Liberal To English Translation [Reader Post]


I know many liberals and have asked them all the same question, “You detested that Bush spent so much money and raised our national debt, yet Obama is quadrupling this debt and has, in fact amassed more deficit spending than all other Presidents combined. Does this bother you?” Every single time the answer has been, “No, it doesn’t bother me because he is spending money on things that need to be done.” To which I state something along the lines of, “You mean like A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film, or $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees, or $160 million for “paid volunteers” at the Corporation for National and Community Service, or lastly, how about $850 million for Amtrak.” This is usually where the conversation either turns ugly or ends, because when confronted with the truth, the average liberal cannot deal with it. It is hard to call these things investments when they are what they are – government waste and misuse of our tax dollars.

The liberals have been so successful the last few years because of a number of reasons. The liberal media is in their back pocket for one, and have been a very useful tool of the liberal. The liberal media has even adopted the language of the liberal. For example, it’s not raising taxes, it’s “investing.” It’s not abortion, it’s “choice.” They’re not illegal aliens, they are “undocumented immigrants.” For you see, to make their far left agenda more palatable to the average American, they have to – because it is so radical.

So I have compiled a partial list of liberal to English translation. It is in no particular order and of course only a partial list because it is constantly being changed and updated.

“The constitution is a living, breathing document.”= A fundamentally flawed document (Spoken by Obama in a radio interview in a 2001 Chicago Public Radio interview) that changes with political expediency

Investments”= Tax Hike

“Deficit Reduction” = Also means tax hike

“Religious right” = Christians who are conservative

“Bipartisanship”= Arlen Specter

“Intolerance”= Opposed to liberal agenda

“Propaganda”= Conservative point of view

“Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm

“Cut”= Reduction in the rate of growth

“Pandering”= What Republicans do when supporting something liberals don’t like, usually applies to the NRA or religious right

“Profiteering”= Not losing money

“Managed competition” = Government takeover

“Overheated economy” = Prosperity

“Fully fund” = Blank check

“Diversity” = Multiple groups that adhere to the liberal agenda

“Special interest groups” = Non-liberal groups

“Fundamentalist”= Conservative

“Greed”= Profit motive

“Multiculturalism”= When placed in context to other countries, it means that America is to blame for all that is wrong in the world and that the USA is only one country among many, NOT the leading nation in the world

“Choice”= Abortion – not to be confused with the choice of personal liberty, that is not allowed under the liberal system

“Oversight”= Government

“Working Americans” = Only lower and middle class Americans

“Conduct a review” = Strategic delay

“Insurgents”= Terrorists

“Rigid Ideologue” = A conservative that stands up for his beliefs

“Compromise”= Only comes about when people agree with liberal agenda

“Affirmative Action” = Racial Preferences

“Lies”= “Policy Differences”

“Patriotism”= Paying more and more taxes is often equated with being a patriot

“Racism”= Open criticism of the Obama administration

“Closed-minded”= Does not agree with liberal agenda

“Right wing extremist” = The GOP

“Social responsibility” = Redistribution of wealth

“Corporate welfare” = Gross revenue minus taxes

“Corporate subsidy” = See ‘corporate welfare’

“Deserving poor” = People who vote for liberals

“Tax the rich” = Increase taxes on anyone making $250,000 a year or higher, $200,000 or, er, I mean $150,000 a year – *sigh* this number keeps getting lower

“Freedom Fighters” = Terrorists, Somalia Pirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc…

“Decriminalization”= Legalization

“Regulate” = Ban, as in the moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

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Perhaps a small adjustment to one definition:

“Working Americans” = Only lower and middle class Americans who vote Democrat. All others are to be referred to as “Fat Cat Republicans”


““Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm”: does this mean my flintlock Queen Anne pistol is an assault weapon?

Ethnic Studies- A way to get a degree for those who can’t cut it in the real world; however, it will qualify an individual to hold a position in an ever expanding bureaucracy of government regulation as a reward for submitting to having the brain washed and rinsed with good old fashioned Marxism. A very popular discipline for the cerebrally challenged who could never compete in the free market.

Regards this: $160 million for “paid volunteers” at the Corporation for National and Community Service….

I live on a small block.
But three (count ’em, three!) young people are each being supported by that program!
Each is in his/her own condo.
Each supposedly helps stupid children with their homework.
Each admits spending a good deal of the time with their stupid child propagandizing it to love Obama.
You would think Obama is not a big topic of homework for a 3rd grader, but you’d be wrong if you overheard these ”tutoring”sessions.
Obama has us taxpayers supporting non-working propaganists in their work of making him look like a little god!

@Mad Capn Bob: I am certain that the flintlock Queen Anne pistol would be included. After all, the Mass. legislature voted to require trigger locks on the historic muskets.

anticsrocks, very good post, IT’s a whole new vocabulary, and now I understand the group of young coming here to spread their spit on the tolerant CONSERVATIVES, because they are told new speech patterns and they dunno what the real world is talking about and don’t care to ask real questions that are smart, they just follow blindly the MASTER, and will be surprise when they want to find a real job, not a GOVERNMENT job, to be refuse by reason of lacking knowledge of what a real job comprise,
best to you

@Mad Capn Bob:

Assault weapon? It has a pistol grip, so probably.

Wm T Sherman, hi, that would mean that my pistol grip glass cuter is in the group,
and my battery pistol grip screwdriver , and my electric pistol grip stapler too,
yes I am an armed to the teeths danger. bye

@cubiclecommando – Thanks, you are spot on in that correction.

@Mad Capn Bob – Definitely

– LOL, great one

@Nan – You are the research queen!

@bees – Thank you 🙂

@Dr John – Thank you, sir


Bees, you hve quite the arsenal.

Hard Right, hi, yes that’s beside my dremmel not pistol grip only grip,and dremmel router
with 2 hands grip, my pink hammer ecetera ecetera,, bye

You people get more and more predictable as I keep reading these posts; your penchant for hyperbole knows no bounds.

When’s the last time you met a Christian fundamentalist who wasn’t a conservative? Seems to me like assuming Christian fundamentalists are conservatives is a perfectly logical thing to do. Other kinds of fundamentalists? I come across them in America far less often.

Assault Weapons = almost anything? Fine, lets just give up. Lets make it so that every person, without a background check of any sort, can buy the most dangerous weapons we have available, for their “protection.” That seems like the reasonable thing to do.

How many conservatives here are not religious?


How many conservatives here are not religious? Well, there’s me and hundreds of thousands of others, maybe millions, who, like Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell believe that free markets and a government limited by the Constitution are the very best way to provide for the general welfare. The evidence, historic and economic, supporting that view is overwhelming, by the way.

Perhaps if your world-view were not based on stereotypes you would not need to be told those things. Comedian Evan Sayet was once asked why he became a conservative. He said it happened when he stopped asking liberals what conservatives thought and started asking conservatives instead.

liberal = progressive = socialist = command-and-control-central-planning-tyrant

Regarding guns, the data is obvious. No restrictions on the civil right guaranteed by the Second Amendment has ever lived up to its promises, not the NY Sullivan laws, not the 1968 gun control law or recent “assault weapons ban,” not any of the local and State restrictions either. And considering that mass shootings have increased after all these laws were passed, I would think an intelligent person would want to reevaluate the prescription. But no.

It’s a measure of the leftist detachment from reality that most “assault” weapon bans restrict weapons that are identical in operation to others that are not banned. The difference is only cosmetic, such as a wooden versus plastic stock or a pistol grip versus a traditional stock.

Again, forming opinions based on stereotypes fails the reality test. In this case that translates into millions of innocent people put at risk because violent criminals don’t obey the law that disarms the innocent.

assault weapon = scary looking gun


You are looking at one Music, but I uphold the conservative ideals and do not judge others for how they wish to believe or worship. Its called tolerance, something the Left like to pay lip service to then call anyone who opposes them Uncle Toms.

@music, err I mean concerned, um man – oh whatever you are calling yourself these days: You said:

When’s the last time you met a Christian fundamentalist who wasn’t a conservative? Seems to me like assuming Christian fundamentalists are conservatives is a perfectly logical thing to do. Other kinds of fundamentalists? I come across them in America far less often.

So by your logic, an Islamic Fundamentalist would be a Christian and be a Conservative? Interesting view of the world you have there.

There are lots of fundamentalists out there. The far left and the typical liberal only sees Conservatives as far right Christian Fundamentalists. That was my point and you proved it for me brilliantly.

You also said:

Assault Weapons = almost anything? Fine, lets just give up. Lets make it so that every person, without a background check of any sort, can buy the most dangerous weapons we have available, for their “protection.” That seems like the reasonable thing to do.

The Feinstein sponsored, 1994 so called “Assault Weapons” ban was not a ban on assault weapons per se, it was a ban on guns that “looked scary.” She literally had her staff pick up a gun catalog and look through it for the scary looking guns.

Wiki used to mention this little tidbit, but it has been scrubbed. Gee, imagine that.

Do I think fully automatic weapons ought to be available to anyone?

No. That is what background checks are for, as is the three day waiting period. Mental patients need not apply.

When I think of ”fundamentalist Christians” I think of Evangelical Protestants.
So, ……

During polling before the 2008 election 23.6% of white Evangelical Protestants self-identified as DEMOCRATS!
25.6% of white Evangelical Protestants self-identified as INDEPENDENTS.

So, what are you talking about?

great post… seems to my observations after 47 years on the planet, progressives are just adults who refuse to grow up and actively try to hang on the obliviousness of adolescence.

Add a pinch of 1960’s activism and you get, voila, the current batch in Washington

unfortunately the election of Urkel has awakened America

remember folks, there are more of us center/right… than them

What’s abundantly clear about many people here is that you are de facto examples of ideologues. You constantly just whine about liberals. Liberals are this, liberals are that. blah blah blah.

Did you think when I said here that I meant the planet? I meant this website. I’m not concerned about conservatives not on this site – since I have yet to speak with them, I will pass no judgment on them. What I am concerned about is the language used on this site, not to mention what passes for a valid argument.

I don’t identify as a liberal – I’m sure you’d peg me as one, but I don’t identify as such. I think a person who says “I’m a liberal” or “I’m a conservative” should really just say “I’m an ideologue.” If I could find a site that was as overtly liberal, did nothing but rail on conservatives constantly, and defended bullshit, I would also think that site was a haven for nonsense-filled ideologues.

Note, I have still yet to refer to you as conservatives – to do so would be unfair to the many conservatives I have yet to speak with. When I judge people here, it is not as conservatives but as ideologues. My decisions are based on evidence and my upbringing, as all of yours are. But what I don’t do is hold that some ideal is the answer to everything. To do so would be folly – how could I possibly know every situation that will occur, and that my position will always be correct?

I actually came to this site because I was interested in the recent Say What? post. My girlfriend and I saw some posts about Republican quotes, and we found them outrageous. We said to ourselves – where are the outrageous Democratic quotes? We looked and had a pretty hard time finding anything remotely comparable, I’ll be honest I was disappointed; generally speaking I don’t trust politicians and I don’t have it in my head that somehow the Democrats would be automatically better than the Republicans. So, I was excited to see what seemed like a conservative blog, maybe helping to balance things out.

What I have found is a bastion for polarization. People here bombast the “liberals” for being offensive and bullies, pointing out how it’s not an effective way to communicate – but then defend their conservative friends when they do exactly the same.

This place isn’t helping. If there is good conversation to be had, it seems like there’s way too much nonsense to sift through to make it worth it.

Finally, just to be clear, I’m not saying everyone on this site is like this; however, too many are.

I’m glad you’re here.

In CA, where I live, people who express views like mine are considered conservative.
But when compared with conservatives across the country we are often considered to be moderates, Independents or even derogatorily, RINO’s.
I’m only one poster here, but that’s the case.
In almost every state election (not this last one) I voted for at least one Democrat.

@musicmangp: So, if you are not a “liberal” then do you have some, 25 word or less, statement that describes your political beliefs or world view? Or perhaps you would prefer to just tell us your vision for society.

Your only argument seems to be that being a Christian or saying outrageous things is bad. No examples, of course. You do seem to be willing to judge conservatives on a case-by-case basis but you haven’t articulated the standard by which you judge them.

I do find it comical that you could not find an outrageous statement by a leftist. You must not get out much. How about “Bush is Hitler” or “911 was an inside job” for starters or any of the dozens of tweets making death threats to Sarah Palin.

So do us the favor of taking the floor and describing what you are FOR rather than what you are against.

Rosie O’Donnell most stupidly once said: “I do believe that it’s the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel.”
Yeah, perhaps she had never learned how steel is made.

Or how about Joe Biden: “In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

Gotta love this from John Conyers on the Health Care Bill, which he voted for: “I love these members, they get up and say, ‘Read the bill … What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?'”

And we can’t forget Obama: “I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?”
Also on a tornado that killed twelve people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died – an entire town destroyed”

How can we sit in front of our computers without including this from Al Gore: “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”


I think this is why our House and Senate speakers always ”reserve the right to extend and amend their remarks.”

MUSICMANGD, hi, you came here for the purpouse of bashing the CONSERVATIVES and you where receive with tolerance but dont get fooled we all knew your type because it’s a stereo same as the other who come bashing you are not different than the other, maybe more hypocrite ,
just do your thing and you wont go to far ,you’r not ideologue, and not yet ready to take the real truth,
and absorb it

This place isn’t worth it. Have fun pretending that you’re right about everything and that anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal, and wrong. I don’t have 25 words or less for such a thing John, because that’s retarded.

@music: Come on, tell us what you believe. What do you stand for? What are your principles?

Really, I would like to know.

John, on 14, I thought for a while you where describing how they run the war,
desarming the military and trying to make deals with the ennemies,
IT come from the same GOVERNMENT,

musicmangd, check how many people read the POSTS at fa, and you mean to say that they are not worth it, just to bad for you not for the readers, and this FA has an excellent standing among other , so you are the very minority like the ones who come here bashing, attacking the good people,
you have made your mark on your first comment

@musicmangp: You don’t have 25 words because that’s retarded, eh? Let me show you how it’s done: I am a pro-national-defense libertarian. (7 words) That means I believe in Constitutionally limited government and the resulting free markets. (20 so far) But I also believe in a strong defense and live-and-let-live with my fellow man and woman. (OK 38 total but I didn’t really need the last few)

I’ve been around a LOOOOONG time and I recognize you as a type. By claiming to be above ideology and labels you are free to smugly shoot arrows at everyone else with no accountability or need to defend your own ideas. You believe that having principles is narrow-minded but, in fact, your reluctance to announce your own principles or maybe lack of principles shows you to be shallow. You see, principles, or ideology, if you prefer, are attempts to organize and understand the world around us in the same way that the principles of physics or chemistry do. For instance, if, after generations of human existence, analysis and study, we proclaim that stealing and lying are wrong (depending on previously accepted standards), we do that to save us the trouble of proving over and over again what people thousands of years ago understood.

And, if, for instance, after observing the human misery, the gulags, political prisons, the executions, the poverty that 20th century socialism has caused compared to the relative peace and prosperity that constitutionalism has caused leads us to establish the principle that freedom is better for humanity than central planning, we don’t need to make the case over and over. We have established a principle, an idea. That may make us ideologues. Or it may make us intellectuals.

Many years ago began a school of thought called pragmatism. Pragmatists advocated treating every situation on a case-by-case basis, believing that ideologues who attempted to establish general principles were narrow minded and unnecessarily restricted. You are obviously influenced by this school of thought but rather than recognizing it as a school of thought and respecting other opinions you have adopted a smug attitude as if you don’t even know you are also an “ideologue” who’s ideology is called pragmatism.

I suggest you become less confrontational and more conversational. Who knows, you may learn something.

@musicmangp: Maybe you need to spend more time on this site. I never figured I was a conserative until I met the SDS folks during my college days. They were very scary! Most of them came from middle class families who didn’t have to work during their high school days. They had most everything handed to them. Those of us who worked our way through college thought quite differently. My definition of a conserative is a person who believes in the wisdom of the founding fathers and the Constitution they wrote. They had vastly more experiences than we in various types of government since many were just a generation removed from the government of another country. I believe in the fundamental rights of the individual to do as he pleases as long as it does not adversely affect the life of others. I also believe that the individual has an ethical requirement to assist others less fortunate. The government should not have the power to make me contribute to causes that violate my core values. Most of the people here who are labeled conseratives share those beliefs. Many here or their family have also put their lives on the line to defend those beliefs. They have earned the right to tell it like it is! Musicmangp, you are doing what you say the conseratives here have been doing.

John, thank you, I did learn something very educative, you’r right
there is a lot to learn here, I always do every time I visit.

Randy, I must add up your constant wisdom, to my list of learning

@John and Randy – Excellent points made, gentlemen.

This list wouldn’t upset folks if it didn’t have the ‘sting of truth’.

So enjoy the criticism, as it shows that the original post struck a nerve.

(And just for the record, I’m a non-religious non-conservative, and I thought the list was spot-on and quite funny.)

Thank you, BS.

Baby Killer: A soldier returning from Viet-Nam, not someone who has or performs abortions.

JG, how low can some lib got, to say those words is to have been punch on the head by the lib sublimical propagande done with a big smile, like get on their faces, is that what you learn in school?

ilovebeeswarzone – You might have a point. I’m not really sure what you mean but from your previous posts, I reckon I’m on your side. The other definitions above are Liberal to English. Mine was English to Liberal. Either way, it was just some lib-think irony being illustrated by whacking the bee’s nest…so to speak.

Modern Statism /Liberalism: Projection wrapped in hysteria inside a hypocrisy

JG, hi, A bit of honey is good to a health driven human so the bees are such kind little people never to be whack, bye

JG, I have seen bees asleep on a flower early morning because surprised by
a sudden cold snap and has misjudge their time to return to the nest, but It did not happen often

antics, love your post and thanks for the cartoon!

I see the newbie took his broad brush and went home. This place will never be the same again, sigh, he was sooo important… he thought.

musicmangp: If I could find a site that was as overtly liberal, did nothing but rail on conservatives constantly, and defended bullshit, I would also think that site was a haven for nonsense-filled ideologues.

Hmmm, who might this be?

Sun Jan 30, 2011 07:21 am
It’s funny, and includes some minor insights that make right wingers real mad. But then, what DOESN’T make right wingers mad?

Why wouldn’t someone make comments like that about Jesus? He’s at best a minor historical figure and at worst a complete work of fiction (I mean that for non-delusional people who realize he couldn’t walk on water or raise people from the dead – I tend not to modify my language for those who believe in fairy tales).

Yup, this post really gave me a grin, anticsrocks. Grins, these days, are far and few between. Thanks!

You guys shouldn’t have piled on to @musicmangp. As much as we all like to have a little fun, without his (and other reasonable commentators) this site becomes an echo chamber. A conservative who disagrees with you can still be a conservative, and not a liberal troll traitor red diaper doper baby, etc. The “liberals” of whom we speak are the closed-minded example lampooned above. Let’s not become what we abhor in others.

POOR musicmango, I went to see the link MISSY, what a fraud he is, and he must
like the audience at huff pooh,

Zardoz, hi, this guy his not a conservative, he came to trash, and he was receive with tolerance that only CONSERVATIVES display with a high class humor,only to lib attack,
nobody can expect the CONSERVATIVES to take the attacks and not respond with flair,

– Thank you. The article is mine, the cartoon is Curt’s. Also thanks for finding that little nugget of info about music dude over at HuffPo.

@Zardoz – I hear what you are saying, but musicman brought it upon himself. He first incited the wrath he received, then tried the old sock puppet trick and changed screen names. If any liberal is interested in actual debate, they are welcome; if they are interested in being a moonbat, we treat them as such.

@Mata – Thank you, high praise indeed coming from you. 🙂

@bees – Your comments always give me cause to have a grin on my face.

Nice column; hope you don’t mind I put it in tomorrow’s conservative review (giving you credit of course).

I would be honored, Gary. Provide me a link if you would. I would like to see it.

Here’s a few statements from lliberals I have heard all through my life that deserve a translation into English language vernacular:
“Be reasonable” actual means “See it my way”
“Rigid and inflexible” actual mean “Unwilling to sacrifice deeply held beliefs and confictions”
“There needs to be a conversation” actually mean “Let’s find a way to shut you up or change you”
“Community” actual means “ONLY the collective need be considered as valid”
“Religious” actually means “Too ignorant to have a thought on their own and should be considered insane”
“Comprise in good faith” actually means “If I’m not in authority you still have to do it my way”
“Let’s be clear about this” actually means “Only my subjective perceptions and views dictate reality and facts”
“I heard what you are saying” actually means “Stop talking and listen to me because I need to tell you what to think”, and finally,
“Progressively thoughful and enlighten” actually means “Secular-humanistic and moral relativist social engineer who is the arbitrator of all significant truth and objective reality”

Voter Suppression = The prevention of non US Citizens, felons, and dead people from voting for Obama

Jimmy Martello
that is good translation, and so true,
thank you,