Life Isn’t About Waiting For A Storm To Pass; It’s About Learning To Dance In The Rain.

During the Renaissance and up until the late 19th Century, the Straivarius violin was the standard of the industry. A model by which all others were judged. The Stradivarius and fine sailing ships were built by employing Pythagorean mathematics, a keen knowledge of various woods, and a sense of artistic proportion. The result was an aesthetic marvel that would be admired by generations

Lars used the same Pythagorean mathematics, his love of exotic wood, and an artist’s sense of form and proportion to build his double ended ketch over thirty years ago. Wood makes a sail boat seem alive. The steel cable stays that brace the masts play their own music in different winds and the wooden vessel comes alive and sings beautiful songs on the high seas, but you needed to speak the language of sailing to understand the music of the songs of the sea.

Economics for Politicians Chapter Six: – You are Greedy – This is a Bad Thing [Reader Post]

It was either after the 2006 or 2008 elections (I can’t recall which) that House Majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressed her incoming Freshman class and advised them something to the effect of, “You’re number one priority is to get re-elected.” Her reason for this makes sense from a beltway perspective – in order to push grand changes your party needs to gain and hold power. Obamacare and how it was passed is a perfect example of this. Government takeover of the health care industry has been a holy grail for leftists for some time (Apparently the rest of us are too unenlightened to want to emulate systems that will bring 18 month standard waiting periods for surgery or turning family doctors into an endangered species ), and the majorities that the 2008 election provided were the perfect opportunity.

“Obama’s lecture on the euro crisis … is overbearing, arrogant and absurd.” The Bild, A German Newspaper

Europeans are underwhelmed with the latest Obama Drama. With the sanctimonious attitude of a faux professor, Obama lectured Europeans on the importance of restoring fiscal responsibility to the European Union.

As humorous as it sounds, the Europeans found nothing to laugh about; in fact, they are insulted and indignant over the presumption of a profligate wastrel like Obama lecturing anyone concerning fiscal responsibility.