You thought you knew how bad Obamacare was? Think again [Reader Post]

Each year, Congress holds a sword of Damocles over the heads of the medical profession. The “doc fix” is a budget adjustment to bring Medicare fees into the world of reality. democrats love to omit it for the sake of appearances.

Obamacare cuts $716 billion from Medicare. Obama calls it “waste.” Physicians call it reimbursement. What that will do is make finding Medicare providers far more difficult.

Maybe it’s time to drop the picket signs and pick up a copy of The Road to Serfdom [Reader Post]

It was with great interest that I watched Facebook catch fire with support of the calls for picketing and sick-outs at Wal-Mart stores across the country on Black Friday. From what I could tell, most of those supporting the calls were liberals who attacked the company with claims that it doesn’t pay “a living wage”, “exploits” its workers, or owes its workers health care. I even saw one fantastical claim that a majority of Wal-Mart employees are on food stamps.

Democrats “New Deal”….Raise Taxes, Gain More Power, & Deify Obama

Obama and company are all over the airwaves calling for tax hikes on the rich because a few billion will fix everything, which is complete baloney:

I’m simply staggered at the number of things that raising taxes on the rich is now supposed to fix. A partial list: Our crumbling roads, our cracked bridges, our decaying electrical grid, our failing schools, our bankrupt entitlements, our reliance on fossil fuels, and our over-extended public pensions.