administer don’t think. The broad masses of a population are more amendable to the appeal of rhetoric than any other force.”

And DrJohn cites this quote: “Make the lie Big. Make it Simple, and eventually they will believe it”

Back in Germany years ago, a cancer appeared which ended up being Nazi Germany. The people, listening with their hearts instead of their brains, were stunned when they found out they had been deceived and worse as their liberties and so forth were taken away from them So it is here now and the world sees us for what we now are, a paper tiger that does not have the courage anymore to stand for what is right.

I have more than once compared Obama and his minions (and again, we have some really good snake charming no count bastards on the Republican side also) to Hitler and other fanatical dictators. Obama, just as Hitler did, fed the pabulum to the masses and the masses, having been dumbed down and indoctrinated by the schools and the propaganda industry, in our case the MSM, listened then swooned as their false messiah bent them over and drove the dry tapered corn cob up their asses. And now? As in Germany, our so called leader is now getting out the rubber mallet so as to drive the thick end of the corn cob up as far as it will go! Crass? You bet your ass I’m being crass and more!

Hitler, as Obama was a mesmerizing orator. They both were able to charm the pants off the populace. They both were freely elected, the voters choosing to ignore the reality in front of them, instead voting on lies and false promises. Now don’t get me wrong here! I’m only using this comparison as to the election. For whatever reason, people are afraid to use the word Hitler.

That’s right Mr. President! I am comparing you with Adolf Hitler! With your own words and actions, you and your party have openly sided with the policies of some of the most hateful people in history! I am not saying you are going to go out and eradicate people! I am saying that your silence on open racial hatred, your refusal to call Islamic Terrorism just that, your open disdain for those who work to succeed, as well as the overt hatred for the Law of The Land (let me insert a quote here from Obama from July, 2014: “It is true that there are a lot of things that may be legal that probably aren’t the right thing to do by the country.”) and your committed adherence to Hard Core Communist Socialism (let’s not forget, Hitler was also a Socialist), a view espoused by your party as well, gives me and others every right to equate your actions with his in many cases. And for God’s Sakes, let’s not forget the lies! Benghazi, IRS, Fast and Furious and more. The list goes on and on. Lie and stonewall so as to protect your phoney baloney position.

By the way: Hitler came into office at a time when Germany was on the ropes just as you did in 2009! He actually did some good things (unlike this President. I honestly cannot think of one thing he has done that has been good for the country), especially as to the economy. Volkswagen comes to mind as to Germany back then. None the less, early on it was recognized that he was the epitome of evil. The people chose to ignore the obvious until it was too late! It was there for all too see in his words and writings. Hell, all one had to do was read “Mein Kempf!”

As in the case of Germany, early on, if one had bothered to look under the covers, it was apparent this President was everything this country did not need. The electorate, happily with their heads up their asses chose to ignore (how about his open Muslim support? It was there in his book in his own words! While we’re at it, so was his Socialist background and beliefs!) what was in front of their noses. They listened to and accepted the big lie as put forward by the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, the MSM!

For those who find it offensive that I and others use the Hitler analogy, I say one thing. Get over it! In this country we have the right to voice our opinions as we see fit! Yes, the politically correct would have it other ways, but the fact is we are free! As this President has chosen to follow an ideology that has failed time and time again, he must be outed as to what he is.

History repeats itself as man refuses to learn from his own folly. One only has to look at the ISIS situation for an example. One must not forget Chamberlain and his “appeasement doctrine: in which he chose to accept the word of a lying madman. And now we have Obama and company, steadfastly making the same mistakes, unwilling to remind the world of the greatness that is the United States, choosing instead to cede leader ship. Same as to his socialist policies and his open disdain for everything that made this country great.

@joetote: Hitler, as Obama was a mesmerizing orator. They both were able to charm the pants off the populace. They both were freely elected, the voters choosing to ignore the reality in front of them, instead voting on lies and false promises.

There’s a couple differences between Hitler’s oratory skills and Obamas.
Hitler spoke from his heart, extemporaneously.
Hitler kept up his amazingly motivational speaking style right up until his very last public speech.

Obama, otoh, cannot string together two sentences on his own.
Without his teleprompters Obama stutters and sputters with ”uhs,” “I” and ”aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaands.”
Obama bores his listeners to the point of yawning and dozing.
Obama really only gave two or three good speeches, none were great.
His huge crowds were more because of the free concerts people were waiting for than for his content.

Beware the practiced Glad-Hander.


History repeats itself as man refuses to learn from his own folly. One only has to look at the ISIS situation for an example. One must not forget Chamberlain and his “appeasement doctrine: in which he chose to accept the word of a lying madman. And now we have Obama and company, steadfastly making the same mistakes, unwilling to remind the world of the greatness that is the United States, choosing instead to cede leader ship. Same as to his socialist policies and his open disdain for everything that made this country great.

You left out the part where Chamberlain was actually an Englishman – duly eligible and elected to his position and unfortunately acted with his heart more than mind. Obama on the other hand is the opposite. I do not accept him as an American, I do not accept that he eligible to run in the first place and therefore along with vote fraud was not duly elected, — and he is acting with malice aforethought! Clearly stated in one of his “Mein Kampf” pseudo autobiographies written by the murdering terrorist Ayres!

@Nanny+G: Agree completely — only a complete brain dead idiot could still fall for this POS’s CRAP!

“There’s a couple differences between Hitler’s oratory skills and Obamas.
Hitler spoke from his heart, extemporaneously.
Hitler kept up his amazingly motivational speaking style right up until his very last public speech.”

Great point Nanny+G and one I should have thought of. Without pre-prepared statements this guy is lost speakership wise. And for sure, he has shown absolutely no emotion or heart, especially the last 5 years

@Budvarakbar: Again a great point and I understand your position as to not accepting him. However, seeing as no one in a position of power has the balls to officially challenge it, he is what we are stuck with at the moment. As such, I feel we must attack him for his treasonous, Anti- American ideals and keep reminding everyone of what this country is supposed to stand for.

You see, I think we are unfortunately at a threshold in this country, one that if crossed there might not be a chance to return. This President, his associates in the Democratic Party as well as the brain dead Republicans that refuse to grow some backbone and stand up to what is in effect a takeover of this country by the very people our forefathers fought so as we could be what we once were should be an affront to every thinking human being in this country! We either make the stand now or there is going to be hell to pay.

As I said above as an example:” Back in Germany years ago, a cancer appeared which ended up being Nazi Germany”. Well, that exact same cancer is infecting this nation and it is spreading rapidly! We have to somehow get it through to the mind dead electorate as to the reality that is the coming dictatorship or worse if we do not fight now!

And for what it’s worth, we can’t just cut the head of the snake (in this case as no one has the balls to impeach this traitor, hopefully the next election would be a good Conservative President). The cancer runs deep with the Pelosis, Reids, Holders, Hillary, RINOS and so forth as well as the people who continue to be blind to the facts.

I have called in the past for a Revolution and I’ve said more than once we are the one country that can honestly do it peacefully, through the ballot box! But We The People have got to begin to take one of our most sacred rights seriously, the Right to Vote! That means doing our homework on the candidates and hopefully remembering the base ideals we as a country should be following. The MSM aside, there are far to many scandals that should have already taken this guy and others down yet, the outcry is minimal. How can that be?

We have to make a change. I only hope it is not to late.

Re: joetote – #16

As I said above as an example:” Back in Germany years ago, a cancer appeared which ended up being Nazi Germany”. Well, that exact same cancer is infecting this nation and it is spreading rapidly! We have to somehow get it through to the mind dead electorate as to the reality that is the coming dictatorship or worse if we do not fight now!

This was covered very well in a couple of History Channel shows – last weekend — the first was “The Rise of the Third Reich” I believe the name was — but most of what was shown in the earlier 1930’s was applicable to the crap Obama and his puppet masters tried and keep trying to pull off — complete with the fawning astroturfed crowds, the fainting ‘rock star’ adoration from a certain segment of the female population, the singing, the little kids writing letters to Uncle Adolf — etc etc etc! A lot of that has died out here due to the internet!

One remaining major difference is that Hitler wasn’t a puppet – about the only difference – except for the deceptive use of the modern disdain for military appearances by “da Wun”.


When Obama first crashed the scene at the 2004 DNC convention, as someone who has followed politics for decades, I asked “who is this guy and why him?” Obama was a little known first term Illinois senator who had no real notoriety outside of Illinois. I researched his Illinois Senate record and found it unremarkable. Why him? He didn’t seem particularly intriguing and not a memorable speaker. Yet just four short years later, he was elected to the highest office in the land.

I could find little on him, just the basic stuff parroted by the press. But what I did find was disturbing; he was a supporter of the Green Party while at Columbia, virulently anti-war under any circumstances, and believed that racism in American was prolific. He was a strong supporter of Affirmative Action, writing a response letter to one Asian student how AA had aided him in his acceptance to Harvard. From the articles I could find, one written by Obama himself and another an interview of him, there was no doubt the guy was a Socialist.

Another thing that bothered me was how a man, with a clearly Arabic name, would ever be considered for POTUS just 6 short years after the attack on 9-11-2001. Nicolas Kristof wrote in 2007:

“Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

Almost 3,000 dead and Obama found beauty in anything Muslim (notice how Obama did NOT say Muslim, he said “Arabic” although there are Arab Christians)?

I still want to know the answers to my questions: who pushed Obama into the national spotlight in 2004? Where is his actual history? Why him?

Eventually, history does tell the story, i.e. JFKs infamous affairs and drug use. How long before we learn the actual truth behind Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.?

All of you need to watch this before the Administration pulls it:


Yeah, it is an edited video, but…………….

Yeah, it is an edited video, but…

But what? That video is more than “edited.” It’s a total fabrication. A lie. This is the kind of crap that gradually turns people into idiots.


But what? That video is more than “edited.” It’s a total fabrication. A lie.

Actually, the words he spoke WERE part of his speech.

This is the kind of crap that gradually turns people into idiots.

Guess that explains what happened to you.

Still waiting for you to tell us all those achievements you think Obama has accomplished, Greggie.

Actually, the words he spoke WERE part of his speech.

So a person’s words can be cut apart and reassembled however any nitwit with a few bucks worth of video editing software wishes, and the resultant altered meanings honestly attributed to to the one who originally spoke them?

Why some people’s brains have turned to mush:

Exposed: How Fox News Lies With Statistics

The damage is probably cumulative.


So a person’s words can be cut apart and reassembled however any nitwit with a few bucks worth of video editing software wishes, and the resultant altered meanings honestly attributed to to the one who originally spoke them?

Yep. It’s done all the time, only usually to conservatives.


Are you incapable of finding any links that are not hard core Progressive? Or in the case of David Pakman, a foreign born Progressive?

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren’t you, Greggie.

@retire05: The entire transcript:

Although Obama mouths certain words, his actions belie them.
Take this portion and compare it to Obama throwing Crimea to the wolf….

To be honest, if we define our — our interests narrowly, if we applied a coldhearted calculus, we might decide to look the other way.
Our economy is not deeply integrated with Ukraine’s.
Our people and our homeland face no direct threat from the invasion of Crimea.
Our own borders are not threatened by Russia’s annexation.
But that kind of casual indifference would ignore the lessons that are written in the cemeteries of this continent.
It would allow the old way of doing things to regain a foothold in this young century.
And that message would be heard, not just in Europe, but in Asia and the Americas, in Africa and the Middle East.

Yet that ”old way,”

(Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power. This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs, that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.)

is exactly what Obama let happen as he actually believes that the long arc of history bends (eventually) toward justice.
In fact, this speech then Obama’s inaction with regard Crimea exemplifies Obama’s passive attitude toward action in any arena.
I see he did decide to send 3,000 UNARMED US soldiers into ebola-land.
Isn’t an unspecified viral lung infection doing enough damage here?


I read the entire speech before I posted the youtube video. I understand it was edited, but how often has the left edited something said by a Republican and then claimed “Hey, look at this” without admitted the words had been edited. Greggie just got a dose of his party’s own tactics, and as you noticed, I’m sure, he didn’t like it one damn bit.

Now we have a community organizer trying to play Commander in Chief, and major failing at it. There are no “allies” in the battle against ISIS. None, not Jordan, not Saudi Arabia, not Turkey. And the “good guys” claimed by this administration that exist in Syria, are really just the other side of the coin of bad guys. Just as Obama backed the “good guys” in Libya to oust Kaddafi, so will we now back the same type of “good guys” in Syria and, I predict, with the same result.

@retire05, #24:

Are you incapable of finding any links that are not hard core Progressive? Or in the case of David Pakman, a foreign born Progressive?

I think what you’re actually having a problem with is David Pakman’s hard core logic. Why don’t you try taking that on? Apparently his random examples of FOX News deception are so obvious once pointed out that they’re too difficult to talk away.

These are the people who are constantly accusing “the liberal mainstream media” of painting a distorted picture, while puffing themselves up with phony outrage to rile up their audiences.

I was watching a PBS documentary about FDR’s administration earlier tonight. It reminded me that the right has been pulling this kind of crap since before I was born.


@NannyG: How long before we learn the actual truth behind Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.?

We conservatives could see right through this performance we see truth.
Others have already woken up…as for everyone else, of course it will be when it is wayyyyy too late…
people seriously need to pull their heads out of their arses. It’s frightening.

@Greg: From the people that brought us the Facebook page “I love it when I wake up in the morning and Obama is President”. I would expect nothing but fair and balanced rhetoric from them. Weak, Greg. Very weak.

Does the graph shown in the beginning (if the following examples were not any more definitive than that, I simply don’t have time for it) give any false data? They whine about the ratios of the graph, but it HAS to be that shape to fit the length of the X line sampled. What they fail to cover in their little grasping at straws effort to vilify Fox is that there was oratory accompanying the graph and in the oratory, what the graph showed was explained; a steady increase in assistance at a time when we are told the economy is growing and expanding. Simply presenting the information the left wing cheerleaders refuse to.

You go on and on about those who you feel are obsessed with Obama. All of you on the left are totally, completely and absolutely obsessed with Fox News. Why? Well, for one thing, you are told to be. Secondly, of all the corrupted media outlets that the left has that do their liberal duty and keep buried the thousands of stories of corruption and failure and manipulate and invent stories of success (such as how wonderfully the economy or Obamacare are doing).

Every one of your revered left wing media outlets did their left wing duty in Ferguson and inflated the script of racist motive in the Brown killing. They did the same with Martin. They never fail to identify a Republican that has fallen from grace, but neglect to identify as a Democrat those who get caught with their hand in the public cookie jar (Ray Nagin was an excellent example). Remember CBS CREATING “evidence” to try to actually change a Presidential election?

You frightened liberals need to give it a rest. All Fox does is broadcast ALL the news, not just the stuff that is favorable to Democrats, as the MSM does. This is why I have no doubt that those who consume only MSM information may actually believe in the “phony scandal” and “hate him because he is black” mantras because they are insulated from the facts of real life. Of course many are simply liars in self-denial. Neither one is anything to be proud of.


So a person’s words can be cut apart and reassembled however any nitwit with a few bucks worth of video editing software wishes, and the resultant altered meanings honestly attributed to to the one who originally spoke them?

Kind of like how birth certificates are conjured up!


I think what you’re actually having a problem with is David Pakman’s hard core logic. Why don’t you try taking that on?

Well, since your definition of logic is hardly the standard, I question you being able to understand it. Also, why should I take on anything spewed by a man I never heard of before you referenced him? Is he going to come here to debate me?

I was watching a PBS documentary about FDR’s administration earlier tonight. It reminded me that the right has been pulling this kind of crap since before I was born.

Oh, yes, I had forgotten about Ken Burn’s revisionist fluff piece about the Roosevelt cousins. Somehow I seriously doubt that he mentioned how the Roosevelts actually destroyed the freedom that the Founders wanted to provide to us with their nanny-state government. Did Burns mention all the Communists, and Stalinists that held high places in the FDR administration? How about Rex (the Red) Tugwell? Or maybe tell how FDR went after anyone who disagreed with the New Deal, men like Hurst? Or did Burns explain that while TR ran as a Republican, he was actually one of the fathers of the American Progressive movement, which is what Hillary Clinton claims to subscribe to?

But I’m sure you believed every word spoken in that little bit of fairy tale history.

@Bill, #29:

Does the graph shown in the beginning (if the following examples were not any more definitive than that, I simply don’t have time for it) give any false data?

The charts and graphs are purposefully constructed to present data in a manner that leads their viewers to draw incorrect conclusions. It’s intentional deception. The fact that they’re lying using real numbers doesn’t make it any less a lie.

@retire05, #30:

Well, since your definition of logic is hardly the standard, I question you being able to understand it. Also, why should I take on anything spewed by a man I never heard of before you referenced him?

Because he’s displaying charts and graphs that have actually appeared on FOX News, and explaining what’s deceptive about them in language that any person of average intelligence should be able to understand—assuming, of course, that they really want to know what’s true and what isn’t. Some people are far more concerned about protecting their way of looking at things than with knowing the truth.

Oh, yes, I had forgotten about Ken Burn’s revisionist fluff piece about the Roosevelt cousins. Somehow I seriously doubt that he mentioned how the Roosevelts actually destroyed the freedom that the Founders wanted to provide to us with their nanny-state government.

Most people would think of it as one man’s honest presentation of history. The right never can grasp the thought that they’re the ones who are routinely engaging in historical revisionism. The sort of history you accept as accurate depends on the same lack of critical thinking that lets those FOX News charts and graphs slip by unchallenged.

A quote included in the lead post:

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the parallels between the endless attacks by today’s liberals and Democrats on “the rich” and the Nazis’ demonizing of Jews in the 1930s.”

Really? Perhaps we should refresh our memories concerning what the Nazi’s anti-Jewish propaganda was actually like. That era of history is very well documented. It’s the person who spoke those words that is the propagandist and revisionist. The statement works two way. It’s the same as saying that the Nazi’s demonization of the Jews was no worse than what today’s liberals are saying about rich people.


Because he’s displaying charts and graphs that have actually appeared on FOX News, and explaining what’s deceptive about them in language that any person of average intelligence should be able to understand

Why would anyone with even the sense God gave a goose have to have a chart/graph explained to them. IOW, he’s catering to the dimwitted who can’t figure it out themselves, you know, people like you.

Most people would think of it as one man’s honest presentation of history. The right never can grasp the thought that they’re the ones who are routinely engaging in historical revisionism.

Wrong. Ken Burns presents history from a jaded, leftist pov. I watched his entire Civil War series with great interest (as I have a love for history) and there were multiple mistakes made by Burns. Burn’s Civil War series was presented not on a fair and balanced view of both sides, but from the side of the victor, making the side of the vanquished as completely wrong. So why would I expect him to present the Roosevelts any differently, especially from a man who is a huge donator to the Democrat Party and compared Obama to Lincoln, a definite slap against Lincoln.

I don’t like revisionist history no matter who it comes from, be they Ken Burns or Howard Zinn. But you seem to accept it readily.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the parallels between the endless attacks by today’s liberals and Democrats on “the rich” and the Nazis’ demonizing of Jews in the 1930s.”

I would come closer to comparing Obama to Woodrow Wilson or FDR, both who had nothing but disdain for the U.S. Constitution and violated it with regularity.

@Bill: Some of the biggest lies are about climate change.

@retire05, #33:

Why would anyone with even the sense God gave a goose have to have a chart/graph explained to them. IOW, he’s catering to the dimwitted who can’t figure it out themselves, you know, people like you.

I can generally grasp what’s wrong with the sort of deceptive charts and graphs David Pakman has cited without requiring an explanation. Apparently that’s not true of a significant portion of FOX’s audience. The charts and graphs are highly deceptive. They’re nothing more than propaganda tools which are being cynically used to manipulate public opinion.

Burn’s Civil War series was presented not on a fair and balanced view of both sides, but from the side of the victor, making the side of the vanquished as completely wrong.

He neglected to take a fair and balanced view of human slavery? The Confederacy was defending an institution that was morally wrong. While the South had it’s fine points and virtues, there were no two sides to that simple, central fact.


I can generally grasp what’s wrong with the sort of deceptive charts and graphs David Pakman has cited without requiring an explanation. Apparently that’s not true of a significant portion of FOX’s audience.

Amazing how one channel can get your Hanes in such a wad, considering all the liberal channels available to low information voters like yourself. And I doubt that many people really care what David Pakman (surely that is not his real name) has to say. You act like he is the second coming of Walter Cronkite.

He neglected to take a fair and balanced view of human slavery? The Confederacy was defending an institution that was morally wrong. While the South had it’s fine points and virtues, there were no two sides to that simple, central fact.

Ah, you must be a product of public schooling to think that the Civil War, which was initiated by Lincoln, was so simplistic.

One side defended the the practice of owning other human beings as property. Pile on all the nitpicking historical complexities you wish. You’ve still got that intolerable, stinking reality at the bottom of the heap, turning the highest stated principles our nation was founded on into little more than hypocrisy and empty words. It was an institutional evil that had to be purged. That’s what the Civil War was actually about. All else was trivial, compared with that.

This is so fucking stupid. Stop feeding the fucking trolls, i.e., Greg. I can’t continue to read this insanity. You people must have an addiction to arguing with a dumbshit idiot. Stop it. Now. He obviously gets off on yanking you, and you continually fall for it. Just express intelligent comments and stop responding to utter stupidity. It diminishes you and enhances idiot pajama boy Greg.

I think it more accurate to compare Obama with Woodrow Wilson’s “progressive” (ie fascist-socialist) administration. His methods are closer to how Wilson tried to transform America. Adolf Hitler was a great admirer of the very racist Woodrow Wilson’s “progressive” fascist dictatorial methods, and was so impressed with that president’s executive office command and control of propaganda and of of the press, that Hitler incorporated it into a iron-fisted tool of his regime. Luckily for Obama much of the press today is so schoolgirl fawning and enamored with his charisma that they are willing stooges and loyalists. Wilson loaded his White House with fellow racist southern democrats, and a parallel exists with Obama’s loading his own with racist black liberationists, Caucasian-loathing whites, Islamists and his fellow fascist-socialist “progressives” .

However, unlike Wilson and Hitler, Obama is not an nationalist by any measure whatsoever. Instead, he is a globalist who holds utter contempt for this nation and it’s Constitution. His goal (spelled out clearly in “Dreams of My Father,”) was to break this great nation and bring America (and Europe) to it’s knees. To humble this nation, break the spirit of it’s people and cast it’s citizens into the same squalor as the third world nations of his youth.

Wow. Thankfully back on subject. Big kudos by the way to Angel+Artiste by the way. The trolls are in fact there for one purpose and that is tick us off. The Greggies of the world are not what we have to address at this point in time.

Ditto, you make this point above: “However, unlike Wilson and Hitler, Obama is not an nationalist by any measure whatsoever.”

That in fact is something else I should have pointed out in my tirade above. While I have in fact carped more than once on Obama’s Anti-American stances and principles, in this case you are dead on. History shows that everything aside and as mad as he was (and we can all agree Hitler was a madman), he loved Germany/Austria in his own asinine way and believed in the Ayrian creed so to speak. And while it can be argued those such as Wilson were in fact the architects of what is quickly becoming this nation’s downfall, I have not once heard or seen anything other than they truly felt they were doing the country right. In other words, they loved their country (let’s not forget our girl Hillary here. I just got the first glance at her letters to Alinsky and can one now argue as I have in the past she is also as Anti-American ideals as she can be? Love for our country sure as hell does not include admiration and following those such as Alinsky!)). Hell, look at Jimmy Carter. The man turned out to be a total Presidential imbecile, but can one question his love for the country? And unlike the current moron in the White House, he served his country with honor.


However, unlike Wilson and Hitler, Obama is not an nationalist by any measure whatsoever. Instead, he is a globalist who holds utter contempt for this nation and it’s Constitution. His goal (spelled out clearly in “Dreams of My Father,”) was to break this great nation and bring America (and Europe) to it’s knees

Utter contempt is right on the money. He has the political philosophy of Lenin combined with Nero’s traits, i.e. unqualified for the job, grossly incompetent, and a sociopathic personality.


The charts and graphs are purposefully constructed to present data in a manner that leads their viewers to draw incorrect conclusions.

Some people read and don’t just look at the pictures. Again, the X axis is long and, to show all the information, the entire graph has to be as it is. I really don’t see the problem, other than the information shown that the Obama administration is an utter failure.


Most people would think of it as one man’s honest presentation of history. The right never can grasp the thought that they’re the ones who are routinely engaging in historical revisionism.

I haven’t seen the entire series yet, but Burns uses one historian’s narrative that is frequently moved to tears as he discusses FDR. I doubt we are getting warts and all from that guy.

@Bill, #44:

Some people read and don’t just look at the pictures. Again, the X axis is long and, to show all the information, the entire graph has to be as it is. I really don’t see the problem, other than the information shown that the Obama administration is an utter failure.

But people who are watching FOX News on television aren’t reading, they’re watching. They’re told something and a chart is briefly displayed as evidence for the assertion, then it’s on to the next point. The evidence consists not of straight data, but of a deceptive visual impression.

When the Y axis of the chart is truncated—that is, when it doesn’t begin at zero—all sense of scale is lost. The range of numbers covered by the Y axis can then be narrowed, which visually stretches out small units of measure and gives them the appearance of being very large ones. This little trick can pitch the nearly flat line of a graph into a steep curve, giving the impression of a sudden steep rise or fall. This is precisely what FOX is doing with Federal Welfare Received in the U.S. The accompanying narration tells viewers that welfare has skyrocketed over 2 years of the Obama administration. The words are a lie, and the chart is a lie. If the same data is plotted on a non-truncated chart covering the same quarters, it can readily be seen that the real increase in welfare over the period in question has been comparatively slight. The slope of the plot line is almost flat.

So, what’s the problem? The problem is that this is a propaganda technique, plain and simple: We tell you (a lie), and then we show you (the same lie). So there. Now you’ve seen it with your own eyes! (And now you believe a lie.)

Here’s the same deceptive technique, used to show what a disaster the end of the Bush tax cuts would be for the nation’s top income segment:

The truncated graph.

The non-truncated graph, showing how small the tax increase would have actually been.

People can either analyse and think for themselves, or they can be played for fools by hucksters who assure them that they’re the smart ones, and that anyone who doesn’t unthinkingly swallow the propaganda hook-line-and-sinker is an idiot.


But people who are watching FOX News on television aren’t reading, they’re watching

How the hell do you know this, Greg? Is there some data that shows those who saw this graph were misled? The graph tells the story; despite MSM claims that the economy is surging, jobs are being created and business is booming, month to month, government assistance continues to grow instead, as it would if people were actually getting good-paying jobs, shrinking. The story is that the MSM would have us believe that the economy is doing splendidly when, in fact, there are no indications to support that lie. You can whine and wail about evil Fox all you want, but it is not Fox that is ruining the economy; it is Obama and liberals.

@Bill: Hey Bill! – Did you miss this post?

Angel+Artiste says:

This is so fucking stupid. Stop feeding the fucking trolls, i.e., Greg. I can’t continue to read this insanity. You people must have an addiction to arguing with a dumbshit idiot. Stop it. Now. He obviously gets off on yanking you, and you continually fall for it. Just express intelligent comments and stop responding to utter stupidity. It diminishes you and enhances idiot pajama boy Greg.

@Bill: Hey Bill! Please go back and read post #40!

@Budvarakber: I’m am not here to agree with people, I am here to correct ignorance.


I am here to correct ignorance.

A noble cause indeed — good luck with the trolls — hopefully though your efforts may help educate some casual reader and divert them from the pitfalls!