Mark Halperin suspended for telling the truth about Obama [Reader Post]


A couple of days ago on PMSNBC Mark Halperin blurted out the truth about Barack Obama. He said Obama “was kind of a dick.”


Predictably, PMSMBC suspended Halperin, probably the second after they got the call from the White House, saying

Mark Halperin’s comments this morning were completely inappropriate and unacceptable. We apologize to the President, The White House and all of our viewers. We strive for a high level of discourse and comments like these have no place on our air. Therefore, Mark will be suspended indefinitely from his role as an analyst.

The Media Research Center put together a collection of quotes that don’t get you suspended from PMSNBC, including:

“If you believe in the seamless mutuality of government and big business, come out and say it! There is a dictionary definition, one word that describes that toxic blend. You’re a fascist! Get them to print you a T-shirt with fascist on it!…You, sir, have no place in a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The lot of you are the symbolic descendants of the despotic middle managers of some banana republic to whom ‘freedom’ is an ironic brand name, a word you reach for when you want to get away with its opposite.”

— Olbermann addressing Bush in a “Special Comment” on Countdown, February 14, 2008.


MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: “Russ Feingold wants to censure the President, the Vice President…”

Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore: “Good idea….Personally I’d like to see a perp walk coming out of the West Wing of the White House.”

Matthews: “Do you think they’re guilty of war crimes?”

Moore: “Absolutely….I think we need a trial, in this country, where Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush would be brought up on charges for causing the deaths of so many people….”

Matthews: “It’s interesting if you go back….the Nuremberg Trials weren’t about the genocide, it was about waging an aggressive war. I love reading some of that language. It’s interesting.”

— MSNBC’s Hardball, July 23, 2007

Whoopi Goldberg tied George Bush to Nazis and producers of The View did not object.

Dana Loesch had some good thoughts on this event:

I’m curious as to whether or not the Obama administration ever privately admonished members of its party when they said similar, if not worse, about American voters? I never heard any public admonishment of Nancy Pelosi when she suggested that tea partiers were Nazis; or of Representatives John Lewis and Andre Carson when they slandered grassroots voters with a debunked and offensive accusation; or when Janet Napolitano put everyday grassroots Americans on the DHS watch list (I could go on at length but we’ll stop here); which makes me wonder if the White House did so privately. Regardless, we never received an apology.

Excuse me if I disregard the left’s outrage, the same side that screamed obscenities at a 14-year-old as she spoke during a pro-Walker Wisconsin rally; the same side who blamed the Tucson massacre on conservatives before the networks could accurately report whether or not Gabrielle Giffords’ was still alive (an action which caused Arizona tea partiers and Sarah Palin to get a wave of death threats). You all on the left act surprised at how much your #newtone has grown!

The thing is, Barack Obama is a dick. And much worse.

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I would have to disagree with your use of the word “blurted.” That would imply he said it in the heat of the moment without thinking. His calling him a “dick” was clearly thought out because he asked about the 7 second delay.

You are too generous to the man.

“Sticks and stones will break your bones, but mere words will bring the wrath of the “Capo Crimini” down upon you”

I seem to remember the MSM referring to “Dick” Nixon and “Dick” Cheney. So I presume that NOT capitalizing the first letter is what is offensive.


I know we’ve been railing on Jon Stewart lately for his comments in an interview, however, I happened to catch his program yesterday, and his rantings on the Halperin exclamation, and subsequent apology, were actually quite funny. I haven’t been able to find a video of it, though. It really is a must see for anyone desiring a much needed laugh.

“Now people can argue whether that’s appropriate, whether Halperin crossed some sort of line, whether or not journalism has lost its professionalism — personally I could give a f—; that horse left the barn years and years ago,” Stewart quipped.

“What’s interesting to me about what he did is not what he did, it’s what happened after they came back from commercial,” during Halperin’s apology. “Now you knew he was going to apologize but you didn’t know his apology was going to be chaperones by show regular Willie Geist and his disapproving glare.”

Stewart then proceeded to show Geist’s reaction over and over and over – and quipped that he should make an appearance at all public apologies from high-profile personalities, superimposing his image over clips of Anthony Weiner, Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton, among others.

The funniest part was what I’ve put in bold text, particularly the video showing Geist popping up in those apologies.

Found it JG….you’re right, was damn funny


Thanks, Curt. I normally do not watch his show, or even clips of him, but I started watching this yesterday, and was kind of glad that I did.

Name-calling never advances any debate.
I feel sorry for Mr. Halpern’s frustration building to the point where that was all he felt could do.
But what with all of the ”bushitler” garbage during Bush Jr’s 8 years I never heard of one phone call insisting on anyone being punished.
The thin skin in the White House Admin is odd.
It doesn’t exist if it is our troops being killed by the Taliban.
Obama wants to talk with them!
But Republicans and pundits are (as a poster above pointed out) throwing sticks and stones) and it is THEY who Obama wants silenced.
Where are Obama’s priorities?

Quite honestly, I can’t get to worked up about this. the man has brought such disrespect to the office that I certainly can think of things I’d like to and probably have called him. I do however have a concern as to the fact that the White house called and the network in turn reacted! Last I knew, free speech was supposed to be just that. As we have seen on numerous occasions, the right does not hols a monopoly as to stupid things said on air or in the press. OOPS! I forgot. Only the left has the right to abase their opponents. The right cannot do that!

Predictably, PMSMBC suspended Halperin, probably the second after they got the call from the White House

That probably wasn’t the only call that they got. It’s not about an opinion. It’s about lowering the tone of a discussion to a level that’s unacceptable to an audience that expects better.

Greg: It’s about lowering the tone of a discussion to a level that’s unacceptable to an audience that expects better.

“Expect better”? From MSNBC, the home of Madcow, Ed Schultz and Olbermann?

There’s a stretch into fantasy…..

They only “expect better” when it’s said about a lib/prog, and give it nary a thought when said about a conservative.


It’s about lowering the tone of a discussion to a level that’s unacceptable to an audience that expects better.

More likely, lowering the tone of a discussion to a level that’s unacceptable to an audience of mindless liberal drones who expect effuse praise concerning Obama and nothing else.

CURT, yes that was very funny,
itt’s was delirious JOHN STEWART did it right on the dot,
AND MARK HALPERIN should not be dismiss, the MEDIA would make more money
by keeping him,
and the 3rd one is hilarious ,just showing his expression, adding the EXTRA VIDEO IS THE FINISH TO GET YOU ON THE FLOOR.

@Greggie: You said:

That probably wasn’t the only call that they got. It’s not about an opinion. It’s about lowering the tone of a discussion to a level that’s unacceptable to an audience that expects better.



Ahem, sorry.

*clears throat*

Okay, first of all it is comforting that our resident troll raised his ugly (metaphorically speaking of course) to defend MSLSD.

Secondly, Greggie I wouldn’t worry too much about MSLSD’s audience, because even if 50% of their audience called and you added that to the call from the White House, that would mean they probably got 17 calls. Clearly not a big deal.

And lastly, as Mata pointed out, how could one lower the standards of MSLSD any more?

Ed Shultz –

* calling Laura Ingraham a slut
* commenting after Obama said that it might be necessary to lengthen the school year, he said that kids don’t get enough “teachering”
* “If I lived in Massachusetts, I’d try to vote ten times … Yeah that’s right, I’d cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. Because that’s exactly what they are.”

Racheal Maddow –

* “Ron Paul supporters didn’t use the term ‘teabagging.’ Maybe they knew how to use Urban”
* And don’t forget her false quote of Rush Limbaugh – “When you get called racist by the guy who says the assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr. should get the Medal of Honor, consider yourself honored. Also, nauseated.”
* “I hope they die in a fire.” – her reaction to a website

Chris Matthews –

Really there are just too many to include here. I mean between his tingly leg and his obsession with putting a CO2 tank into Rush Limbaugh’s head, Chrissy just never disappoints.

Obama yada-yada-yada! Liberals yada-yada-yada! Republicans may lose the next election just because people are sick of all their negativity.


Dream on murphy. Your fantasy won’t come true. People are sick of a crappy economy courtesy of folks like you. Besides, you deliberately ignore the negativity and ourtright lies of your leftist cohorts. A real big surprise….

Murphy, people will vote this side because the CONSERVATIVES have expose the reckless lies

Haperin should not have been suspended. He gave plenty of fair warning that they should put his reply on a 7-sec. delay. When you consider that the left has no problem with programs such as South Park using such terms, and that “liberals” have said much worse about Republicans, for MSNBC to suspend Mark for using a left acceptable term to describe a Democrat President is pure hypocrisy. After all, what was their favorite nickname fore Richard Nixon?