This Passion We Call Hatred

Some of you might think there is no hatred in Northern Canada, you are wrong. There’s plenty of hatred to go around. They just need to look past the normal avenues of hatred; because of the different people that are there.

It is fairly common to hate the native, but most families have native blood and relatives, so it becomes complicated. The different European nationalities often hate one another; except, they often become friends and do business with each other; consequently, a virulent hatred often withers on the vine. The people who live in town and the ones who live in the country are involved in a mutual distrust, but those hatreds are often defused through the necessity of doing business with each other.

The do-nothing Senate… both GOP and Dems reject Ryan/Obama budgets in vote

Well, it seems I need to add the Senate Republicans to the naughty Christmas list…. that’s assuming this admin will allow us to distribute coal and not ban it as an illegal substance. But someone may want to send a physician up to the Senate chamber and find out if any on in there has a pulse… because there doesn’t appear to be a heartbeat when it comes to addressing serious spending cuts and reform of the entitlement programs.

I’m going to have to throw the Democrats a bone here. At least they were up front in their political reasons for dodging the Medicare bullet, telling the nation they have no plans to commit to budget cuts prior to the POTUS election.

$50 light bulbs! Unfortunately for you, the green in Green Energy is your dollars…[Reader Post]

One has to ask the question about Greens, do they even live on this planet they are trying to save? They often seem to be living in a completely different universe if not just a different planet.

The most recent example of this is the LED light bulb, the latest answer to Congress’s 2007 energy efficiency mandate – which was regrettably signed by George Bush. Last week a story emerged that the 100 watt LED light bulbs slated to replace 100 year old inefficient incandescent bulbs will cost upwards of $50 apiece! That’s right, $50 for a light bulb…

Obama has Fallen Through The Outhouse Hole

In a classic example of Socialist Realism, Obama has messed his trousers and now seeks to limit the damage by relying on the old Socialist concept of Ideynost. By definition, all Socialist literature must embody political and social themes that reflect a Progressive nature. Censors and critics will not accept material that is lacking in ideological content; especially, material that reflects negatively on the regime or material that is intended to divert or entertain.

Obama has backed the PLO in its struggle against Israel by demanding that Israel cede its occupied territories to the Palestinians and accept Palestine as a nation. Of course this represents the demands of the PLO, except for the part about cutting the throat of every Jew on the face of the earth. Obama was sly enough not to mention that demand.