Who Can Beat Obama In 2012?


So the run up for 2012 is fast approaching and I’ve been contemplating, who could beat Barack Obama? Right now, I’m not seeing anyone beating him. While I see many good candidates on the Republican side I just can’t see any being able to seriously beat Obama. Huckabee put it well on GMA, you cannot underestimate the incumbency: (1 minute mark)

“I think he is going to be tough to beat,” Huckabee said.

“This race is going to be like climbing a ladder pointing toward you because Barack Obama is going to start this race with a billion dollars. He’s going to have no primary opponent,” he said. “The Republicans are going to have a crowded field all elbowing their way under the basket for the layup. And it’s not going to be a layup. It’s going to be a tough shot.”

Karl Rove:

“I consider him a favorite, albeit a slight favorite,” said former George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove. “Republicans underestimate President Obama at their own peril.”

The economy sucks, unemployment is sky high, and he is still polling in the upper 40%…and this is without any campaigning. So it’s going to be tough, and right now, at this very moment, I’m not seeing anyone who can beat him but two years is a long time away and much can happen.

A CNN poll released this week asked Americans whether they plan to vote for or against President Obama in 2012. The options were “probably vote for,” “probably not vote for,” “definitely vote for,” and “definitely not vote for.” The most popular answer was “definitely not vote for” – chosen by 35 percent of respondents. Only 25 percent say they’ll “definitely vote for” the president. 51 percent predict he will lose.

A Gallup poll also released this week might help explain why. Gallup asked respondents whether they approve or disapprove of President Obama’s performance in eight areas: health care, the economy, foreign affairs, dealing with Afghanistan, dealing with Egypt, taxes, energy policy, and the federal budget deficit. Of all of these areas, more than half of all Americans approve of President Obama’s performance on … none of them. In all eight areas, fewer than 50 percent approve of his performance.

The big undertaking will be that the Republican candidate will have to unite the establishment AND the Tea Party. That will get them the nomination.

Palin has been run through the ringer by the MSM and her negative name recognition is too high. While I would love to see her as President, and would vote for her, I think she can do much more behind the scenes than anyone else can. Christie says he isn’t running, Herman Cain…while an outstanding man has no name recognition. Same with Allen West, plus West needs more time to get his political chops.

So how about Huckabee? Mitch Daniels?

Romney? Maybe. Obama has gone out of his way to point out the major failing of Mitt Romney, his support of Socialized medicine:

In a moment that Mitt Romney’s future GOP opponents couldn’t have scripted better themselves, President Obama Monday issued a full-throated embrace of the former Massachusetts governor’s stance on health care.

“I know that many of you have asked for flexibility for your states under this law,” Obama said during a speech to a governors meeting at the White House. “In fact, I agree with Mitt Romney, who recently said he’s proud of what he accomplished on health care by giving states the power to determine their own health care solutions. He’s right.”

…In addition to Obama’s comments Monday, current Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a longtime Obama supporter, told ABC Sunday that “One of the best things [Romney] did was to be the coauthor of our health care reform, which has been a model for national health care reform.”

And earlier this month former top Obama advisor David Axelrod said of Romney, “We got some good ideas from him.”

These kinds of comments make me think they are a bit worried about him. But let’s say he does have a chance to beat Obama….do we, as Republicans, want him as our candidate?

He’s defended RomneyCare which is pretty much the same as ObamaCare. The base will not back that and if he flip-flops on RomneyCare then the same arguments against him in 2008 will resurface. He has a chance to beat Obama but I’m unsure if he can even get the nomination.

I’m partial to Paul Ryan at the moment. He is popular with voters and other members of Congress. Can they argue about his experience? Hmmm, chairman of the House Budget Committee PLUS he actually shows up to perform his duties. I think that would rank just fine against Obama’s complete lack of experience when he ran. But will he run?

Plenty of time left to shake things out but it’s going to be a difficult race….don’t kid yourself if you think this will be a cakewalk.

Who do you see beating Obama? Not who do you WANT to beat him, but who do you think actually can?

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A couple of questions Kyle”

1) In your posts you express an affinity for the Constitution yet you mention Romney’s religion. Would you explain why that matters in terms of his candidacy for president?

2) In his question and answer session in Iowa, Romney stated that “corporations are people”. You seem to disagree. Is it your contention that the law does not view corporations as essentially the same as people?

@Aye: Hi aye, thanks for being cordial in your response. Firstly about Romneys religion: I PERSONALLY have no problem with him being Mormon, and though I’m no fan of Mormonism I was mostly expressing surprise that so many Christians don’t seem to mind. Most Christians I know don’t even consider Mormonism a form of Christianity. But to answer your question, I have no problem with him being Mormon, I have a problem with the fact that he is OBVIOUSLY bought and in the pocket of the wealthy. Again to bring up Ron Paul, look at where his contributions come from, and then look at where Romneys are coming from (Ron Paul received more money from our military men and women than ALL THE OTHER CANDIDATES COMBINED!). That’s sayin something. About his comment that corporations are people, I certainly have a problem with that. Yes, I understand that legally, corporations count as people in certain contexts. But Laws change, and often because they don’t match reality. Remember when we had laws that said a black man was worth 3/5ths of a white man? it changed because it didn’t match reality.
@ anticsrocks: im dismissing your comment because I cannot argue or discuss an issue with someone who would honestly argue in favor of Sarah Palins credentials. if Sarah Palin could be president, I could be president. But i have the good sense to know not to run for an office that I know im not prepared for in any way and would probably hurt a lot of people due to my ineptitude.

@anticsrocks: i will say one thing though (beyond what i said in the last comment) at least sarah palin can admit when she’s wrong sometimes. this is my favorite
“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada. And I think now, isn’t that ironic?” –Sarah Palin, admitting that her family used to get treatment in Canada’s single-payer health care system, despite having demonized such government-run programs as socialized medicine that will lead to death-panel-like rationing, March 6, 2010
If you’d care to back up your claim that “i dont know what im talking about” please find me one instance where she demonstrated some knowledge.
and in reference to the constitution, here’s a perfect example of the difference between a politician who stands for nothing and knows nothing of our constitution, and one who stands for liberty and knows what he’s talking about

@kyle: Okay, you are a Paulbot, I get where you are coming from now.

First of all, let me educate you. Your claim that she partook in Canada’s socialized medicine is flat out wrong, and a typical liberal moonbat talking point to boot.

From right here at FA:

CORRECTION: Whitehorse is in Yukon, not Saskatchewan, and Palin, as a young child, lived closer to it than earlier reported.

UPDATE: Here’s some more context: “My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse. Believe it or not – this was in the ’60s – we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada.”

ALSO: Socialized medicine apparently only kicked in in Yukon in 1972, post-Palin.

The irony here is that they PAID for their health care.

Wow….go figure.

And all the other moonbats have ignored this info choosing to keep their PDS on display without correction. – Source

Then you said:

If you’d care to back up your claim that “i dont know what im talking about” please find me one instance where she demonstrated some knowledge.


Remember this?

Sarah Palin at Monday’s Tea Party rally in Reno, Nevada, told attendees, “Don’t be thinking that we’ve got victory for America in the bag yet…We can’t party like it’s 1773.”

Clearly not understanding that was the year of the famed Boston Tea Party, history challenged media members, including PBS’s Gwen Ifill and Daily Kos’s Markos Moulitsas, mocked Palin via their twitter accounts (screencaps follow with video of Palin’s remarks courtesy Right Scoop, h/t Perfunction):

Maybe even more humorous, the Huffington Post actually reprinted Moulitsas’s tweet as “News Broken on Twitter.”

Of course, all these geniuses needed to do was a simple Google search of “historical events of 1773.” The first response would have helped them identify that the Boston Tea Party happened on December 16th of that year.

I guess it’s easier for arrogant members of the Left to just ridicule rather than research. Certainly, that’s not at all surprising from the perpetually factually-challenged Moulitsas. – Source

Or maybe this:

Sarah Palin stepped out of Paul Revere’s home in Boston and appeared to get her history wrong. The Internet then exploded in ridicule and astonishment at the ditz from Alaska once again uttering nonsense.

It started when Palin told a questioner, according to the Daily Caller, that Revere had had “warned the British” and not the colonials. The firestorm was instantaneous and viral. From staid organs of the mainstream media like the Los Angeles Times to the snarky left side of the Internet such as the Daily Kos, almost everyone arose in high dudgeon.

Except, albeit somewhat clumsily expressed, Palin was correct.

Professor William A. Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection notes the memoirs of Revere himself, as pointed out by the Conservatives4Palin site. In it, Revere recounts an incident during the famous Midnight Ride in which he was accosted by a British military patrol and was interrogated about what his business was on the road. Revere indicated to his British captors that he had warned the countryside of the approach of British troops up the Lexington-Concord road, matching pretty much what Palin said. – Source

Or how about this time where she got it right:

Palin got this one right: More Jews going to Israel

In November 2009, Sarah Palin made news with a comment on Israel in an interview with ABC’s Barbara Walters:

“I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead. And I don’t think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand.”
The Central Bureau of Statistics said Thursday that aliyah to Israel had grown in 2010. According to CBS statistics, there were 14% more immigrants to Israel in 2010 than in 2009, for a total of 16,633 immigrants. Most of the immigrants came from Russia and the U.S., the CBS said. – Source

Then there is this one, where she was spot on about blood libel:

Sarah Palin got it right.

Falsely accusing someone of shedding blood is the definition of a blood libel – whether it’s the medieval Church accusing Jews of baking blood in Passover matzos, or contemporary Muslim extremists accusing Israel of slaughtering Arabs to harvest their organs – or our political partisans blaming conservative political figures and talk show hosts for the Tucson massacre. – Source

Death panels? She took a lot of heat for that comment, but once again, she got it right…

The new health care law creates more life-threatening delays for seniors under President Obama​’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). This 15-member panel of presidential appointees will make new cuts to meet annual spending targets. IPAB will have unprecedented control over patients’ personal medical decisions, but limited medical expertise. The law limits membership of doctors with real experience caring for patients, instead selecting numbers-crunchers focused only on costs.Source

So there ya go, kyle. Any other requests?

@kyle: You also said:


So we ought to pay attention to Ron Paul’s record of inserting pork, then voting against the bills he puts the pork into?

Or should we pay attention to him when he says that Iran ought to have a nuclear weapon because everyone else has one?

Anticsrocks – awesome examples of Palin knowing what she is talking about!

As for Kyle’s comment: “anticsrocks: im dismissing your comment because I cannot argue or discuss an issue with someone who would honestly argue in favor of Sarah Palins credentials. if Sarah Palin could be president, I could be president. But i have the good sense to know not to run for an office that I know im not prepared for in any way and would probably hurt a lot of people due to my ineptitude.”

So Kyle, you’re actually comparing yourself to Sarah Palin? When was the last time you served as Governor of any State? When, exactly, did you take on those huge administrative responsibilities in your life? And, by the way, Palin had very good approval ratings from the people of Alaska, while she was Governor of Alaska. When did you personally take on the big oil companies in Alaska, who were refusing to drill, like Sarah Palin did, to get the oil flowing for the good of Alaska, for jobs and the people in Alaska, and for the energy needs our entire country? When did you last have the guts to fight members of your own Republican party, the “good ole boys” in her own party who were standing in the way of good effective government, like Sarah Palin did, as Governor? When did you last finance and finish a multi-million dollar oil pipeline project in Alaska, to get the oil flowing from Alaska to the mainland, like Palin did? When, exactly, did you personally take on and finish any multi-million dollar project, Kyle? And as far as her resigning as Governor of Alaska, you obviously no NOTHING about her reasons for doing so, nor have you taken the time or effort to learn. It’s real easy and simple-minded to call someone a quitter, when you simply DON’T KNOW the facts or reasons behind her resignation. You need to educate yourself a little on the facts, before you spout off.

Ron Paul is a complete isolationist who would like the United States to simply ignore the problems of the world. The US has tried doing that a number of times in its history, and that isolationist stance has always ended in disaster for the world. Millions of Jews died in Europe under Hitler, and millions of other Europeans were murdered, while we stood on the sidelines, deciding whether or not to get involved. Ron Paul is a naive nut job who does not think Iran’s nuclear weapons aspirations are a serious threat to the region. No matter to Paul that Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of earth. I supposed you think the fate of our only real Democratic ally in the Middle East is unimportant and inconsequential. Ron Paul certainly thinks Israel is inconsequential. Israel is a crucial lynchpin in the Middle East, and a crucial lynchpin to the world. Once Israel is destroyed, Iran will then move in to mow down Europe. The United States, the “Great Satan, will be Iran’s next target. Our world is far too small for Paul’s naive isolationism.

Somehow I just knew that kyle wouldn’t have the cajones to come back after my posts, #155 and 156

haha wow nice reverse psychology anticsrocks, you really got me there. nope i just read your post, began constructing a well thought out reply, was doing some research to refute your claims, then decided you really weren’t worth my time or effort. you vote for who you want to vote for, we live in a democracy. just a reminder though, this is who you are defending:

and from fox http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5BXMv64EfU&feature=grec_index. my favorite thing about her is how she tries to answers questions she obviously doesn’t know, reminds me of a 5 year old getting caught lying 🙂 and yeah she was full of shit answering the revere question, and just got lucky enough that she could come up with a bullshit story later attempting to explain her mistake. ps maybe i missed it but i asked you to give an example of her knowledge of the constitution
this is who im voting for. and i know ill be able to sleep at night

paul isn’t ignorant of iran, he’s been around since we started invading the middle east. every person who’s commented so far obviously needs to do some basic reading on how war propaganda works, your government could tell you anyone was a threat and you’d love to go to war. i suggest you start with 1984 for an elementary lesson in this. why is iran a threat in the first place? they dont hate us for any reason other than that we’ve been messing around in the middle east for so long. if we had a foreign army in our country or our borders we’d be getting pissed too, what goes around comes around.
lastly, you all need to understand the system you are living in. the left leans toward communism and socialism, the right leans toward fascism, but its all part of one form of government: collectivism. if you honestly want to learn something that could change your life, watch this, the first 20 minutes will change your entire life, and convince you that the democrats and republicans are in fact the same party, doesnt matter how you vote, nothing much changes. im voting for paul because he isn’t either, he’s an individualist who’s forced to run as a republican, otherwise he wouldnt have a shot at winning as a third party candidate. this video isn’t about paul, its about our form of government. watch it or dont, i dont care, i wont be commenting again or get your reply, ive said my piece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdu0N1-tvU&feature=related

@kyle: You said:

ps maybe i missed it but i asked you to give an example of her knowledge of the constitution

Um, nope. You can’t even quote yourself correctly…

If you’d care to back up your claim that “i dont know what im talking about” please find me one instance where she demonstrated some knowledge.

As for Iran, you claim:

if we had a foreign army in our country or our borders we’d be getting pissed too, what goes around comes around.

Gee, maybe I missed it, but what military presence do we have inside Iran’s borders?

I would almost imagine seeing the word “kyle” when looking up “mindless drone” in the dictionary. You go ahead and lick at the boots of Ron Paul. He is spot on when it comes to fiscal policy, but he would make a disastrous, inept, dangerous president RE foreign policy.

Yeah, Iran is only mad at us because we are inside the middle east… What a naive, ignorant stance to take on this issue.

Here, let me educate you a bit, although I doubt you will take the time to read it.

After fighting a series of successful defensive battles against the advancing Islamic jihadists outside Rome in 1090, the Roman Catholics and Western European potentates agreed to help the Byzantines defend themselves against Islam. As a result, they launched the first crusade in 1095.
This “Christian” response, while it is not labeled as such, is the only portion of this rather important drama academia seems to care about. And I suppose that is because it allows the “enlightened” to bash Christianity. Yet to focus on the Crusades while ignoring the intervening thirteen centuries of Islamic aggression, occupation, and plunder is like watching a documentary on the KKK in 1920 and then thinking you understand America.
Most Westerners do not know that a century before the Crusades were initiated, Rome, the religious capital of Europe, had been besieged by Islam. They do not equate the four-hundred-fifty-year siege of Constantinople, the political capital of Christendom, with the Catholic response. Nor are most aware that Christians had been ruthlessly persecuted in the Holy Land and their churches had been burned by the Muslims who occupied the region. Further, the Crusaders were about the business of returning Jerusalem to the Byzantines who had the Holy Land stolen from them by Muslim mujahideen.Source

But tell you what, you go ahead and listen to your prophet, Ronnie and let him convince you it is because the mean old United States has soldiers in Saudi Arabia.

lol, I would suggest a college course on critical thinking, kyle.

@kyle: You said:

haha wow nice reverse psychology anticsrocks, you really got me there.

Not quite. I just said that I didn’t expect you to reply. Were I to have used reverse psychology I would have said that I was glad you hadn’t replied.

I will say one thing for you, though. You are consistent – consistently wrong that is.

To think that any one man or woman would have all the expertise and knowledge needed to run a country the size of the United States, is ludicrous. Kyle says if Palin can be President so could he. Well, so could I.
I have enough intelligence to know that I don’t know all the answers if I know any of them.
What I would do, is to surround myself with the brightest minds in the US and then make a decision based on common sense and the security of our country. There are no job prerequisites for the office of President, but there are plenty of experts (in every area) that the president can look to for advice prior to making decisions.
PS. I watched the Restoring Courage rally in Israel. Herman Cain was the only candidate shown as attending. Go Herman!

Hey kyle – this was posted by Nan on another FA thread. I thought you might find it interesting…

And on a serious note….

House Amendment # 318, which amended, HR # 1540, The National Defense Authorization Act, 2011, had passed. The language in the amendment is as follows:

“An amendment numbered 38 printed in House Report 112-88 to require that the rules of engagement allow any military service personnel assigned to duty in a designated hostile fire area to have rules of engagement that fully protects their right to proactively defend themselves from hostile actions.”

Who voted No on this?
Ron Paul.

‘Nuff said.