Liberal Pundits Bemoan The Loss Of The Great White RINO


The Great White RINO

Facing an inevitable Liberal blood bath in 2012, mainly because of the ineptness and incompetence of the Obama Administration, Liberals have been quick to rally behind the next best option, a New England Rino. They are willing to admit that perhaps the Socialism and cronyism of Obama wasn’t what the country needed these nearly three years of an ever worsening financial situation.

However, secretly they wonder whether the Liberal brand can survive the catastrophic repercussions resulting from the imposition of an ideological Socialism during these lean economic times.

Socialism is expensive; only a fool would deny that premise, but when you handicap the implementation of Socialism with massive debt, repressive EPA regulations, massive entitlement programs, an exorbitantly expensive health care plan, the audacious and incomprehensible political corruption of rewarding former donors with massive amounts of stimulus funds, during a period when five countries in Europe are facing default, the US has excessive unemployment and a collapse of the housing market, it is no wonder that Socialism is considered to be oppressively expensive.

Is that a reason to give up on the cause? Not for the Socialist Ideologue who possesses even a minimal cerebral comprehension, it is a time to regroup, drop back ten and punt the ball to your best Rino. A pugnacious Rino that stands up to unions and teachers, who speaks the everyday language of the common man and lets the little guy feel like he is speaking for him with his John Wayne bravado of not backing down and never yielding to those who want to rob from the working people. He is a perfect choice for the Liberal or at least the best choice from the Republican menu; especially, when you are facing humiliating defeat in a year.

Where else will you find a Republican willing to fight for gun control, Anthropogenic Global Warming, who will stand for illegal immigration. With leaders like this, why struggle with being a Liberal when Liberals are facing extinction? Become a moderate Republican or a Rino and ride the wave of moderation to victory.

There is one problem: the emerging hero of Liberalism, from the ranks of the Republican Party, threw in the towel before climbing into the ring. Now they are faced with a Conservative for four years and if his economic policies turn the country around, Liberalism will once again become a dirty word among decent people, to be associated with the failures of Communism and Anarchism.

Thomas Friedman explains this peculiar Liberal dilemma:

By refusing to embrace Simpson-Bowles as the basis of a Grand Bargain, and instead offering a watered-down version, Obama has left a gap for a sane Republican or independent candidate. Why was Christie popular among G.O.P. moderates and independents? Because he seemed ready to tell hard truths that Obama has started to shrink from. Had Christie — a moderate on gun control, climate change and immigration who has also backed Simpson-Bowles — run and won significant support, he would have forced Obama back to the center.

Then, instead of a race between the Democratic left and the Republican right — in which the whole country would lose because the winner would not have had a mandate for the real change we need — we would have had a race between the Democratic center, independents and the Republican center. Then the whole country would win. Because whoever captured the presidency would have a mandate to actually implement some version of the Grand Bargain needed to get growth going again — and growth is the only sustainable cure for unemployment, the deficit and inequality.

Now that Obama’s Socialism has failed, even Liberals recognize the importance of Obama embracing centrist policies, at least until after the election. But a Socialist Ideologue is so committed to the cause that he is by definition incapable of deviating from the purity of the basic ideologic tenets of Socialism. Like the sea Captain who sees the breakers ahead, but trusts his navigation skills to the point that he cannot admit he has made a mistake and sails his ship and crew to destruction, because of his inability to change or to admit that he has made a mistake, despite the obvious and contrary signs of disaster looming just ahead.

A thinking Liberal realizes that the wavering Liberal, who is the first realize when their policies are not working and will defect early to the cause of fiscal sanity, a group that Liberals cast as Independent, thus justifying an ever larger demographic of true Independents and skim milk Liberals, will be the first to flock to the Rino or moderate Republican. The Rino is a much safer alternative, since it is hard to drown in a teacup of Conservatism, but when you are thrown into the 12 foot deep version of Conservatism and fiscal responsibility, there is a distinct possibility of economic prosperity and the end of Liberalism as we know it.

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He’d look more “presidential” if had shoulders.

“Because the Only Good Progressive is a Failed Progressive”

Christie is from liberal New Jersey.
Romney is from liberal Massachusetts.
Both are statist technocrats.
Both are RINOS, right along with Lindsey Grahamnesty.
Neither is conservative.
How about a conservative?
Is that too much to ask?
How about Taxed Enough, Already?
Good grief! Either the snake swallows you quickly or slowly. You end up food either way.
Can we please return to the vision of the Founding Fathers, who believed that the State could only do certain things?

Its like the Lakota waiting for the Great White Buffalo in order to purge the land of the European settler. One wanted freedom to hunt and gather. The other wanted the freedom to own and farm land. The Industrial Revolution decided that victor.

The choice is there. Socialism- the dependence from the government teat or rugged individualism.

I see the extinction of McCaskill, Sibelius, and Landrieu in my all knowing crystal ball. The Tsars can go back to Russia.

I just love the title AWESOME

I can hear ted Nugent singing that.

After an absence of some days, I came back, wondering what candidate was being supported by any of the regular F/A discussion group. I was surprised not to see anyone talking about Herman Cain’s rise to the top, going back a week. Did I miss something? He’d seem to be the perfect candidate, for many of the active participants here. Certainly not a New England RINO.

I think that the GOP candidate who’d do best in the one on one debates with Obama would be Cain. Romney talks like a CEO, and wonkishness doesn’t make for good impressions or sound bites. Orators do better in debates and as candidates, in general. Obama is a great orator with prepared text, but he comes across as a wonk in debates. Perry doesn’t come across as a wonk, but he frankly comes across as a simpleton, which is no better. Not as a plain spoken man with principles, but as a stumbler who can’t keep his thoughts straight in his head. Cain combines command of economic numbers with the ability to stay smooth in extemporaneous speech. I think that the video clip of Cain going one on one against Clinton in 1992 was a jaw dropper. The guy (Cain) has really got some chops.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA Cain has my support. Even made site with a friend before he announced.

Missed your 9/24. I’ll read it right now. Thanks.

The Great White Rhinos will never be hunted to extinction unfortunately. Their will always be those professional politicians who will sell not only their conservative principles out, but their constituents, and country too. We may get rid of Obama as the figurehead of the liberals agenda, but we will always have to be on guard for the Rhinos who have told us for years that we have to compromise on everything and anything if we want a seat at the table. They compromised illegal immigration, marriage, education, the Unions, the budget, just to name a few of the problems that the Rhinos ran with the liberals on. What the Rhinos never wanted to explain, and never will is why were the liberals able to make so much progress in the last 30 years. Someone mentioned Cain, we are for Cain and have been. But that man has an uphill battle against him. The GOP, the press, the belief that one must be a professional politician, and of course himself as well. I would love to see a an educated, intelligent, and successful Black man who is Obama’s opposite in every way be elected as president.

But didn’t Cain say gun control/regulation should be a state’s decision? Or has he flipp-flopped since then?
As for the 999 plan, I have my doubts. I know you plan on writing about it, so I’ll ask some questions now that you may be able to answer/explain in the post you plan to write about it.
In phase 1 he says :

I call on the Super Committee to pass the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan along with their spending cut package.

I don’t like that already. That Super Committee has got to go. How can a small portion of Congress make all the decisions for the whole of Congress?
Newt has it right.
Scrap the darn thing before it completely destroys our system.
In phase 2, Cain states:

It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it.

So it will be a reorganized IRS or no IRS at all?
Will the 16th Amendment be repealed or not?
Also, if there is a national sales tax of 9%, does that mean local sales taxes will be abolished or does that sit on top of what local taxes already are?
Call me skeptical.

Not sure if I was happy that Christie said no, or not. On one hand it is good not to have to deal with another liberal, country club Republican; on the other hand, it would have been nice to see him have to answer for his liberal policies.

Cain is my man, has been from the start. I like his message, his integrity and his back story.

@just me 95:
State and local sales taxes will not go away. The National sales tax will be on top. Also we will still have income taxes. All taxes can be raised later. Just a “temproary ” increase you know.

The peripetia or reversal of fortune for Holder and Obama is inevitable if ignorance yields to truth. Whether we apply euphemisms, aphorisms, or hyperbole to achieve anagnorisis is inconsequential, any of them will be more effective than hiding like a whipped cowardly dog.