Say What? 10/4/2011 Edition [Reader Post]

President Barack Obama, for about the 100th time: “This jobs bill is fully paid for. This jobs bill contains the kinds of proposals that Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And now, I want it back. It is time for Congress to get its act together and pass this jobs bill so I can sign it into law.”

These Days Are Over

Will Holder Turn State’s Evidence And Finger Obama Or Be Fitted With A Snazzy Orange Jumpsuit

Anagnorisis is the moment or instant when ignorance gives way to truth; assumed to be first described by Aristotle in his “Poetics,” it along with peripeteia (reversal of fortune) describe Eric Holder’s recent encounter with facts and soon justice and perhaps federal prison in Leavenworth.

How poetic, the ancient Greeks so aptly described the present situation Holder created for himself by committing perjury, a crime he would no doubt prosecute against another felon with fast and furious efficiency, but now he is the one who faces prosecution and imprisonment for committing perjury during a congressional hearing.

At least when a pirate takes your money, you know its going to create real jobs in the rum industry…[Reader Post]

How much do you earn per year? $25,000? $75,000? How about $150,000? Maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less. Whatever you earn, you probably wish your check was just a little bit bigger.

>Many of us look at guys like Alex Rodriguez earning $30 million a year or Johnny Depp earning $50 million or Larry Ellison earning $130 million and wish we could exchange paychecks with them. But then of course we’d have to do what they do in exchange for those paychecks, something which most of us are unlikely to be able to accomplish. That is of course the beauty of free markets, where what you earn is relative to not just the value you bring to an organization, but the relative scarcity of potential replacements who can provide that same value.

IED Central

IEDs are not slowing down over here. But, thankfully, we’re finding more of them than we’re not. Rocket attacks appear to have picked up as well. According to USA Today, …