Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism


Organizing Russian Workers For The Party- 1932

Obama Hints At Unionism As Being The New Marxism

I see that someone doesn’t think my commentary under Curt’s initial posting of this video was a good idea:

This video should be seen 13,000 times an hour not 13.

Obama has had the biscuit. He will not survive politically because of his own stupidity.

Curt, in my humble opinion, this video needs to be out front, this entry (position) never gets much action.

Why not, the president made the film in good faith for the benefit of the American people.

Please people, email this video to all your Conservative friends around the world. We can be the impetus that makes this video become viral. The people of the world should realize that Obama’s New Unionism is selling the old Marxism as unionism; people are buying into unionism who would have never considered supporting Marxism and they are financing it with billions of dollars. Our president is using his position to facilitate this March of Marxism as a gathering storm to promote Totalitarian Marxism around the world. The regular activities of his office don’t concern him: he is only concerned with advancing the union cause or those who are allied with the unions, including minorities that have been duped, Islamists, and run of the mill Communists. If you don’t fall into those groups and belong to a union and refuse to speak out, you are a part of the problem: if you are an Old Democrat type from the last century and refuse to acknowledge the direction of your party, you are a contributor to the forces that are destroying our freedom

The Open Society of George Soros is their template and destroying the integrity and freedom of America is part of their strategy. They want America and the world run by union bosses and the foul corruption of union thugs ordered around by Elite air heads like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. We have been scammed and those who are fighting for this sickness are the most vile anti-Americans who ever called themselves Americans. We are at war for our very survival, no we are not using rifles and pistols, it’s not that type of war: it is a war for people’s minds. The Left has corrupted our public education with its brainwashing system of indoctrination and it union army of thug-like teachers. (Observe the Madison videos of our sanctimonious but thuggish teachers, who don’t mind cracking a few heads to get their way.) We must be better marksmen with these weapons we have at our fingertips to get the message across to those who have been duped. These Useful Idiots who bring their illogical ideology to our website to disrupt us aren’t worth the effort: for none are so blind as those who refuse to see: no, we need to reach out to the non-ideologue, the not yet committed Marxist and that vast group of people who are uncommitted; not just with a message of Conservatism, but with a message of survival for those who love freedom and don’t want to yield to the yoke of Totalitarian Marxism.

Our president is so self assured of his ascendancy that he parties and lives the high life to celebrate his Marxist Victory of Control over the world’s shining beacon of Freedom and the most powerful nation in the world. It is his strategy to reduce us to a second rate nation status, whose people struggle with the basic necessities of life or eat of his Apple of Marxism and join his army of Socialism ad Unionism, whether you believe or not, whether you want to be a Useful Idiot or not: you will need to join his union movement to have a decent standard of living. Obama’s Unions will become the new standard for life in America: resist at your peril, that is the motto of the Obama Unionistas.


The enemy has infiltrated our perimeter and most of us are sound asleep, we must sound the alarm and use these weapons of communication with lethal accuracy. For once you are overrun your situation is perilous and survival is in question.

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I would put this on my facebook, but most people are just to jaded to care. We’re in a non-election year and people just don’t give a damn about this stuff. They care about stupid Charlie Sheen or what Lohan the crook was doing in court, not the fate of the Repulic.

Sigh. I”ll post it though, for what it’s worth.

I have several slogans that I keep in mind and live by.

One of them is: when it comes to survival, failure is not an option.

We must do everything we can to survive.
If it means we must learn to use new “weapons”, then we must learn.

Not all of America was conned. Some of us realized, and understood, who and what Obama was long before he started campaigning for the highest office in the land. Some of us wondered who was this young Senator from Illinois who was giving a Democratic Convention speech and why him when the Democratic Party was full of members whose accomplishments were known. We saw the disaster that was coming as the gathering clouds hung over our nation.

We warned our friends and neighbors, telling them that they did not fully comprehend what they were doing when they said they were going to vote for this unknown named Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Now, many of those friends and neighbors either hang their heads in shame, or cannot bring themselves to admit that the “change” they thought they were getting is not the “change” they have gotten. We are still in Afghanistan and Iraq; Gitmo still operates, the fear of loving their jobs is now a reality, their food, gas and utilities have “necessarily” skyrocketed, and the nation is in worse shape than it was 26 months ago. And that Constitution they were clammoring that Bush was tearing up? It is being violated by an administration who is now deciding what laws they will enforce and what ones they won’t, based on a junior lecturer’s own personal opinion of a Constitution he feels is faulty.

The video may help provide you with proof that the “new” Marxism is the same as the “old” Marxism, but it is worthless unless you are ready to take a stand. No longer can you continue to sit in your comfort zone; you must take to the streets with the TEA Party or a 9-12 Project. You must become verbal, demand the Constitution be reinstated to its proper place in our national debate. Turn the TV off. Attend a school board meeting, a county commissioner’s meeting, sit in a session of your state legislature, call and write your federal Congressmen and Senators and demand that they adhere to that document they are sworn to protect AND DEFEND.

It is time to put the WE back into We The People.

Good post, Skookum. I agree with you and I also agree with the premise that the entire populace wasn’t fooled by Obama.

Thank God we have the internet this time around.


We have the ‘net, talk radio and certain newspapers to tell the truth about liberals, but the internet is the most useful, particularly for disseminating various videos showing liberals becoming unhinged, telling lies, and breaking laws.

Commies and the “Mob” have been running the various unions since the early 20th Century.


Speaking of unions and the mob, doesn’t it strike you as interesting that the mob and unions engage in similar activities? Shake down a company, or business, and claim it’s for ‘protection’. The difference is, I guess, that the mob claims it for the company/business while the union claims it for the ‘working man’.

Obama’s Promised March With Union Workers Fails to Materialize


When candidate Obama was campaigning in South Carolina in 2007, he said he was proud to wear the “union label” and that if workers were denied rights to organize or collectively bargain when he was elected, “I’ll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll will walk on that picket line with you as president of the United States of America.”

But throwing Grand Parties was on the list…Hmm…

@ Skookum, This is most likely His only opportunity do do something as POTUS that would not be a “conflict of interest” at least for His supporters. Constitutionally it would not be correct but why should that stop him? Very few other things have…

I heed your call, Skook. I would like to add, we need to focus on winning this battle. I could do without the splinter groups. I am an American conservative. Nothing more, nothing less.

Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism http://bit.ly/dZRkk4

RT @MikeMunzing: RT @CFHeather: RT @nchornet: Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism | Flopping Aces – http://bit.ly/fWB2BX #ocra #twisters #teaparty

RT @CFHeather: RT @nchornet: Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism | Flopping Aces – http://bit.ly/fWB2BX #becktips #ocra #twisters #teaparty

RT @CFHeather: RT @nchornet: Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism | Flopping Aces – http://bit.ly/fWB2BX #ocra #twisters #teaparty

RT @nchornet: Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism | Flopping Aces – http://bit.ly/fWB2BX #becktips #ocra #twisters #teaparty

Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism | Flopping Aces – http://bit.ly/fWB2BX

RT @divingduck Obama’s Marxism Disguised As Unionism http://bit.ly/dZRkk4

WHAT about those unknown on the site, they must be lost,
get real