If you build it, they will come. But wait! You didn’t build that! [Reader Post]


Where, exactly, were our stylists? What do they think they’re on the Big Black Bus for, if not to avoid unfortunate photo ops like this one of Big Guy out standing in his field?

You sure don’t need me to point out the failed optics of this unfortunate metaphor:

Four More years? Of this?

As our War Planner succinctly put it “How utterly metaphoric is this shot of our clueless POTUS standing in a drought-stricken Iowa corn field trying to ignite the magic of four years ago.”

And speaking of  stylists…

Screenshot Studio capture #654

and unfortunate photo ops:

moleno“My guns are bigger than your legs.”

Which one of the ladies-in-waiting thought that this tie-dyed “floral” apron dress with the .50 caliber ammo boob belt would show well on national TV? And which of our brilliant public relations and new media specialists thought that pairing Lady M’s statuesque physique up against a petite teenaged gymnast would be a good idea? I’d like to see their papers.

The unfortunate matchup made Lady M cranky enough that she couldn’t help butt lash out at poor 80 pound Gabby when she told Jay she celebrated her 2 gold medal victories by enjoying a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin. That was entirely out of character. I mean, how many times has Mo herself told us that an “occasional” treat is okay? And if winning double Olympic golds isn’t an occasion, what is?

After all, it’s not as if Gabby said she had a Shake burger, fries, chocolate shake and a diet Pepsi like Lady M always does when she thinks she’s earned a little treat. So that’s how I could tell little Gabby really got under her skin.

mo  leno.2jpgI could snap you in two and eat you in two bites.

Sheeze! We really need to hold a staff meeting before things get any further out of hand. It’s not as if things aren’t already tense enough around here.

As I first reported on Saturday, the Rteam really got into Big Guy’s kitchen. Now it looks like they’re crawled right into his bread box.

Well, see for yourself; this just came in overnight:

Obama - BidenMOTUS —

Congressman Paul Ryan is the poster boy for the extreme Republican leadership in a Congress whose overall approval rating is 12 percent. His plan to dismantle Medicare is deeply unpopular with the general public, and especially undecided voters.

You might be wondering why the hell Romney picked this guy. But this is a strategic pick that carries real danger for us.

Here’s the calculation: Mitt Romney doesn’t need or expect Paul Ryan to convince even one undecided voter to cast their ballot for him. That’s not what he’s on the ticket for. He’s there to reassure and inspire ultraconservative ideologues and corporate interests that they will have one of their own a heartbeat from the presidency.

That means tens or even hundreds of millions more dollars for the Romney campaign and the array of outside groups supporting him — and if current trends hold, more than 90 percent of that money will be spent on TV ads — lying, distorting and trashing Barack Obama. Those ads will have more impact on undecided voters than anything Paul Ryan himself does or says.

Mitt Romney is convinced that picking Paul Ryan is a great investment for him. And his campaign is already touting the pledges and donations they’ve received as a result, with fundraising events planned for this week.

We’re already being outraised, and we can’t afford to fall further behind. Our records show that you’re still waiting to make your first online donation — now is the time.

Please donate $5 or more today:

https://donate.barackobama.com/Romney-Ryan (I HOPE I didn’t screw that “donate” link up)

More soon.

(Howdy) Messina


Wow! Early August and we’re already pulling out the Howitzers. Medi-scare? Check. Ideologue? Check. Outraised by the evil rightwing attack machine? Well, technically, no. 

Screenshot Studio capture #647

Butt we do find it advantageous to be the underdog so we’ll keep beating that horse till it drops dead. It fit’s perfectly with our class warfare meme, and throwing in the “ideologue” tag was just inspired; it sounds so…villainous when slapped on an evil Republican.

Plus, it allows us to start lying attacking on a whole new front. For example, now Big Guy can accuse Ryan of holding up the farm aid bill even though he voted for it, before sending it along to the Senate, where it’s currently being held hostage by the Dem’s.

Which brings us full circle – back to Iowa. Where we had a few beers with the folks (h/t: Bill O’Reilly):

bo beer iowa

and enjoyed a shave ice (sno-cones, as they’re called in fly-over, where it snows)

bo shave ice

…before reentering our Field of Dreams. “Right this way sir, I’m sure there’s an alternate universe in here somewhere.”

bo field of dreams
Looking for the secret trap door that will take us back to the future.

Crossposted from Michelle Obama’s Mirror

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Looking for the secret trap door that will take us back to the future.

Maybe they’re looking for the Farm Bill, and the people we pay $174,000 per year, plus benefits, to deal with such important public business.

About that beer op.
See the same photo here:
Obama Iowa State Fair Visit Costs Businessman $25k

Small businessman Mike Cunningham runs the Bud Beer tent at the state fair but saw the Secret Service shut him down for several hours at a peak sales time when the President came to town.

Cunningham said that the more accurate figure for what he likely lost in sales Monday night is $25,000. He appreciated that fellow fair vendor Barksdale allowed him to set up a Bud beer station near the amphitheater stage and recoup some dollars from those Hairball fans [a rock band].

A week ago Obama cost some beach-front businessmen all their income for one day while Obama visited, not the Conn. beach, nope, but the home of some rich Hollywood guy for a big fundraiser.
Often times we also read that Obama costs little towns and even big cities a pile of cash that they don’t have when he comes for a fundraiser and uses their security/police.
He NEVER pays for it.
His campaign never pays for it.
Unless a BIG stink happens we never even hear about it.
Some individual Obamite paid for it when Obama came to his town and left city fathers holding an empty bag.
Didn’t want a bigger stink than the local papers, you see.

Obama’s attitude toward business reeks of “I don’t give a crap about how you’re doing.”
It shows in every facet of him, from policy to photo-op.

Obama’s famous for his ”words.”
But we must remember his attitude about words.
He cribbed that ”words, just words,” speech but he meant it.
To him words are just a way to fool you.
We have 3&1/2 years of Obama’s actions to measure his words against.

@Greg: Obviously you get your information from Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz.

The House of Representatives passed the farm bill. The Senate, which is controlled by do-nothing Harry Reid and the Democrats, decided to blow out of Washington without voting on it.

@John Cooper, #3:

The House passed a farm bill of sorts. Basically, it was just enough of a farm bill for them to be able to make the claim back home that they passed something without having their pants burst into flames on the spot. It was, in fact, a bill. It did, in fact, have something to do with farms.

@Greg: Greg, your just too stupid to even know it. Do you think passing the farm bill will do anything for this corn. BTW I am originally from rural Iowa, just got back, and your messiah is in a heap of trouble in Iowa.

@Greg: So you admit you lied?? You said NO farm bill was passed. BTW, when will the Senate pass a budget?? Geeez your dumb!!

Greg, your just too stupid to even know it. Do you think passing the farm bill will do anything for this corn.

I think passing the farm bill might do something to help the farmers. The corn is a lost cause.

No doubt republicans want to eliminate as much food stamp funding as possible, in anticipation of the inevitable jump in food prices that will follow a few months behind the crop losses. Maybe their theory is that the poor will be too weak from hunger to crawl into their polling places to vote.

Don’t you people get tired of repeating a line egregiously taken out of context? But I guess originality is too much to expect from a crowd who feels that calling people names and slandering someone’s integrity is a rational argument.

@Greg: I didn’t think you knew anything about farming and I was correct. Please help understand your statement about Republicans and Food Stamp funding, please prove yourself or stop with the stupid comments.

@Common Sense, #9:

Food stamp funding is part of the Farm Bill. In fact, food stamp program funding is the single largest part of the Farm Bill. It represents nearly 73 percent of the total.

The main point of contention regarding the Farm Bill is food stamps. Republicans want to slash food stamp funding.

@Greg: The corn is a lost cause.

No, Greg.
Corn is NOT a lost cause.
What corn we have is not being prioritized properly.
No way should Obama keep the ETHANOL mandate on corn, easily over 1/3rd of the corn we will get this year Obama could FREE UP for animal feed with a stroke of a pen!
That he does not do that proves he WANTS meat prices UP!
He doesn’t care about you.
Why do you cover for him?

No way should Obama keep the ETHANOL mandate on corn, easily over 1/3rd of the corn we will get this year Obama could FREE UP for animal feed with a stroke of a pen!

Do we want to see gasoline prices take a big jump? That would certainly do it. Gasoline prices are already climbing, owing to reduced ethanol production resulting from the drought. Regular gasoline is up to 10% ethanol.

MORE for Greg.
Actually 40% of all our corn crop goes to ethanol.
Organizations around the world from the World Trade Organization to the World Bank have signed recommendations to remove all subsidies or mandates for biofuels to bring down food costs.
The EPA has so far rejected such requests; and the president, who has the power to overrule the EPA, has likewise failed to act.
If corn were $2/bushel then ethanol from it would cost us $1.20/gallon.
But corn is now $8/bushel.
Thus ethanol from corn is now $3.20 (minimum) per gallon.
It so happens your car gets fewer MPG on ethanol than on gasoline.
So, ethanol costs MORE to move your car.

Our balance of trade is helped by selling 60% of all the corn the world imports.
That is toast!
As the days go by, pay attention to your food bill.
Everything has corn in it.
High Fructose corn syrup makes its way into most processed foods.
Most meats eat corn.
Many breads and cereals include some corn and so on.


Imagine that! A farm bill that dealt with farms. Whoda thunk?

Tell me, Greg, did you read the bill that didn’t get passed? If so, what part of it did you like? Did you like that it would help out the big corporate farms more than it would the little farmer who is suffering from draught like the poor guy whose owns the field full of dead and dried out corn that Obama stood in front of?

Nah, you didn’t read the bill. You are like Liberal1 and simply parrot whatever the New York Slimes tells you. Nevermind that farm relief is to help the little guy who will go under after just one bad year. The Republicans are nasty fellows for not passing a bill that would give millions of $$ to the Democrats corporate farm buddies.

And of course, there is no hunger in the world that needs the food corn grown. No, no, this administration is so smart that it subsidizes the growth of ethanol corn (not the same thing as food corn) so that now 60% of all corn grown is for ethanol. You see, Greg, growing ethanol corn pays farmers better. What a brilliant country we are to grow crops to put in gas tanks and then refuse Canadian oil.

And you wonder why people here think anything you say is just useless blathering?

@Greg: As expected you failed to answer the fundamental question of proving our accusation that Republicans want to reduce foot stamp funding. I’ll wait for your proof but likely won’t get it.

Talk about NOT BUILDING IT….
Obama hasn’t dumped Biden yet, but I hope he does.
Not for Romney’s sake.
Actually an Obama/Clinton ticket would be more difficult to beat than an Obama/Biden one.
Obama is a ditherer.
We all know that.
He still has 20 days to dump Biden.
Here’s why he should….Just Breaking Tonight….

John Hynansky — a longtime friend of Vice President Joe Biden, and a major donor to Biden’s campaigns was awarded a $20 million taxpayer loan
to * build * a * foreign-car * dealership * in * Ukraine.
But it gets worse.
The dealership is Winner Import.
Winner Import wanted the $20 million to open ‘Winner Autocity,’ which will have two new, state-of-the-art dealership facilities for Porsche and Land Rover/Jaguar automobiles.”
Porsche is a German-made luxury and sports car, and Jaguar Land Rover is a British luxury and sports car company owned by an Indian subsidiary.

Show me where this benefits any American besides Joe Biden.