Public Officials Do Not Have a Private Life [Reader Post]

When I entered the military service 35 years ago, I took an oath ” to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same”. All public officials swear a similar oath when they are admitted to their elected or appointed office. When I entered public employment, I gave up many of the rights that employees in the private sector are entitled to have.

The Curious Justification Of Perversion By The Left

Oh Praise The Weiner, at least until he has disgraced himself beyond levels of decency. Lies and false incriminations of criminality are acceptable to a point, but eventually, even a Democrat reaches a point too far. Now that the hounds of reality and truth have treed the dark haired spokesman for Progressivism and all things Socialist in the tree of accountability, there is still one option open.

Weiner now must fall upon the sword of mental illness; in a move meant to gather a sympathetic army of thoughtless Progressive Socialists around him, he now feigns a disease that no one has heard of, but one that guarantees him time and an excuse for his wretched behavior. He is no longer considered a wretched pervert: he is now a victim of a terrible disease and he was helpless to resist the symptoms of the disease.

Why there can be no recovery as long as Obama is President [Reader Post]

Barack Obama has unveiled a crisp, fresh and new campaign theme.

“It’s not my fault.”

President Obama has devised a new strategy for dealing with troubling economic developments: Showcase optimism about turning around the economy while reassuring voters that although he understands their fears he isn’t directly responsible for their pain.