The Obama Theater Of The Absurd

Let’s suppose there was someone who was so stupid, that he would borrow money from a neighborhood leg breaker and then give the money away to everyone in the neighborhood, including the leg breaker. Would you recommend that person be institutionalized? Welcome to Obama’s Theater Of The Absurd.

Veteran Status Debate

UPDATE: Welcome Michael Yon sycophants! So much for moving on, huh? Kind of weird digging into posts a year old. cheap computer software I originally wrote this for my blog, …

Barack Obama's political epitaph takes shape [Reader Post]

As the 2012 Presidential campaign gains speed, Barack Obama’s political epitaph begins to take shape. Among the achievements etched into his political tombstone will be the following:

US Manufacturing Growth Slowest Since Sept 2009

The pace of growth in the U.S. manufacturing sector tumbled in May, slackening more than expected to its slowest since September 2009, according to an industry report released Wednesday.