Not Obama’s Type Of Immigrant


More Damned Freeloaders
More Damned Freeloaders

Obama is coming down hard on the immigration of educated White Europeans, but he is maintaing the purity and integrity of his ethnic minority immigrant policy.

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld his administration’s decision to deny asylum to the Romeike family, a religious German family that has been prosecuted and threatened with the loss of their children because of their belief in homeschooling.

The Romeike family fled their homeland in 2008 to avoid criminal prosecution for homeschooling. In 2010, they were granted asylum by Immigration Judge Lawrence O. Burman. His decision was overturned by the Board of Immigration Appeals in 2012. The Sixth Circuit listened to the appeal on April 23, and wrote a unanimous decision against the Romeike family.

The decision seems largely political and in step with the Progressive views of Obama toward White European Immigration and the collective indoctrination goals of public education.

The court acknowledges the Constitution respects the rights of parents to direct the education of their own children, but denies that the threats of heavy fines and the loss of the custody of their children, for insisting upon the right to homeschool, qualifies as persecution to a degree to warrant asylum in the United States.

The court specified that the United States has not opened its doors to every victim of unfair treatment. The fact that the Romeike family refused to participate in government sanctioned education was insufficient to classify them as a persecuted group.

The HSLDA, Home School Legal Defense Association, has over 120,000 signatures on a White House Petition (Please read and sign if you agree and or contribute to their defense) to stop the deportation of the Romeike family.

“We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong and we will appeal their decision,” said Michael Farris, HSLDA Founder and Chairman. “America has room for this family and we will do everything we can to help them.”

It is sad to see a family turned away by our president’s administration when over twelve million illegal aliens who entered the country illegally and have managed to occupy over one third of our prison populations and maintain a dominant presence on our welfare system are about to receive amnesty for their audacity and lawlessness.

We must wonder if the Romeike’s had crossed our Southern border illegally and applied for welfare and food stamps if they would have been welcomed with open arms by Obama’s henchmen or rejected because of their Whiteness and strict religious views.

It’s true, the Romeike’s are not potential Democrat voters, and are unlikely to ever apply for welfare, but should these factors be determinants for immigration or are we formulating the future demographics of our country by insisting that only the uneducated, illiterate, and unskilled minorities of the world to insure an ever-increasing dependency demographic of the future. Will one White family who doesn’t need government assistance wreck the Democrat’s plans for dominance of the voting booth?


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The legacy of ted – the swimmer – kennedy lives on

This case has led many to learn how Obama is also undermining homeschooling standards in America.
By forcing the parents to match their teaching to Common Core Obama is negating anything parents hoped to do to avoid their child/children from being indoctrinated with liberal lies.
You should see the standardized tests these home schooled kids will need to pass!

The purpose of immigration into any sovereign nation is to benefit the nation, not the immigrant. In days long passed, the U.S. allowed for the immigration of European craftsmen who helped build some of the most beautiful building in America. When the Irish fled their native land to come to the “new world”, they did so because they were starving. Having little to eat in the U.S. was better than having nothing to eat in Ireland.
Yet, it was true about the Irish that they took the jobs that Americans would not do; policemen, firefighters, railroad crews (along with the Chinese), the most dangerous jobs in America. But they were never on the dole, and in fact, were truely abused by the New York slum lords who created the first slums, filled by the Irish.

That cannot be said about the current crop of illegals, especially when Mexican radio is running commercials on how to obtain social welfare once they arrive [illegally] in El Norte.

The Romieke’s are not a drain on the taxpayer. They have jobs. They pay their own way. Mr. Romieke is a concert pianist (I’ve heard him play; he’s wonderful). They are contributors to our society, not leeches on our society. But there is more to this case than meets the eye. The Obama administration wants to make public schooling of our children mandatory. If the DoJ can win this case, then the next step is to sue parents, en banc, who home school their children. We can’t have parents refusing to allow their children to be indoctrinated by the Democrat Party and their teacher’s unions goons.

This is a case that bears watching, and the Romieke’s deserve your support.

About 50% of the estimated 12 million “illegal” immigrants entered the USA legally with proper visas. The Obama Administration enforces the law, the 6th District made that decision. The single largest number came in 2006, under Bush. The total number of non citizens, both those with proper papers and those without, in our prisons( both state and Federal) was 6.4% in 2005. Skook you CAN’T take what you hear on talk radio as always being fact You MUST look at primary sources.

Many Christian churches are now coming out in support of immigration reform. The Bible is QUITE clear on this.
Leviticus 19:34
Leviticus 19:34
New International Version (NIV)
34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

King James Version (KJV)
34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God
Exodus 12:49 is pretty clear also.
“There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you.”
American Jews have not forgotten how in the 1930s it was the right wing conservatives that offered them the least support. 80 years later they still vote liberal, the same may happen to a much larger group if the conservatives fail them also.

@john: Thank you for the source, but I must leave for a big day of work in a few minutes.

I think you will find most Americans are willing to engage on the subject of immigration reform, but immigration reform does not mean amnesty nor does it imply acceptance of only immigrants who will conform to the Progressive templates of dependence and subjugation.

When you reply with sources in the future, I will suggest you use a more reliable source than the NYT.

When I reference the Jew, you will note it is primarily the Israeli Jew, for they face armageddon on a daily basis and have a much more realistic view of life and death than our American Jew.

Now, I must participate in running my small business; however, I trust you will have many others more knowledgeable and educated in these matters than me.

@retire05: unfortunately this family is not the right ethnic background or the right color. Plain and simple.

@john: You forgot a few verses, john.
A balanced view is necessary.

Like Matthew 17: 24-27.
Jesus ordered his followers to pay their head tax so as not to offend the ”kings of the earth.”
Or Jesus’ Apostle Paul in Romans 13 when he wrote that all Christians must be subject to their governing authorities because it is not for noting that they carry the sword.

On a personal and church basis, Christians do give sanctuary to all sorts of those who the authorities say have broken laws.
But, if these are the laws, even Christians should try to obey them personally.
Rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right. (Romans 13)

On a personal note, I have hidden a family from police who wanted to remove a child because the parent and the child’s doctor had differing views.
Things worked out.
The child lived.
Who knows if it would have had the doctor imposed his ”treatment” on her.
And I politik for changes in that type of law.
BUT IF I got caught, I would expect the full force of the law to come down, not just on her and her child, but on me as well.
As long as it is the law, that is.


You used as a reference an article from 2007 and the New York Times which is extremely far left. Why is that? Why did you not use more current data?

Also, the fact that you, as a leftist, would resort to using the Bible to support illegal immigration is nothing more that pure hypocracy when the left is constantly screaming about the “separation of church and state.”

Many Christian churches are now coming out in support of immigration reform.

And more than a few Christian churches have come out against the henious practice of abortion. Do you stand with those Churches in that endeavor, as well?

Democrats support granting amnesty to illegals for one reason; votes. They know, and you know, that the majority of those illegals come from Spanish speaking nations, and they will vote anyone who promises them a socialist utopia.

Here is another question for you: we hear the left constantly claim that we should emulate the health care systems of other nations. I am sure you support that so I ask you; do you also support the immigration policies of other nations, specifically Mexico?

The trend is getting clearer by the moment, it seems.

Those who the federal government views in favorable light, as influenced by the current occupant of the WH, are getting favorable treatment while those who Obama has demonized repeatedly, from the very mention of his candidacy for president, are being subjected to various forms of political persecution by current employees of the federal government.

What are we going to find out tomorrow about what has been going on? What other non-progressive cause or peoples will be revealed as having undergone intimidating behaviour by the federal government simply because they don’t agree with, or live like, the progressive mindset tells them they must?

If this was a Republican administration, and the liberals and progressives were subjected to this very treatment, I’d like to think that I’d be just as incensed as I am now about it, regardless of my viewpoint of the progressive ideology. After all, winning at all costs can be worse than losing, in the long run, and especially if you give up essential and moral principles just to secure that win.


We must wonder if the Romeike’s had crossed our Southern border illegally and applied for welfare and food stamps if they would have been welcomed with open arms by Obama’s henchmen or rejected because of their Whiteness and strict religious views.

The vast immigration system in the U.S., and Canada’s as it turns out, has for decades been guided by very progressive liberals, filled with self-righteousness and political correctness. The result has been a penchant for rejections of applicants from countries in Western Europe, and Australia. While I realize that anecdotal evidence is a small sample, the media won’t write about it, so it is difficult to acquire statistics on ‘mindset’ – still the evidence is clear nonetheless and the anecdotal affirmation is substantial.

I actually don’t think it mattered who was in the W.H., the ideological conviction of the bureaucrats has been consistent, although now with Obama’s Administration in charge, it’s open season for the progressive doctrine.

There is also a very corrupt immigration industry machine which makes a living off people from countries where checking the veracity of “background” information is impossible, and whatever is needed can be ‘created’ with a payoff to a low-level government employee in any of 170 foreign countries.

If she and her girls dressed in Hijab’s there wouldn’t be a problem.

@UpChuck.Liberals: If she and her girls dressed in Hijab’s there wouldn’t be a problem.

If she and her girls dressed in Hijab’s they could have happily stayed in Germany where that WAS the problem.

The court specified that the United States has not opened its doors to every victim of unfair treatment. ……Seems, this is subject to Progressive/Liberal [WH] Interpretation isn’t it??

Let’s see…let’s see Asylum to “Boston Bomber et al…American Hating Muslim” VS “Asylum to a German Christian Family who believes in Home Schooling” Oh, and is not a burden on society…

No, our Government just opens it’s doors, borders and taxpayer pocketbook to every “other” ‘perceived’ victim ….of course there are a lot of “it depends” ….

….It depends what pigmentation it is determined they have, what religious back ground they have, which way their political leanings are [Of course Left/Liberal/Progressive…is a automatic ‘in’…]…how much they hate America……, How much they hate working, being Productive citizens, Freedom [I believe that many believe this actually means “FREE STUFF”], Liberty, Our Constitution and the American way of Life, oh, and even though it will come out in the wash… how much they can defraud/leech off the taxpayer via our Government….Sounds quite bias… because it is…. Horrific for a Sovereign Republic??… you betcha…

We are becoming as predicted…America – the Cess Pool of sloth …another third world country… how very sad for this beautiful Nation…

retire05@#8 – Great Points as usual. However, I do believe you left ‘john’ the liberal hypocrite speechless…seems he hasn’t gotten back to you yet…

Skook, there’s only one major inconvenient factor to you, linking the Sixth Circuit’s decision to hold with the Board of Immigration Appeals board, to Obama. Of the 16 judges currently serving as appointees to the Sixth Circuit, only two of them were appointed by Obama.

In fact, eight of the justices were appointed by Dubya… including Jeffrey Sutton – the justice who wrote the opinion of the appellate court on the Romeikes’s case. The Chief Justice, Alice Batchelder, was appointed by Bush the elder. Reagan appointed one – Danny Boggs. Clinton appointed three, and Carter one.

This means that ten of the 16 justices were appointed by Republican Presidents, Reagan and both Bushes. Add the fact that it was a unanimous decision, and it’s a stretch to pin this to Obama and his perceived views of Euro-immigrants in any cogent fashion. I suggest instead it’s a decision the court made, based on the merits of the case. What a novel idea…

As for Justice Burman’s asylum record, he has a denial rate of 35.6% compared to a 50.6% nationally. In his own Memphis district, he is also more liberal with asylum than his colleagues, who have an asylum denial average rate of 46.7%. I don’t know his reversal record, but he tends to let more in the US than he keeps out. Burman is a Clinton appointee from 1998.

The only thing I know of the Romiekes’ case is what is reiterated in the Sixth Circuit’s opinion you linked above. And while I’d *much* rather give asylum to them than to the Tsarnaev parents and their scumbag kids back in 2002 – that would be, of course, under Dubya – I can’t find much reason to disagree with their analysis that the Romeikes’ persecution wasn’t singular, nor out of the norm compared to others in Germany who also chose to disobey their laws that all children attend public schools. In making that decision, they, just like other parents who did the same, were the subject of prosecution (apparently more than once), and were financially penalized until they decide to comply. It seems their “persecution” is more of a financial nature for “prosecution” of civil disobedience of their laws.

BTW, the same year the Tsarnaev’s gained entry, the US also granted asylum to high-ranking Chechen separatist, Ilyas Akhmadov. Moscow told the US he was a terrorist as well. So goes the terrorist vs political enemy game that Moscow and the US have been playing for decades.

BTW, if anyone wants the statistics over various years for refugee/asylum, you can generally find anything you need at the Refugee Council Org’s site, and by various years.

The latest report from HSA for 2012. which compares for the past three years. However there are some graphs that depict asylum/refugee flow into the US that go back to 1990. The highest flow spike was between 1998 and 2003.

Doesn’t matter what the Court decision was. They can just stay in the US anyway. If they don’t deport illegals crossing the border from Mexico, there is no reason to assume they will deport anyone that crossed the border ‘legally’ in New York. So, just settle down and make a home. If they come to deport them, just sit down and refuse to go.

obama knows that a person not taught in a progressive school is one who can survive on their own without any welfare, will probably be a conservative, will probably vote republican, will probably be loyal to their country, and will probably help others if needed. What loyal democrat would want people like that in the USA?