Palin or Cain and a government Americans deserve [Reader Post]


In a free society citizens deserve the government they vote for. As much as I might despise the everything the liberals stand for and are doing to this country, the truth of the matter is that they did not seize power in some coup d’état… except for maybe Stuart Smalley. Nor did they come to power legally and then change the rules once they got there as Hitler did. No, they were by and large voted into power promising to do exactly what they have done. The fact that most of America is unhappy with the way things are going says more about Americans in general than it does about the politicians themselves.

Although the dysfunction of government goes back for decades, 2008 provides a perfect prism through which to understand the failure of the American people. As most Americans now recognize, Barack Obama is a complete disaster as President. While this reality may have come as a complete surprise to some, the truth of the matter is that all of the signs were there for anyone who wanted to look. From being raised by self identifying Communists, to seeking out Communist professors, from spending two decades in Reverend Wright’s church to announcing his entry into public office in the home of two terrorists to being the point man for ACORN, all of this and much more was easily available to anyone who wanted to see it. Indeed, despite the mainstream media’s efforts to ignore or whitewash such aspects of Obama’s background, many Americans decided they were immaterial. He had after all been elected to the Illinois legislature and was a serving US Senator and he gave rousing speeches. Apparently that was enough to qualify him to lead the most powerful nation on earth.

To put this in perspective, that’s the equivalent of an NFL owner inviting a sports columnist to coach his team. Just because the columnist uses the lexicon of the game and knows how to criticize what others are doing doesn’t mean he has a clue how to actually run an offense, a defense or lead a team up of alpha male millionaires in their quest to outsmart and outperform 16 other teams made up of alpha male millionaires and led by professional coaches. Not only would the team get demolished, but anyone with a functioning brain could have predicted that outcome from the start. Appropriately enough Obama’s election in 2008 began America’s march to becoming the 2008 Detroit Lions… who went 0-16.

At the end of the day, Barack Obama being elected President of the United States is nothing more than a dereliction of duty on the part of the American people and is an example of the despicable state of the American body politic. To many Americans Barack Obama was an empty vessel into which they poured their hopes and dreams. And if he could assuage their white guilt in the process, even better! The problem is, he wasn’t an empty vessel. He was a filled to the rim with everything un-American and none of it was hidden from view. To not see it one simply needed to willingly avert their eyes.

It’s not a surprise that the Tea Party movement began even before Obama’s ineptitude became apparent. The election itself started to galvanize much of the population, particularly those who were dispirited by the GOP’s nomination of the squishy John McCain but pulled the lever for him nonetheless, just to watch the “electable moderate” lose. As President Obama’s incompetence became apparent and his anti-capitalist policies began to make it into legislation and the Federal Register, more and more Americans began to understand the threat that the left in general and President Obama in particular represent to the United States. On February 19th, 2009 Rick Santelli put words to the feelings that tens of millions of Americans were experiencing… viola’ the Tea Party was born.

The question for the GOP is, do they want the 2012 election to look more like 2008 or 2010? In 2008 they nominated a “moderate” who had been the darling of the media until he vanquished any real conservative opposition… what little there was. He then was morphed into a clone of the hated George Bush. In 2010 on the other hand, when voters across the country were given a slate of largely conservative candidates, the GOP picked up over 60 seats in the house and sent bedrock conservatives like Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul to the Senate.

Is the GOP going to once again bring to the dance a “moderate who can win the general election” like Mitt Romney or are they going to go with a true conservative who can make a case to the American people that the time for meandering down the road to socialism and fascism is over? Although a moderate like Romney might put on the brakes, the reality is that what the United States needs is a full stop and a return to a Constitutional government. Let community organizations run social programs; Let states and parents manage education; Let citizens focus on creating wealth and prosperity as they pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness while the government focuses on securing the borders, adjudicating contract disputes and providing for national defense.

Disgust with Barack Obama and his party is not going to be sufficient to change the direction of the country. If the GOP is going to victorious it will have to field a candidate who clearly articulates a different path and who will be able to stand up against the media’s coming full court press in support of Barack Obama. Sarah Palin should be the one making that case, but unfortunately she is not running… yet. Herman Cain is a close second. Until Saturday night his chances were rather slim. Perhaps things have shifted… we’ll see if the $25 I just sent him helps.

However things go for Cain, the debate thus far leaves much to be desired. The back and forth about how RomneyCare differs from ObamaCare is a red herring. Arguing whether the Ponzi scheme that is Social Security should be called a Ponzi scheme is a debate more appropriate for a kindergarten class. They distract from the central message of lower taxes, less regulation and basically getting government out of the way so that people can live their lives. The government that takes the oath in January 2013 will indeed be the government Americans deserve. Let’s hope GOP gives them a candidate to lead that government that they can be proud of as well.

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The 2008 election began for me around 2000 or so…when I began to get a regular stream of hate Bush emails from liberal friends of mine. Once or twice a week. Some would be article links; others would be cartoons or animations.

Did anyone else experience this?

I recall how upset they were when Gore lost. Gore was their messiah then. The hatred started right away. In fact, before Bush even won the election.

Let me be clear: the RINOs run the Republican Party. The RINOs would much rather be re-elected and remain in the minority, than to have themselves replaced by true conservatives. The RINOs, whose star is Karl Rove, love to play establishment. RINOs ran the Republican minority for 70 years. They like it that way. Their motto is always “compromise.” A lot of good that did them. They ran Dole (it was his turn). They ran McCain (it was his turn). His turn seems to mean some candidate who has passed his or her sell-by date.
So now the RINOs, with the able assistance of the Main-Stream Media (LSM) , have chosen Romney as their chosen vehicle. Perry is too Texan. Can is … well, he is black, don’t you know. Gingrich is too smart. Palin is too glamorous.
Were the Tea Party to make itself felt, the RINOs would lose big-time. Many state officials would be out on their ears. That is what is needed: a thorough house cleaning; get rid of the Susan Collins branch of the Republican Party. Let us replace all those who do not believe in freedom and private enterprise, and who hold to “compassionate conservatism” (whatever that is).
The facts are clear. There are activities which the nation-state cannot properly conduct. See your Constitution for details. All those powers which are not enumerated in the Constitution should be denied to the Federal Government: welfare, health care, education, the whole nine yards. And who turned the Feds into an insurance company, anyway?
We need the vision of Cain, Christie, Palin, and Rubio. We do not need Shamnesty Graham. We do not need weepy Bonior. Give us someone willing to stand for what he or she believes in!
Worked with Reagan.
Did not work with Bush I, Bush II, Nixon, Ford. Simple. Clear.
Get with it.
No more RINOs.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of Idiots such as those who made him their president.”

–From commenter O2BNTEXAS on a Reuters story.

@John Cooper: Agreed, except for, “The Republic can survive a Barack Obama”
which should have read, “The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, BUT FOR ONLY ONE TERM”.

I will not vote for another RNC hand picked golden boy. Romney is nothing but a younger McCain and he knows it.

As it stands my vote is Herman Cain unless Sarah Palin gets into the running and then it should be her and Cain to cover the field and balance each other other in expericance.

I have thought about this issue many times…how we got the government we deserve….and to me, it all comes down to one word “Democracy”.

Our Republic was not set up to be a democracy, think about this, originally we the people only voted for those running to be our Representatives hence the House of Representatives is known as “the peoples house”. Senators were appointed by the State Legislatures in order to protect the interests of the States and the President was placed in office by the Electoral College. The Electors could not be associated with the State or local Governments and generally represented business interests or were simply men of unimpeachable character, pastors, educators, men like my Great-G-G-G Uncle, John C. Calhoun.

The People—->House of Representatives

The States——>The Senate

Business——->The President

Thus all segments of our society were represented and all three of these offices had differing responsibilities and duties. Remember back then the person who came in second became the vice Pres. (and the President of the Senate). Everything was designed to make it difficult to pass law, not to expedite the process. But now WE THE PEOPLE get to determine everybody, the Representatives, the Senators and the President. I’m sure eventually someone will try to change the way Supreme Court Justices are placed in office and try to make that an elected position as well.

I hear a lot of talk about “term limits” and I never liked it, I don’t want to loss the right to vote for the person who best represents me just because he/she has already served their allotted time. I also hear talk about the “National Popular Vote” movement which would eliminate the Electoral College and cement the demise of our Republic.

But imagine if we returned to our founders original intent. Does anyone out there seriously think the State Legislature of Minnesota would appoint Al Frankin to represent them or that California would have Boxer or Feinstein as their rep? NO WAY. Imagine what might have been without 30+ years of Ted Kennedy pushing his agenda. Do you think business leaders would have placed Barack Hussein Obama, Carter or either one of the Bush’s in the Presidency?

Restore the Republic and elect the one Candidate NOT mentioned in Vince’s very fine article. Just my opinion.

Excellent article that gets to the heart of the main problem. A problem that still has not been recognized by many Americans. That Obama is only a symptom, and his removal is not the cure, only a beginning. And that beginning on the real problem with all its symptoms will only continue if enough Americans remain involved in ensuring that the GOP, and the remaining Rhinos shape up and or ship out. As your post points out we were all at fault, not just those who carried Obi to the white house. There are still many Rhinos out there who will be more than willing to compromise our values, traditions, and fiscal policies just so they can keep their worthless butts in office. What we need now is an individual like Cain and or Palin who has the courage to say and do what others fear to do because of political correctness which has driven this country to the edge of the cliff in more that just one way. Even Santelli who ‘s chances are extremely slim. But if we get someone like Perry or Romney we will only be forestalling the inevitable. We won bigtime in 2010, and why the Rhinos are still screaming that the independents will leave us if we back a true conservative is beyound me. Why they still insist that we must continue to compromise and sell out when the opposistion refuses to back down when they have the 2010 elections as proof is odd as well. For decades now the GOP has been know as the “backdown party/cave in party” while the libdems have walked all over them in all areas. Rommey is practically begging Americans to see him as an outsider, and not a professional politician. I like to think that most Americans are not that naive. But then again they voted Obi into office.Perry was effectively exposed for his Rhinoism at the last debate, and the polls are witness to that. But now the 64 million dollar questions? Will Cain be able to take his small lead, and capitalize on it? And if he does will the Gop and the big money people will back him? Because if we keep doing the same thing over and over like electing Rhinos, we will keep getting worse and worse results. And all the symptoms of liberalism will contiune their systemic spread into America.

Compromise? No way, that’s why we have two sides. Pick one!

I refuse to vote for any “COMPROMISING” RINO, which is partly how we got into this mess in the first place.

I asked Palin on her facebook page if she was a cheerleader or a quarterback. When she was on Greta’s show recently, she said she did not think a title made a difference. It does when that title is President of the United States. You can be a cheerleader from the sidelines. Exhorting the players to win, but that is not play calling. Sarah Palin has recieved a special gift from God. She has the ability to speak the truth in a manner which is understood. IMHO, she needs to put aside those doubts and get busy restoring this nation to what is can be. That is not the job of a cheerleader.

Palin is a grifter. She plays her coy little game of “Am I running or am I not running” to sell her boring books and make her uber-dumb appearances on Greta’s show.

She reminds me of the 16 year old girl who’ll go out with you on prom-night, all the while telling you how you’ll get a piece of her at the end of the dance and deep down you know she’s just teasing you.

It gets old, Sarah, real old.

@Hard Right, #2:

I recall how upset they were when Gore lost.

Of course people were upset. Bush lost the popular vote, and it’s doubtful he would have won the electoral vote if consistent standards of evaluation had been applied to questionable ballots. After examining questionable Florida ballots, The National Opinion Research Center concluded that the uniform application of any consistent standard in Florida would have resulted in a Gore electoral win.

Basically, the system failed in the 2000 presidential election. George W. Bush should never have been in the White House.

So, I keep asking, but don’t ever get an answer: which one of these candidates is most like Ike?

I’d really like to know which one’s most like TR, but he’s generally seen as too much of a hippie populist for most “republicans” these days….

@Greg: I am speechless! Please let us know who you work for? Even a devil’s advocate would be appreciated instead of your incipient, liberal drivel! I can only guess that you are an operative of the demrats/white house.

If you want to castigate our ideas then have it with reasoned debate. Either clean the window in your stomach or resign yourself to being a human anachronism or wart on the posterior of every true American.

Mata explained in great detail and provided proof of how your claim is BS, greg. You on the other hand, had to backtrack and move the goal posts as usual.
No, you and your ilk were upset because you tried to steal an election, tried to steal back ‘what is rightfully yours” and failed.
Besides, as I said, the hate started BEFORE he was elected. You know, like when he was running for election? Do try to keep up. It should also be mentioned, the founders of America were smart enough to keep the popular vote from being the standard for election. As you have stated you are “not a fan of Capitalism” and have demonstrated similar feelings towards democracy, I’m not surprised you want to cry about Bush legitimately winning.

BTW, the report doesn’t exactly say what you claim it says. What a shock!

Greggie, you are consistently boorish – I will give you that.

Ivan, what is it like to be so full of sh*t you stink?

@Greg, would you be channeling the less than adept Hill’o’beans now?

We’ve already been there, done that on the media recount… before.

Here’s ugly Constitutional facts for you. The POTUS is not elected via popular vote (yet, and heaven forbid it ever is), and those who cast a vote incorrectly because they aren’t clever enough to figure out how a ballot works (which makes them probably just as dumb about the issues…) do not deserve a special pass just because you don’t like the outcome.

You should really try to retain some of these debate/discussions, Greg. It really gets old when you ignore facts merely to put forward the same ol, same ol.

@Aleric: I like Cain and Palin as well. However, in her most recent interview with Greta, she called him “Herb Cain” over and over again.

Seems like she admitted to having trouble with Biden’s name as well, wanting to call him O’Biden.


Palin is a grifter. She plays her coy little game of “Am I running or am I not running” to sell her boring books and make her uber-dumb appearances on Greta’s show.

I am amazed that you seem to think that this is an easy decision to make, and that Palin should have made it long ago and gotten into the race or not.

She is a woman with many opinions, and she has a forum from which to express those opinions (FB and on FoxNews). You express your opinions here. If you could express them to get a wider audience, I am sure that you would.

If she entered the race, she would be subjecting herself and her family to a vicious onslaught of hatred, which could go much further than just verbal abuse. So, her taking some time to determine if she really wants to deal with that is reasonable as far as I am concerned.

In my opinion, she is actually “running” for the Secretary of Energy.

The left is very good at finding enough uncounted ballots in car trunks to swing a close election in a recount. Much worse though, is the way they show up at the polls with busloads of foreign citizens, all registered Democrats. But the worst trick may be the way they show up at the polls with boxes of neatly arranged absentee ballots. Hanging chads my a%#!

I agree entirely with your viewpoint unfortunately the American people are sleep walking and I believe they will reelect Obama, a man with no experience, clearly incompetent and of questionable intelligence. Remember 65% of the women in this country voted for Obama. What were they thinking ? When our people elect again and again politicians who are corrupt, morally bankrupt and possessed with the lust for power that speaks volumes about the soul of the American people. I don’t think we need to fear Al-Quaeda-our own people will bring about the demise of this country and it started with the election of Obama. I honestly don’t believe we can reach the American people.

@Gary Kukis: #1- Yes, I have had to endure not only what you describe, but when I tried to joke about Liberals and Obama, one of my closest friends, a man i have known for 40 years, called me a racist. He declared that I could no longer speak to him about political things if I was going to have that attitude.
Herman Cain is probably just who we need- a man who rose from a working class background, to take Burger King, as well as Godfather’s pizza into profitibility, in one case in the space of three months.
His most endearing quality is he means what he says, and says what he means- not quite the political animal we normally see, and a habit that might not endear him to our “Friends” in other places, but that might just be what WE need. A dose of common sense talking to.
We need toget “political”, and vet these people with our collective “common sense”, or we will end up with another Obama, and our country cannot survive that.

@Greg: Greggie, have you ever considered that God perhaps played a part in the election of 2000? Perhaps Dubya was the right man in the right place at the right time.
Of course, God might be saying of present circumstances, “Hey- y’all really did it to yourselves now- I’m outta here.”

“We need the vision of Cain, Christie, Palin, and Rubio.” You do realize that Christie is McCain lite….rite…

@Blake: I’ve been cut off from 4 long-term friends and relatives for being conservative and expressing my opinion. The very same people would have no problem saying this or that negative thing about this or that conservative, but if I come back and offer a different opinion, the response sometimes ends up being, “We just can’t be friends any more.” Now, understandably, almost all of these people are from California, where they can receive a constant onslaught of liberal viewpoint. So hearing a different viewpoint scares them somewhat.

@Gary Kukis: I live in CA also and am always waiting for the next “we can’t be friends” for presenting actual facts, not just speaking opinion.

@Gary Kukis:
Liberal tolerance in action.

Sarah is brilliant, she ran already while visiting the Iowa Harvest Fest by taking a position midway in a marathon then running the rest of the race. That the MSM didn’t know or chose not to report. With loads of options why waste time, money, and energy on a pr circus. Michelle Bachmann is losing steam because she is running out of cash while Ron Paul ads are showing up on every blog possibly also Daily Kos, MediaMatters, and HuffPuff. Romney, the primed perfect guest at the wedding, is an Algoreasaurus wearing snazier suits.

ATTACK Obama, everywhere he goes – everything he says
ATTACK Big Sis Napalitano for being stupid
ATTACK Katherine Sibelius for being dangerous
ATTACK Erik Holder for wdf being Erik Holder
ATTACK Valerie Jarrett for being a rich spoiled brat elitist
ATTACK Stephen Chu for being a theoretical physicist not knowing anything about practical physics
ATTACK Lisa Jackson for choking liberty
ATTACK James Carney for being an old line prep school preppie totally out of touch

Every day these people put more sharp arrows in our quiver which we must use (14 Rounds left) to ATTACK- ATTACK – ATTACK


@Gary Kukis:

I am amazed that you seem to think that this is an easy decision to make, and that Palin should have made it long ago and gotten into the race or not.

What’s so amazing about the fact she is toying with people, and using them, for her personal gain? Take a look at the “Palin volunteers” who have been ASSuming that she will run and are runing some fantasy operation in Iowa. If she doesn’t run-and I don’t think she will-those people wasted A LOT of time. That’s okay, Palin got the publicity.

She is a woman with many opinions, and she has a forum from which to express those opinions (FB and on FoxNews). You express your opinions here. If you could express them to get a wider audience, I am sure that you would.

Yeah, and unlike HER, I don’t go around playing the coy bovine-fecal matter game of “Am I running for President or am I not?” I’m a straight shooter-she’s not.

If she entered the race, she would be subjecting herself and her family to a vicious onslaught of hatred, which could go much further than just verbal abuse. So, her taking some time to determine if she really wants to deal with that is reasonable as far as I am concerned.

Unreal. You were the 18 year-old in high school who actually believed what the school-tease told you.

In my opinion, she is actually “running” for the Secretary of Energy.

Oh really? I didn’t know that was an elected office. Whatever.

@Ivanski: Before you start spewing your haterade all over Ms. Palin, perhaps you should save some of that venom for Mr. Christie.

How many times has he said that he wasn’t running, only to have his name come up right around EACH debate that the GOP has partaken in this year.

Gee, that is sure odd how that happened. But I guess you don’t suspect that he is “toying” with folks, and save all your hatred for Palin.

How typical of you.

@Ivan: I guess I am wasting my time responding to you.

The kind of vitriol that Palin’s family is unlike any I have ever seen before. It goes beyond teasing. Her daughter goes into a bar and gets called filthy names by bullies who do not know her. There are a lot of politicians I do not like; I could not imagine finding their teen daughters and using that kind of language against them. I could not imagine using that kind of language toward any woman who is, essentially a stranger to me, even if I disagreed with her policies and politics. So yes, the way her family has been treated is a valid consideration. If you don’t get this, imagine your own daughter being accosted by strangers using vile language, simply because of your lame opinions.

The volunteers working for her realize she may or may not get in. You could care less about them. You simply use their supposed feelings as a debater’s technique.

Yes, I fully understand that Secretary of Energy is not an elected office. Some people get involved in the political process in order to be appointed to this or that office; their involvement indicates their interest. I am not surprised that you are unaware of this. In any case, she would be wonderful in this role.

Here in the UK we did not get the government we voted for. We ended up with an alliance between the party that most of us voted for and a minority party that no-one ever really took seriously but it is this latter group who are dictating most of the government’s policies. Democracy is a very imperfect instrument.


Ivan- what is your major malfunction? Perhaps what you need is to be bitch-slapped until the blood flows freely-

I am beginning to think that the art of dueling should be revived- conservatives would win, because progressives are to cowardly to learn about weapons, and you sound like you would be among that group,  am I right?

Whether or not Palin gets a job in the next admin would of course, depend on several things, the least of which would be your opinion- but first, she’d have to be offered it, she would have to want it, and then (unlike Obama’s appointees) she would need to be confirmed by the Senate, all in order to get the job.

You see, unlike the progressive scum that has ringed DC like a bad bathtub ring, the conservatives value the Constitution, not attempt to find ways to circumvent that document. Yea, you have to be real proud of your ilk- they are so appealing to the traitorous scum bloc of voters, aren’t they?