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Race hustlers could not get enough Blacks or White-Blacks (like obomba who have one white parent ) to march on Wash. D.C. They had to pay illegals to march. Hispanic women marched in big numbers. What happened?

Does Sharpton straighten his kinky hair because he does not like African hair. His fiance wears a straight wig. Where is the Black is beautiful? It’s all blonde wigs and skin bleaching Beyonce wannabes!

Martin Luther King must be rolling over in his grave. And the Chinese statute of him sculpted by a Chinese sculptor in China. Yuk!

Please refer to the Constitution, scribed by B. Obama and enforced by E. Holder.
In that document you will learn that the blacks may now kill whites for 400 years, in partial repayment of 400 years of slavery.
So this is just the beginning.
Lots more yet to come; there will be no outrage; we lack Tea-Party race baiters.
If you have white friends, enjoy their company while you can.
The New Black Panther Party will soon end your friendship.

Yes, skin color is a license to murder

What is the title supposed to mean? It seems to suggest that certain racial groups are somehow permitted to commit murder without consequences. This isn’t so. If you commit murder and are caught there will be consequences, ranging from rotting in prison for years to life, to execution. If anyone thinks racial minorities are given preferential treatment regarding punishment, consider the racial demographics of the U.S. prison population.

That first case cited, January 6, 2007: Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, remindid me of a similar horrific case in France.
That of Ilan Halimi, 23, who was kidnapped, bound in tape, hidden in sordid conditions, beaten, slashed, burned and finally thrown into the street after 24 days, only to die of his wounds before reaching a hospital.
His only crime, like those whites in the US, was his status, not something he could do a thing about.
See, he was a Jew.
His kidnap, torturers were over twenty Muslims.
PC has played a huge role in allowing these things to continue to occur.
In the US such crimes are locally covered, but not nationally.
In France the trial was conducted in secret.
The people, in either case, never learn the extent of the HATE perpetrated against their fellow citizens for the most racist of reasons.
Now, Fox News is getting criticized for covering black-on-white crime!

Martin Bashir Panel Asks Why O’Reilly Not Happy His ‘Puerile Racism Alive and Well’

If only it could be done in complete secret.
Then, an anecdotal, occasional murder of a white by blacks could BUILD via Twitter and Facebook until it becomes an out-an-out war against whites…..without fear of reprisals.

@Greg, when you talk about the demographics of the US prison system, you must also consider the fact that the people in prison were convicted of crimes to get there. So if there is a higher percentage of blacks in prison, that only leads to the conclusion that it is because there is a higher percentage of blacks committing, getting caught and getting convicted of crimes. Holder has publically stated he won’t prosecute cases where the perpetrator is black, and he has pretty well proven that, so the title does make a certain amount of sense.

@Scott in Oklahoma: “Holder has publicly stated he won’t prosecute cases where the perpetrator is black.” citation pls.

@Richard Wheeler: June, 2010:

Asked whether there is a specific Justice Department policy against pursuing cases where the defendant is black and the victim is white, Adams, a leading Department of Justice attorney who quit his job after over the Obama administration’s refusal to prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated voters outside polls during the 2008 election, replied, “Particularly in voting, that will be the case for the next few years. There is a pervasive hostility within the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department toward these sorts of cases.”

You didn’t think Obama/Holder would come out PUBLICLY with this, did you????

h/t Nan… by publically, I was referring to his marching orders to the DOJ staff, well documented by J. Christian Adams.

@Nan G: A disgruntled ex DOJ lawyer and current “Conservative blogger”. That’s it??
In #7 Scott said “Holder has PUBLICLY STATED” Would you agree that is INCORRECT?

Holder publically dismissed a voter intimidation case that had already been won, because the defendants were Black Panthers. ONLY because they were Black Panthers. How friggin’ public is that statement? As for Mr. Adams, why don’t you read his book before you decide he’s disgruntled? You might gain some insight as to what’s going on inside the Holder’s DOJ.

@Scott in Oklahoma: Conjecture and hearsay. What else ya got?

@Richard Wheeler:

Dr John is the king pimp of race resentment. A rhetorically clumsy, factually-challenged pimp, who couldn’t make his motives more obvious (I will admit, it’s always interesting to see who lines up to get into the cat house though). The guy spends his life trolling the internet for stories he can attempt to twist into the message “the black hordes are coming! Grab your Rights and your Guns! They’re just over the hill!”. It’s a sad existence, I imagine. He doesn’t even get to fear black people in person, I wager, since he almost certainly lives in a town that’s 99% white. I know this because it’s obvious he has no clear conception of what he’s doing, or who he’s doing it to. He’s just keyboard warrior.

Dr. J. and friends. Let me know when Holder says these killers in Oklahoma shouldn’t be arrested and tried. Then you got a story.


Didn’t I say

You say a lot of things, Mr. Pimp. A lot of very inaccurate, made up things. The title of your post, for example, is a lie. It’s just so easy for you at this point, I imagine. It would be interesting if, just once, you tried achieving your goal with respect for factual accuracy. Your posts are routinely shredded for dishonesty. I find it fascinating that it doesn’t bother you.

Why does the intelligent people here at FA continue to feed Tom the Troll?

@Richard Wheeler:

Let me know when Holder says these killers in Oklahoma shouldn’t be arrested and tried. Then you got a story.

Let us know when Holder, or even Obama, gets involved in the Oklahoma murder just as he did in the Martin/Zimmerman trial. Or perhaps gets involved with the senseless beating to death of a WWII (wounded at Okinawa) veteran. Or the killing of a pizza delivery guy. Or maybe even the killing of an aged Vietnamese immigrant in a game of “Knock out.”

Then you got a story.

Faith says ” Why does the intelligent people —-” This is real comedy.


Anyway, I’ll look forward to you challenging my facts but I expect that all you’ll do is continue to blather as most liberals do.

I already did challenge your facts. I called the title of your post a lie. Prove me wrong.

Your post makes no sense. It’s just a bunch of things you copied and pasted from other people, since you’re too lazy and inept to write your own posts. Just an obvious play at stirring up racial resentment.

But do you prove your point? Christopher Lane’s alleged murders were arrested almost immediately and will likely be convicted. So how exactly was that a “license to murder”? The fact is you’re trying to exploit the suffering of these people to gin up racial hatred is beyond despicable.

Ret.05 Simple difference. The people you ref. will all have their day in court.
Zimm. was gonna walk without his day in court. IMO that would have been wrong.
BTW When ALL evidence presented and witnesses questioned, I predicted and agreed with the not guilty verdict.

The bottom line is that most Americans are horrified by the killing of Christopher Lane, and see his killers as monsters. Many of the same Americans saw GZ as an idiot who, criminally or otherwise, caused the death of TM. It’s only people like Dr. John who, in all circumstances, feel the necessity to take sides based on race. It’s also interesting that the reaction in Australia has nothing to do with race. The calls for boycotts of travel to the US are centered on our permissive gun culture.

@DrJohn: Zimm was arrested and tried only after pressure was asserted. He won’t be tried again.
Scott was arrested and tried and found not quilty. He will not be tried again.
Any bets on either?

Dr.J. It’s true the uproar in Australia centers on gun violence, not racial animus.


LOL. I thought you were looking forward to “challenging my facts”, but predictably you back down again to an honest critique of the factual inaccuracies in your piece. Sad.

@Scott in Oklahoma, #7:

So if there is a higher percentage of blacks in prison, that only leads to the conclusion that it is because there is a higher percentage of blacks committing, getting caught and getting convicted of crimes.

It doesn’t lead to only one conclusion. It also raises the possibility that blacks are treated differently by law enforcement and the court system every step of the way, from the moment a person is noticed by the police all the way through to conviction and sentencing—a fact which has been repeatedly borne out by analysis of the entire process.

@Greg: And how much experience do you have in the system? Do you know of a better system? If so, you might consider packing…

@Richard Wheeler:

Zimm. was gonna walk without his day in court.

Self defense, as is our inalienable right, does not require a day in court.

It also does not call for a bunch of race baiting pimps trying to relive their ’60’s heydays.

@Scott in Oklahoma, #32:

I understand the results of the various statistical analyses that have revealed the extent to which the legal system is biased against minorities.

The fact of the racial bias doesn’t mean that anyone should be cut any slack. It does strongly suggest that being black isn’t a license to commit murder, however.

Wow. The “race” card really brings out the moonbats in force. And instead of disputing the disparity of how our Admin is encouraging racist enforcement of the law , they parse words and demand links. Must of hit a nerve . . .

“challenge my facts!”


@Nathan Blue:

Rather inconvenient for the premise of your comment that the post itself is race baiting of the worst kind. Unless you think these things only flow one way, (which would actually explain a lot). But why waste your time with the comments when you can just get angry about black people killing some white people. Think about it for second. It’s wrong, and under Obama, it’s legal. Get your anger on, Bro!

@;Nathan Blue:

Stop blaming yourself for how your life turned out. Did you know, with the help of Dr John’s magic elixir, you can now blame that promotion you never got, that speeding ticket, that girl who didn’t want to date you, on the race hustlers who made it legal to kill white people? Step right up and get your resentments against life externally focused, my friend!

So Greg… I would gather from your non-answer to my question that you have no first hand experience in the system, you just “know how it works”… right? So your opinion of how it works is based on what?


in Oklahoma, #7:

So if there is a higher percentage of blacks in prison, that only leads to the conclusion that it is because there is a higher percentage of blacks committing, getting caught and getting convicted of crimes.

It doesn’t lead to only one conclusion. It also raises the possibility that blacks are treated differently by law enforcement and the court system every step of the way, from the moment a person is noticed by the police all the way through to conviction and sentencing—a fact which has been repeatedly borne out by analysis of the entire process.

How quickly you forget…..George Zimmerman’s law team said what the problem was.
Do you remember their post-acquittal news conference?
See it here:
Atty West said that the prosecution had a pathetic case.
BUT they normally would get a conviction anyway.

Public defenders are generally so overworked and so lame that their weak tactics would have worked!
But the prosecution in the Zimmerman case was facing a team of well-trained and sharp-thinking lawyers.
Normal weak games like not turning over ALL the evidence didn’t work.

Atty West also said it was a shame that most defendants were stuck with such lame lawyers as to lose to these jokers.
It shouldn’t happen.
But it does.

Whose fault is it that a person doesn’t sell EVERYTHING he has to hire a decent lawyer?
That’s what you do.
Public defenders are just doing a job, 9-5, they don’t care about any one of their so-called clients.
No one can FORCE a person whose been arrested to hire decent legal help.

All that precedes this is the same for everyone.
I’ve been stopped, but I never ”ran because I was scared.”
All the rest, after he pleads out or is found guilty makes sense.
Yeah, a plea leads to jail or prison time usually.

The leftists would probably say that Christopher Lane should have just run away from these armed Crips. Oh that’s right, he had already passed the house the trio of gang-bangers were, and was continuing peacefully jogging away when they decided to hunt him down and shoot him in the back just for kicks. Little Antonio Santiago, the 13-month-old baby that was shot between the eyes by two black teenagers didn’t have the option of crawling away. WWII veteran Delbert Belton had just exited his car when he was beaten to death by teenagers who it is doubthful he would have been able to out run.

I reject the claim that those three crimes were “senseless,” as the perpetrators were clearly of sound mind when they decided to kill. There choices were not “senseless” but pure evil. Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense when the teen attacked him. The left want to downplay the killing of Lane, Antonio and Delbert were simply senseless crimes and nothing to get upset about, yet these same people who wanted to lynch Zimmerman for defending himself, are noticeably quiet. (Aside from an odd milquetoast statement by Jesse Jackson.)

There have been many such violent crimes committed by black youths against non-blacks since the Zimmerman trial, (and outrageously even more against fellow blacks,) yet most on the left and in the MSM are perversely speechless. There is still a widespread desire for seeking “revenge for Trayvon Martin”. It is not outrageous to consider that some of the victims might have been in some part chosen due to twisted justification. Were any of these killings mentioned yet in the various MLK gatherings? From what I’ve heard, only the death of Trayvon Martin has been mentioned. If Rev. King were alive today, he would be taking the black youth of America to task for their glorification of the gangster lifestyle.

Gun control has turned Democrat controlled cities into a high-rise wild, wild west. Where lawless desperadoes prey on the public at will, and law enforcement only shows up in time to secure the bodies for the undertakers. While it’s true that criminals can be of any color, it’s time for the left to re-examine it’s silence, denial and attitude of nonchalance towards black youth crime. It’s also long past time for them to admit the utter incompetence of metropolitan Dem-party stronghold leadership to deal with their utter failures to combat street gangs.


If anyone thinks racial minorities are given preferential treatment regarding punishment, consider the racial demographics of the U.S. prison population.

I don’t think it’s so much that racial minorities are being given a pass on crime, as it is Dr. J pointing to hypocrisy in the media and amongst some who are quick on the trigger to point to an incident like Zimmerman/Martin and inject racism into the mix; yet the murder of Christopher Lane shouldn’t be deemed a racist “hate crime”, in turn?

Why is Al Sharpton given any kind of legitimacy or credibility whatsoever as a voice of black leadership?

Martin Luther King III at the National Mall last weekend:

“The task is not done, the journey is not complete,” he said. “The vision preached by my father a half-century ago was that his four little children would no longer live in a nation where they would judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

“However, sadly, the tears of Trayvon Martin’s mother and father remind us that, far too frequently, the color of one’s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest and to even murder with no regard for the content of one’s character,”

Men like MLK III and Al Sharpton judge others on the content of character and not skin color?


Race hustlers and profiteers like Sharpton- the keynote speaker at last weekend’s Realize the Dream March and Rally- are part of the problem, not the solution to better race relations. They perpetuate racism and fabricate it in places where it is absent.

And yet one side of the political aisle seems to just lap it up.

Dr. John,

Great piece. Two suggestions from a style perspective. 1) Add the year after the dates… 2) use the tag target=”_blank”. Given that some of us have attention spans as long as a puppy, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose the original piece… which in this case would be a tragedy.


And yet one side of the political aisle seems to just lap it up.

Could you imagine the insane anger by those same individuals, if FOX News were to give David Duke his own show? (Not that anyone but “neo-nazis” and the far-left would watch a show anchored by the despicable Duke).

did anyone mentioned the old VETERAN OF WW ll beaten on and on by 6 blacks and hid HIM in the woods where he was found by a one WHO WAS IN HIS CAR LOOKING FROM A DISTANCE, THE 6 BLACKS DRAGGED HIM IN THE WOODS AFTER SO TO DIE HIDDEN FROM VIEW,
the 17 year older black was yelling kill him for TRAYVON,

if only those multiple victims had a gun to eliminate their killer,
then justice would have been done, and only in part because staying alive with the wounds
is still diminish their lives like GEORGE ZIMMERMAN’S WOUNDS ARE NOT COMPLETLY HEAL,


All of it is wrong, Bees, and all ought to be treated in the same manner.

A White House announcement:

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, an estimated 7.3 million African Americans with private insurance now have access to expanded preventive services with no cost, and nearly 7 million African Americans without health insurance will newly have access to quality, affordable health insurance options in 2014. The faith leaders told the President about their plans to work with their congregations and partners to inform people about the Marketplace. The President thanked the leaders for their prayers, and said that he looks forward to continuing to work with them. The President and the faith leaders concluded their meeting with a prayer.

A photo of the meeting is available here.

African-American faith leaders in the meeting included:
•Dr. Carroll Baltimore, President, Progressive National Baptist Convention
•Bishop George Battle, Senior Bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
•Bishop John Bryant, Senior Bishop, African Methodist Episcopal Church
•Bishop Thomas Hoyt, Senior Bishop, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
•Bishop Michael Kelsey, Executive Treasurer, Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
•Rev. Alvin Love, National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
•Rev. Otis Moss, Jr., Progressive National Baptist Convention
•Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder/President, National Action Network
•Rev. Stephen Thurston, President, National Baptist Convention of America
•Dr. C.T. Vivian, President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference
•Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner, Executive Director, Skinner Leadership Institute

Administration Officials in the meeting included:
•Attorney General Eric Holder
•Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President
•Melissa Rogers, Executive Director, White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Why is Al Sharpton, scam artist, even involved in that meeting? And can you even begin to imagine the outrage if George Bush has held a meeting with only “white” ministers to talk about how his Medicare Part D plan would effect only “white” seniors?

Greg want to blame the legal system for so many blacks being incarcerated. Never mind that those same blacks are being arrested by black police officers, prosecuted by black district attorneys, and sit in front of black jurors to have their sentences handed down by black judges. How far off the deep end have we gone when the disgraceful performance by Miley Cyrus is not being slammed because it was too “black” and that twerking is “a black thing?”

And why does Al Sharpton get a pass on the murders that happened at Freddie’s Fashion Mart, the lives he destroyed with the lies about Tawana Brawley and Crystal Magnun? Where do those “white” folk go to get their reputations back?

For years, we have been told that we should have a “conversation” about race relations in this country. But that conversation basically boiled down to the rantings of those like Ben Jealous, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan while every one else was told to sit down and shut up. But we are starting to have a conversation about the destruction of the black community in America, and the race baiters don’t like it. Black on white crime is pouring into the national media instead of just remaining local stories where newspapers are reluctant to publish the criminal’s race. As the American people become more informed, and the poverty pimps are being exposed for the charlatans they are, the Al Sharpton’s of this country will get even more shrill, trying to hold on to the power they should have never had.

The left seems to have no cohesive standard for anyone. We are told that we must let the illegals stay in our country, even though they are tattooed gang bangers, because they were brought here as children and we cannot hold them liable for the actions of their parents, yet……………………..whites are demonized for the actions of their ancestors 150 years ago. Every white in America, no matter when their ancestors arrived here, are responsible, in the eyes of these black poverty pimps, for the institution of slavery. When do we get to discuss the responsibility of black soldiers for the genocide committed against the Native American?

There are those who see the wrongness in this philosophy; Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Starr Parker, Justice Clarence Thomas, Bill Cosby, David Webb, Doreen Borelli, and everyone of the Project 21 members who want only the goals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But again, they are demonized, called “Uncle Tom” and any other pejorative that can be attacked to a black person by another black person. See, there is just too much at risk; if the nation is no longer “racist” there is no longer a need for those who have earned a tony living by promoting it and claiming it where it really does not exist. The poverty pimps will quickly be out of a job.

What the left has done to the blacks of America should be a crime punishable by long prison terms. The politics of “low expectations” has destroyed the black church, the black family and made the black father nothing more than a sperm donor.

The proverty pimps have now locked arms with the illegals. Why? Do they not realize that it will be the blacks that are harmed the most with the legalization of 16-20 million illegals who are mostly men seeking jobs or forming gangs to fight black gangs (see: Los Angeles)? But they are stupid for doing that because eventually the illegal Hispanic lobby will turn on them. See, Hispanics don’t suffer from “white guilt.”