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I watched the whole thing, and I found this video to be an insult to my intelligence, patronizing, and with a massive leftist and Islamist agenda, despite every effort to conceal that agenda. For the most part it critiqued Westerners attitudes towards Islam rather than researching Muslim attitudes towards us. Basically, this is a propaganda film of the worst sort, wrapped in ‘Gallop’ for credibility. Really, a disgusting piece of propaganda meant to promote an Islamist and Sharia agenda. It excuses Islamist violence, and tries to minimize the threat.

Your film was distorted. Having actually lived there for several years (Saudi Arabia) I can tell you this first hand their culture and beliefs are not going to survive in America. Here we have many religious beliefs and all we can live in harmony and enjoy life together because people do not force their culture and beliefs on others; the Muslims lack tolerance.

The best example I will give you since it is recent and on everyone’s mind is the Mosque to be build over the 3,000 souls that perished by Muslim terrorists at Ground Zero in New York. If these people were a compassionate race they would realize the pain and anguish this would cause those that lost love-ones, family, friends and all Americans placing a Muslim symbol upon the bones of of the very people that some Muslim terrorist killed. It would be no difference if Japan years after they attacked Pearl Harbor wanted to place a massive structure (a symbol) over one of the ships that sunk in the harbor where American soldiers are entombed. The Japanese would NEVER dream of doing this as it would be cruel and unaccepted by society. What is wrong with their thinking? When you want to blend into a society you follow their rules, you understand their problems, you become a citizen with this new country’s best interest at heart. They are not doing this at all. They are bringing their culture, lifestyle, beliefs and customs and forcing others to obey them.

Can’t I just get the Cliff Notes? Wait, let me start guess the first two chapters.

1. Hate the ‘Joos’

2. Hate the Americans.

I agree with Mike Smith. I too have lived in the Middle East, and have traveled extensivly to many Muslim countries, I speak a little Arabic, I have read the Koran and the Hadith. I can tell you flat out that Islam is not compatible with any modern, liberal society. It is a preditory, expansionist, way of life. It is not just a religion but an entire political system that dictates every aspect of life. It is a threat to our way of life in every possible way.

OK, I watched it from start to finish.

I feel like I need a shot of Scotch (isn’t that ironic) and a shower. The BS that is pushed as if somehow we the viewer have no lens to see through it, is astounding.

There were some useful nuggets and insightful parts, but nothing near epiphany inducing.

My primary take away is that someone spent a lot of money and time on fancy photo work and smooth talking spokes people to try and convince me that it’s was raining while they pissed on my leg.

I watched it till I couldn’t stand it anymore…The “Poor Muslims” being so victimized in American media? Oh and the one guy actually had the nuts to say “Muslims are the last folks you can denigrate in America?” Has he seen any defense of CHRISTIANS? how about Heterosexual white males? Anytime someone says anything about the so-called religion of peace there are law suits, labels and worse…

Poor muzzie babies, when the victim is defenseless they are very tough. When the Muslims have their law, women are victims, children are victims and the civilized world has been victimized by ISLAM…

You want me to sympathize with the muslim plight? How about those so-called moderates start fighting sharia law with the same vigor they condemn our laws with. How about they show up in the streets when Christians are killed by their religious fanatics.. Until then they all deserve the same brush stroke. Take a hint before you start with the “You are an islamaphobe” comments…

When Terry Jones wanted to burn the koran how many christians came to support him? How many publicly opposed it? When Phred Phelps has his clowns out in force who opposes him? That’s the hint you so-called moderates need to get. Until you stand with us against the radicals of YOUR religion you are part of that religion.

What a crock of pig excrement. I’m at the 29 minute mark and I need a break from all the “poor me” and “muslims are victims of western prejudices” meme that is running as an undercurrent here.

Finished the whole thing, I think I need a hot shower with lots of soap now. I started off by challenging points made, but that got far too long (stopped the video every 2 mins to write notes on my pad) so I will just write the brief version.

I was waiting for some variant on: “We muslims should make a better effort to get along, to integrate into the societies we move to”

I think that the whole vid was pretty much a propaganda piece start to finish. It did not address muslim responsibilities when it comes to integration and their role in promoting world harmony and simply blamed the west for our bigotry and lack of understanding of muslim sensibilities. Did it make some good points? Yes, but always tinged with it’s ALWAYS our fault and the poor muslims are simply victims. Oh and I loved the taqyyia bit on the word Jihad.

I believe it is not the muslims who have no tolerance but people like Mike Smith has no tolerance and compassion. Firstly we should understand that Saudi is no example of a pure muslim practising country – we should be studying the religion and not the people practising it. Why not take other example of other countries such as Egypt and Malaysia.

Secondly I wonder why and how you manage to stay in Saudi for the so many years if there were intolerant to you – unless they did not follow what you wanted to impose on them !

Thirdly, how can you blame the muslims for the World Tradew centre bombing – the true culprits have still to be found – see the many stories on the truth of 7/11. Are you another one who blindly believe the media on their judgement – how can we say we are tolerant and have the inelligence to think and find out the truth. The blind believe of what the media potrays what they want you to believe is the “biggest insult to our intelligence – if you know what I mean”.

Fourthly yours and others comment is based on bias and ignorance of the real teachings of Islam. You based your judgement more of your experience than the reality of its teachings this cannot be of those with open-minded and straight forward mind.

I am not defending the muslims view of the west but before we make any comments, please get our facts right – not just read a few pages of the Quran and hadith and make our judgement – read it with open mind and in its full context.

I rest my case.

M. Hussem: Snow job finished? Now tell us (assuming you are a muslim) what are your oh so tolerant feelings toward Jews, Judaism and Israel? You also may want to review the speeches by former President Mahathir before you throw Malaysia into the mix. I have lots of Chinese friends in KL and they all say the same thing – non-Muslims are discriminated against in a big way in Malaysia. In many districts in Malaysia, Sharia is the law of the land and it applies equally to non-muslims.

If there are over 1 billion peace loving Muslims in the world, why is there no peace in every Muslim country and in every country with a sizable muslim population (even Turkey looks to be joining the mix). Blood flows freely around the world from Muslim atrocities against those who dare disagree. Actions always speak louder than words. What now are your words?

You are so tolerant and so beloved by me!
Let no one stand, releasing the truth about you.
Fear the reaction if they knew what was true,
And write the praise supporting the dhimmi view.
Show them some video – great opinions to see.
Seek out the bigots and remove their liberty.

Blessed be the Muslims for they want to be free;
Abdullah and Fatima are just slaves to the view.
Never mind what the Quran says about the Jew,
Hating them is easy if you knew what was true;
For there are only you Muslims and no other reality.
A billion of you seek it, so where could this peace be?

Christians pray in shuttered church in Indonesia

JAKARTA, Indonesia – Dozens of Christians held prayers inside their boarded-up church near Indonesia’s capital Sunday, saying they had as much right as anyone to worship in the world’s most populous Muslim country.

They were surrounded by hundreds of police and unarmed security guards.

Using bullhorns, local officials reminded members of the Batak Christian Protestant Church they were banned from the site following an attack on two church leaders by suspected Islamic hard-liners.

“We just want to carry out our obligations as Christians, but authorities are treating us like terrorists,” said Advent Tambunan, a member of the congregation in the industrial city of Bekasi.

“There’s no justice for us in this country.”

Radical Islam on rise in Balkans

“Wahhabism in Macedonia, the Balkans and in Europe has become more aggressive in the last 10 years,” said Jakub Selimovski, head of religious education in Macedonia’s Islamic community. He said Wahhabis were establishing a permanent presence in Macedonia where none existed before, and that “they are in Bosnia, here, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and lately they have appeared in Bulgaria.”

Britain goes halal… but no-one tells the public: How famous institutions serve ritually slaughtered meat with no warning

A Mail on Sunday investigation – which will alarm anyone concerned about animal cruelty – has revealed that schools, hospitals, pubs and famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Twickenham are controversially serving up meat slaughtered in accordance with strict Islamic law to unwitting members of the public.
All the beef, chicken and lamb sold to fans at Wembley has secretly been prepared in accordance with sharia law, while Cheltenham College, which boasts of its ‘strong Christian ethos’, is one of several top public schools which also serves halal chicken to pupils without informing them.

Read more:—tells-public.html#ixzz0zzgNRNvV

What’s with the outrage, drjohn? Kosher slaughtering doesn’t differ much from Islamic slaughter. As Dr. H. H. Dukes at the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine notes, the animal is unconscious within seconds of an incision at the carotid arteries… and the (pardon the pun) “beef” of Kosher slaughtering has revolved around animal cruelty. In non Kosher slaughter, the animal often has to be reshot with a captive bolt up to five or six times… which is far more cruel than a quick incision.

If you’re thinking there’s a different taste to the meat, you may be right. And either Jewish or Islamic slaughtering is apt to be better quality because of less stress to the animal immediately before slaughtering.

As for restaurants choosing either type of slaughter, it’s a wise business decision. Why knowingly ostracize a portion of your clientele by offering food they refuse to eat, while other clientele have no problems with either? Certainly my hot dog of choice is the Hebrew National brand, both for quality of the meat and taste. But then, dogs are but a rare treat these days…. LOL

Grasping at straws here, dude. Or are you of the belief there’s some magical Islamic voodoo that will make you a Muslim with the first bite?

Added: A bit more about the rituals for both kosher and halal slaughter.

Kosher and halal are mainly associated with the food of Muslims and Jewish people. Though kosher and halal are food laws, it also has great significance in other rituals that they both follow in their life. Kosher and halal have their roots in their respective scriptures, Kosher is identified in Holy Bible and Torah and Halal is mentioned in Quran.

First of all lets see the difference in slaughtering of animals in kosher and halal. Though the slaughtering is the same, Jews, who follow kosher, do not pronounce the name of God on each animal they slaughter. They think that it is wasteful to utter the name of god out of context. They only perform prayers on the first and last animal that they slaughter. Muslims who follow halal rituals always pronounce the name of God on each animal that is slaughtered.

According to halal, any adult sane Muslim can perform the slaughtering of animals. But kosher only allows one kind of Rabbi, called the Sachet, to slaughter animals. The Sachet is specially trained for slaughtering and no other Jew can perform this task.

Muslims consider the entire cattle or sheep as Halal if they are duly slaughtered. Jews on the other hand consider the fore quarter of cattle or sheep as Kosher and the hindquarter are considered non-Kosher.

While Islam law considers meat of rabbit, wild hens, shellfish, duck and goose as halal, it is not considered fit to eat according to kosher laws.

Muslims look out for source of enzymes before having them. If it comes from a non-Halal animal, it is prohibited for a Muslim. But kosher has no difference as per enzymes are considered. The Jews consider all Enzymes, even from non-Kosher animals, as Kosher.

According to halal law, all intoxicating alcohols, wines, liquors and drugs are prohibited. Where as kosher law allows all wines.

While in kosher foods, dairy and meat cannot be mixed and it is entirely prohibited, Halal permits the mixing of the two.

Sounds like a propaganda piece.

But what do moderates in Islam stand for?

Shaik Ubaid of the Islamic Leadership Council of Metropolitan New York said extremists had forced US Muslims to support the Ground Zero mosque even if they initially had doubts about the idea.
“Once it became a rallying cry for extremists, we had no choice but to stand with Feisal Rauf,” he said.

Exit question:

IF “Moderate” Muslims can be FORCED by ”extremist” Muslims to support the GZ Mosque now, what will they be ”forced” to support that extremists want later?????

Aye, you’re seriously going to use Daisy Khan as an objective source? The Unity Productions Foundation is a Muslim Brotherhood founded and funded group. I suppose that next, you’ll tell us all that CAIR is a well respected Civil Rights organization.

Shame on you!


Are you really presenting the work of Daisy Khan as an objective piece of journalism? Shame on you!

Pure taqqiya. Ever hear the saying, “Your actions (or lack thereof) speak so loud I can’t hear a word you’re saying”?

What you tell a Gallup pollster in private is irrelevant IF YOU NEVER ACT ON IT.

If the overwhelming majority of Muslims are ‘moderate’, then there should be no problem organizing a ‘Million Muslims March’ for all of these moderate Muslims to declare publicly that what was done ON 9-11 AND EVERY DAY SINCE FOR THE PAST 9 YEARS ( was and is done ‘NOT IN OUR NAMES.’

That, and only that, would begin to convince me that there is any truth to what is put forth in this video. It is therefore incumbent on ‘moderate’ Muslims to disavow publicly what is done in the name of their religion, especially if it is supposedly at odds with the basic tenets and beliefs of their religion. While I recognize that there are likely millions of Muslims who would like to see a ‘Muslim Reformation’, and that they themselves live in fear of their coreligionists should they speak out, nobody can do it for them. Their only option then would be to leave Islam:
So the principal woman speaker in this video ‘should put up or shut up.’

But of course that is something that no one should hold their breath waiting for.
The fantasy that the violent jihadists do not reflect true islamic belief is just that, a fantasy.
They derive their inspiration DIRECTLY from the Koran and other Islamic religious texts, so indeed THEY are the true Muslims.

A so-called moderate Muslim IS NOT A MUSLIM.

John Esposito/Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal (HELLO) Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding and
Kenneth Pollack (“We need to get more involved in the middle East…” What exactly have we been doing for the past 7 years in Iraq with our young people’s blood and our treasure?) are intelligent and mellifluous dhimmis (remind you of anyone else?)

I read FA daily and surely hope that the hosts posted this with the full expectation that it would be seen by its readership for what it is, PURE TAQQIYA. As the first 6 Comments are batting 1.000, we’re off to a good start. If not, I will have to question whether our hosts’ are as reality based as I have up till now believed they were.

Re: Dr. John, #11

That’s just awful!

The animal right’s people ought to be ”up in arms” about the suffering of each animal as it gets its throat cut without the benefit of being stunned senseless first.

But apparently there’s a fear factor only regarding those who REALLY get ”up in arms” as opposed to those who simply do so figuratively.

So much for the ways of MODERN, considerate animal treatment.
Pre-emptory dhimmitude is every bit as encumbering as forced dhimmitude.

Also not, that at about the 41 minute mark of this propaganda piece, the producers of the film state what you have rejected for quite some time, that 45% of the muslim population does not out right disavow terrorism as an unacceptable means of affecting political change.

When kosher slaughter is done, as my dad did it on our farm decades ago, it is only for people who need a kosher-killed animal.
Jewish people came to our farm for lambs killed in that way with a rabbi present.

BUT what has happened to the UK?

All of a sudden everyone is being treated to specially killed animals whether they wanted it or not!

So, rather than slit the throats of only those animals to be eaten by families insisting on this barbarism, regular folk are being sold the same meat.

I know if I go to a kosher restaurant or deli I can get meat killed like this as opposed to meat I killed with an arrow or was killed after a stun bolt knocked it out, but that shouldn’t be the default for meat sold in a civilized country.

It should be a barbaric exception for the few because of freedom of religion.

I don’t know about you, Nan G…. but because I am not requiring any particular slaughter method for animals, I never ask the restaurant how the animal was prepared. Nor do I care if there was a religious cleric there to give rituals. I don’t question the butchers at the grocery either. I’d be more interested in the feed and open range during their lives. And if one were concerned with enzymes in their meat, or diseases, either Kosher or Islamic slaughter is far more health conscious.

The point is, most diners wouldn’t give a flying fart INRE the slaughter methods if the meat was good, free of diseases and from a well prepared menu/dish. It’s an absurd argument and criticism, and indicates a stunning lack of knowledge about Kosher methods which are very similar. So your question to self should be, would you be appalled if you were unwittingly fed Kosher slaughtered meat as well? Or is it just Islam?

As far as it being “barbaric”, that really all depends on your perspective. So you consider Kosher slaughter barbaric? I consider reshooting animals, tranquilizing them, or stunning them more brutal myself.

The theory of severing the carotid artery drains the blood from the body as quick as possible: a carcase that has not been drained of blood will have a stronger ‘gamey’ (sic) flavor. When hunting it is preferable to get to the animal as quick as possible and drain the blood. In an abattoir it is much easier; however, mistakes happen and that will probably explain the occasional steak that has a substandard flavor. If a moose or elk runs for five miles and dies without bleeding out, he is termed a baloney bull. It takes a creative chef to make the meat palatable.

Some rural Christians, a group I am intimately familiar with, consider it extremely important to drain the blood because of G-d’s directions during the serving of the last biscuits. That being to drink the wine as Christ’s blood and not to take of any blood but the blood of Christ. I am paraphrasing with a great deal of poetic license, but I had it explained to me by many a trapper and mountain man and they can be fairly intense. Of course, that means no blood sausage or pudding at Christmas, making the whole deal a little confusing for a simple person like myself.

The point being, we don’t need to go to the ME to find food prohibitions concerning the ritualistic slaughter of livestock.

I’m just still laughing at the “baloney bull” term, Skook! LOL

Skookum makes excellent points.
In BOTH Kosher and civilized slaughter, all of the blood is drained from the animal.

I have read the Koran, Hadith and many Sura and found no demand that animals be bled.
So, it is a question.

And Skookum is also right about the flavor of meat with the blood still in it, it is awful!
Not only does it take on a grayish color but it tastes really bad.
We always use a rope and lift a kill up a tree limb (up-side-down) , with openings down its legs and throat to try to get all the blood out, when we hunt.

Nan G, had you read any of the links I provided, you’d learn that Islamic slaughter requires *all* blood drained from the carcass, and that Muslims are allowed Kosher slaughtered meats as well. If you refuse to use the left click button on your mouse, I’ll put it here to make it easy for you. This is from the Meat Science at Texas A&M… no strangers to cattle.

Ritualistic slaughter:

Ritual slaughter is known as shechitah, and the person who performs the slaughter is called a “shochet,” both from the Hebrew root Shin-Chet-Tav, meaning to destroy or kill. The method of slaughter is a quick, deep stroke across the throat with a perfectly sharp blade with no nicks or unevenness. This method is painless, causes unconsciousness within two seconds, and is widely recognized as the most humane method of slaughter possible.

Another advantage of shechitah is that ensures rapid, complete draining of the blood, which is also necessary to render the meat kosher.

The shochet is not simply a butcher; he must be a pious man, well-trained in Jewish law, particularly as it relates to kashrut. In smaller, more remote communities, the rabbi and the shochet were often the same person.


There are strict laws guiding the slaughtering of animals:
Any Moslem having reached puberty is allowed to slaughter after saying the name of Allah and facing Makkah (Mecca).
The animal should not be thirsty at slaughter time.
The knife must be sharp, to minimize the time and hence save the animal pain associated with the slaughtering process.
The knife must not be sharpened in front of the animal because it may cause undue stress to that animal.
The slaughter is to be done by cutting the throat of the animal or by piercing the hollow of the throat, causing the quickest death with the least amount of pain.
The name of Allah has to be mentioned before or during slaughtering, since the Creator is the granter and taker of life; the name must be said by a member of the Moslem faith.
Meat slaughtered by people of the Jewish or Christian faith (People of the Book) may also be eaten.
The blood must be completely drawn from the carcass.

Tempest in a teapot, girl. Sorry.

OT, nothing I’d like more than to help cook, eat and clean at the ranch. And I promise I shan’t be offended if you don’t volunteer your particular slaughter methods! LOL

I can not speak to Halal food, but I do know a little about Kosher. The point about preperation has more to do with prevention of undue cruelty to the animal than the quality of the meat. The carotid artery is severed, because this was at the time the most humane way to slaughter an animal. The blood is completely drained, as its consumption is forbidden by the laws of Kosher. The lifeforce is said to be carried in a beings blood, and this is something we, as Jews are forbidden to steal from another animal. Noah’s permission to use animals for sustanence was due to his caring for them and helping to save them from extinction during the flood. The permission very specifically stops there, and does not include causing undue stress on the animal, cruelty to them, or stealing their life force.

@ Nan G…all things considered, you will not get an invite to eat at my table. We slaughter, cut and freeze beef for the table here. Steaks, Roasts and my neighbor makes excellent sausage from Deer, Pork and Beef that are very delicious.

I am not a vegetarian and raise excellent beef on my place and sell them at premium prices.

Both Mata and Skookum have open invites to my table. My beef is neither Kosher or blessed by any follower of Mohammad but go to a Ruth Criss Restaurant and order either Prime Rib or a Sirloin cut.

Poof…Bang…Salivate and dig in, it will be delicious X Lazy M beef and please enjoy!

Mata & Skookum, Snow up here now. Headed up to OP#1 with some supplies in my truck.
Laptop on wireless connection and “Fall or Autumn” can be short at better than 4k feet elevation.

Nan, get a life off the internet. Warm Regards from me but take a walk outside and get a breath of fresh air.

@Flyovercountry: I can not speak to Halal food, but I do know a little about Kosher. The point about preperation has more to do with prevention of undue cruelty to the animal than the quality of the meat.

That’s interesting, Flyover. There are dietary laws and respect Jews observe with their food sources, much like the Native American community. And even tho there are foods considered Kosher year round, the same is not necessarily considered Kosher for Passover.

However, as points out, the reason these traditional laws are still followed is simply because the Torah says so. This means the two prime reasons are both health (Kosher slaughterhouses are so sanitary that butchers and their facilities have been exempt from many USDA laws), and ancient doctrine.

INRE your @comment #18:

The Unity Productions Foundation is a Muslim Brotherhood founded and funded group. I suppose that next, you’ll tell us all that CAIR is a well respected Civil Rights organization.

I’m with you that I’m no fan of CAIR overall. However where are you getting your information that the Unity Production Foundation is Muslim Brotherhood founded and funded? Their own website states it was founded by two men, Michael Wolfe and Alex Kronemer.

Wolfe was a small publisher of poetry and avant garde prose. You can read Wolfe’s own story about his conversion to Islam here.

Kronemer has a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from Harvard University, and also writes for the Christian Science Monitor…. such as his 1997 philosophical dissertation, “The Bible as a Model for Democracy”. You can read his stuff at his website.

Neither of these Islam converts strikes me as Muslim Brotherhood material. So perhaps you will supply us with links that support your claims? Otherwise, it is entirely possible this is exactly what it appears on the surface… an attempt at educating the Google trained infidel Sheiks into the real world of the majority of Muslims.

@ Mata, snow on the way here now. How cattle becomes food is just business and neither a ritual or a rite of any fashion. Just a job and the results are “Whats for Dinner”.

Headed out for OP#3 now. Snow in September…ask Skookum, it can happen.

No followers of Mohammad here but we know beef here.


Mata, you are absolutely correct that the reason for following these laws is simply a matter of faith in following the laws of the Torah, and does not include any underlying reasons beyond the fact that it is law. However, what your website didn’t tell you is that the Torah was written in a language which is still spoken today. These things which I pointed out, are very plainly stated in the Torah.
Don’t boil the meat of the child in the milk of it’s mother. Don’t eat meat which has been torn in the field. Do not consume the blood of an animal. Even the method of slaughter is spelled out and stated as to avoid undue pain for the animal. Noah’s permission to eat the animals he saved from extinction, and subsequent admonition to not cause pain to those animals he consumed. In every case, we are also reminded that the animals in question are also God’s creations. Passover is another thing entirely, and would require a different discussion.

When discussing the old testament, it is important to remember that you also need to understand that it was not written in English, and that every language contains its own nuance, and vernacular. There are reliable translations into english, but I also find that Christians rarely have these. The Stone Hamush is a good translation. There are also explanations of the differences between languages, so as to help you understand why certain passages are interpreted a little differently than what you may be used to.

Agreed, Flyover. And actually, there’s been huge battles within Christian denominations about even New Testatment translations as these, as well, are written in several languages. Aramaic is not a common language among modern theologists. I remember the last serious doctine studies I went thru in the late 70s/early 80s was a theologian I sought out strictly because he was proficient in Aramaic as well as Hebrew. Then there’s my fascination for the Dead Sea Scrolls, many of which have translations yet to surface.

Things had some interesting twists. Other confusions also parallel some of the Quran problems – books not necessarily being chronological, but arranged by authors. Or, in the case of the Qu’ran, by length. Then there is the reconciliation between Old and New Testaments – which most clergy will tell you they do not necessarily contradict each other, but the Old Testament is moral edification of why salvation via the coming of the Son of God was essential for humanity. Many Christians believe the Old Testament to be but throwaway material, usurped completely by the New.

But back to the issue of Kosher vs Halal slaughter methods. Being a huge fan of Middle Eastern food, I’m quite sure I’ve oft been served Halal prepared meats. And I know for a fact that I’ve oft eaten Kosher meats as well since there’s been few Jewish delis I could pass up in time. (just hard to find a table big enough to hold everything I want to sample that day… LOL). The prime differences are Jews are more accepting of enzymes as natural, but will only accept the forequarters as Kosher. Muslims will accept all the animal, but do not allow for enzymes to be present. Both, however, mandate the quick incision and full draining of blood. Muslims even prohibit the animal seeing the blade being sharpened prior to slaughter.

However the UK animal rights have long been on the collar of both slaughter methods as inhumane. I can only say, “as compared to what”? I doubt it’s more humane (not to mention stress emits more secretions) to taser, shoot, bonk on the head, whatever, prior. And you sure don’t want to inject drugs. It seems the only ones who need consolation with slaughters are those who project their own imagination onto what an animal is experiencing. Every animal farmer I have ever known… from chickens/turkeys to lambs/cattle… have always said that a quick death with an incision to an artery for fast blood loss was the superior method for both best quality of meat, health and respect. Ritual or not.

@Aye Chihuahua:

I posted this twice due to my not understanding the nature of a server problem I was experiencing earlier today, I believed that the first did not post. Daisy Khan is a featured member of Unity Productions Foundation and involved in this piece of Propaganda you have posted here.


As I am only mildly proficient at internet usage, citing web links as sources is not my strength. I usually like more tactile sources, hard print, etc. but here is something which I did find. It links this particular film not only to the Muslim Brotherhood, but to unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy-land foundation funding trial. I really do not want to believe that every single Muslim in the world is a jihadist. I will state that a much higher percentage than we are being told by our supposed leaders and law enforcement authorities is not nearly as inncocent as we are being told. In this video for example, 45% of Muslims surveyed have to some degree expressed sympathy for terror acts being committed. Even in this production, which is designed to convince us all that there is no threat, terror supporters are greater in number than the, “small lunatic fringe,” than we are being told about.

A simple discussion about numbers:

There have been 226 acts of islamic terror so far in 2010. I refuse to believe that a number of acts that large would be possible in secrecy, with only a small fring group being knowledgeable. the number of Islamic attacks since Sept. 11, 2001 is 16082. Do you really believe that that number is reconcileable with the film’s explanation?

Flyover, Daisy Khan has nothing to do with the production of this video save she may, or may not have appeared in it. Haven’t had time to watch it. My only debate with you is that you suggest that United Productions Foundation is founded by and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood.

I have provided links to the individuals who did found this organization. That link also provides other trustees and staff members. None of which have Daisy Khan’s name.

Also, I see absolutely nothing save innuendos that either Daisy Khan or Cordoba Initiative’s Rauf are, or were, “founded and funded” by the Muslim Brotherhood. And certainly no one, except you, has suggested that the two founders of the UPF (apparently neither of which you knew about) are members are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Therefore if you have such proof that the UPF founders, Rauf or Daisy Khan are “funded and founded by the Muslim Brotherhood”, please do present it. Otherwise, I do wish you’d stick to reality instead of Geller/Spencer hype. There are actually people who do believe everything they read on the internet as fact.

As for the “lunatic fringe” and numbers. Are you now suggesting to me that the majority of Muslims are terrorists, or accomplices to the terrorists? Here I think you need to get a statistical grip on reality. 226 acts of global Islamic jihad activity in the scope of the world’s population is nothing. Because obviously 226 of those acts are not at the size and scope of 911. So how many people does it take to plan a car bombing? How about a suicide bombing? But most importantly, how many people (in this case, Muslims) in the world are you willing to condemn for 226 acts of violence – based on absolutely no evidence you can, or are willing to provide to us here?

As I said, statistical grip is necessary. Consider that murders in the US back a couple of years ago numbered well over 16,000 annually. For 226 terrorist incidents to match even that rate, each of the incidents would have to have killed at least 70.8 people each.

So tell me, Flyover, how many of the over 300 million US citizens would you like to hold responsible for the 16,000+ murders annually in our country? When you’ve figure that out, then tell us how many of the 6.79 billion of the world’s population you’d like to condemn for the 226 acts of terror by the global Islamic jihad movement?

I have written extensively on the question of the practice or advocacy of Shariah by Shariah authorities as a violation of the primary federal sedition statute (i.e., 18 U.S.C. § 2385) on the grounds that throughout the long 1200-year history of the development of Shariah, and across all five major schools of Shariah jurisprudence, five salient facts are embedded in a deep consensus among all authoritative Shariah authorities:

1.The telos or purpose of Shariah is submission. Shariah seeks to establish that Allah is the divine lawgiver and that no other law may properly exist but Allah’s law.
2.Shariah seeks to achieve this goal through persuasion and other non- violent means. But when necessary and under certain prescribed circumstances the use of force and even full-scale war to achieve the dominance of Shariah worldwide is not only permissible, but obligatory. The use of force or war is termed Jihad.
3.The goal of Shariah is to achieve submission to Allah’s law by converting or conquering the entire world and the methodology to achieve this end (by persuasion, by force and subjugation, or by murder) is extant doctrine and valid law by virtue of a universal consensus among the authoritative Shariah scholars throughout Islamic history.
4.The doctrine of Jihad is foundational because it is based upon explicit verses in the Qur’an and the most authentic of canonical Sunna and it is considered a cornerstone of justice: until the infidels and polytheists are converted, subjugated, or murdered, their mischief and domination will continue to harm the Muslim nation. And,
5.Jihad is conducted primarily through kinetic warfare but it includes other modalities such as propaganda and psychological warfare.

Ritualistic slaughter:

Ritual slaughter is known as shechitah, and the person who performs the slaughter is called a “shochet,” both from the Hebrew root Shin-Chet-Tav, meaning to destroy or kill. The method of slaughter is a quick, deep stroke across the throat with a perfectly sharp blade with no nicks or unevenness. This method is painless, causes unconsciousness within two seconds, and is widely recognized as the most humane method of slaughter possible.

Another advantage of shechitah is that ensures rapid, complete draining of the blood, which is also necessary to render the meat kosher.

How nice to know that Nick Berg didn’t suffer.

I think our media does all it can to help people not make hasty generalizations regarding ALL Muslims when only a % or 2 are the problem.

Like, today.

A 22-year-old Chicago man was charged by federal prosecutors with plotting to detonate a bomb near Wrigley Field, home to the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball team.

Sami Samir Hassoun, who is identified in a statement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Lebanese-born Chicago resident, was arrested yesterday by members of the local Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Hassoun is charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and with trying to destroy real property using an explosive, according to court papers. He is due to make his initial court appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Susan Cox in Chicago today, according to Randall Samborn, a spokesman for Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

Hassoun early yesterday morning planted an inert device given to him by an FBI informant, which he was told was a bomb, in a trashcan south of Wrigley Field, according to the government. Prosecutors alleged that he intended to injure people frequenting neighborhood bars and clubs, according to a complaint filed at the federal courthouse.

The case is U.S. v. Hassoun, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Chicago).

I really appreciated how the media covered this.

Google News
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Your search – Sami Samir Hassoun – did not match any documents.

I used Google NEWS search….even right now using their NEWS only search I only got 270 results.

Chicago man held in alleged bomb plot – Pete Williams – 1 hour ago
The FBI says Sami Samir Hassoun, a permanent resident alien from Lebanon, was arrested early Sunday morning, immediately after he put the backpack into a …
Man Charged in Wrigleyville Bomb Plot: FBI‎ – NBC Chicago
FBI stings man who allegedly had backpack with fake bomb‎ – CNN
Chicago Man Charged in Plot to Set Off Bomb Near Cubs’ Wrigley …‎ – Bloomberg
Weasel Zippers –
all 270 news articles »

When I expanded it to a general Google search I got 211,000 in 0.09 seconds.

A lot of what Google can find in a general search is NOT news media.

My initial comment was about the MEDIA not adding to the over-generalizing of all Muslims being terrorists just because one guy today tried to murder Americans with a bomb near Chicago’s Wrigley Field.

Not sure why you want to differentiate, Nan G. I’m not a Google user myself, but I do know that the Google News only goes back 30 days. So if you’re looking for archival stuff, it’s worthless. Secondly, on all pages shown on that Google search I did above, they were all about the same story today. On the left, you can use a timeline for the same search. When I clicked on “the past year” as a timeline, it came up with 18,000 results.

So I guess my question is, why limit yourself when the results are apparently inferior?

If you use a general Google search you get non-news media results.

Web sites, blogs, images, videos, books, you-tube and so on.

My point was about the NEWS media and them trying to be a non-inflammatory part of the information highway.

You are, of course, correct, that there are massive amounts of stories where one or more parts of that man’s name are mentioned on the entire WWW.

But why weed through all of that when you want to check how the NEWS media is handling a story?

I think as each hour goes by more news outlets do pick up this story.

BUT I was not calling the lack of coverage a shortcoming, I was calling it a strength!

The fact was originally covered only by Bloomberg News…..and had No Mention of Islam, Muslims or jihad against Americans in Chicago.

NOW, however, after all these hours, many more outlets (on top of NON-news web sites) are covering this story……. and 43,200 results mention Sami Samir Hassoun’s Muslim religion.

On TV right now the feds are admitting they had little choice but to give him a fake bomb because he was so serious about killing Chicagans.

HASSOUN, according to a law enforcement source close to this author, [Doug Hagmann] is a “devout Muslim and permanent legal resident from Lebanon.” He appeared on the radar screen of federal authorities in early June, when he solicited assistance and advice from associates to “wage jihad on the streets of America.”

According to this law enforcement source, HASSOUN discussed plans that included, among other things, to use chemical or biological agents in populated areas of Chicago, poison Lake Michigan, detonate a bomb at Willis Tower (formerly named the Sears Tower), assassinate public officials including Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and kill a large contingent of police officers and first responders.

I read all 45 comments to this (piece of crap) video, and no where did I see mentioned the fact that Gallup is a muslim funded outlet of liberal/islamist propaganda.

Folks, this piece of crap was produced by the “islamic studies center” and “University” at Gallup:

Now, I suppose that’s a “center” to get “objective” analysis in the West these days, just like those “endowed” chairs at the Ivy League Universities, endowed by muslim petrodollars.

@ Robert: Have you ever done anything to protest the people who bomb abortion clinics? Or the incidents of violence against Muslims brought on in (a misguided) response to 9/11? If not, then you’re as bad as those evil Muslims you criticize.

Oh, and about this “Ground Zero” mosque (that’s actually something like eleven blocks away); you guys do know that this “sacred ground” or whatever you want to call it is full of strip clubs, fast food places, and other trashy entities, right? What’s so sacred about those places (although they’re as American as childhood obesity)?

both Michael Wolfe and Alex Kronemer from Unity Production Foundation that made this film are converts to Islam. They are not impartial Americans trying to present a fair picture of Islam. They are both financed by the Saudi Government which is why they were able to arrange for CNN to film the Haj in Mecca Live in 2006. This is a total propaganda piece by committed muslims. Dont be taken in because they have western names. islam is a virus that destroys any body it infects. look at africa for a good example. Name one muslim country that isnt a living hell.


well actually this is to the all the ignorant people on this page…really should go do your research and when I say that I mean look at translations from the Quran…and not done by someone who doesn’t even know Arabic and is trying to guess the words (because I have actually had that happen to me) but some authentic source with an ounce of knowledge in them…At first when I read this stuff, I was angry at your ignorance but now it just makes me sad…you guys are real live targets of years of brainwashing by the media and well…dude did that work out well for them…they sell news to people just like you who cannot think for themselves and rely on google or media for information…seriously everything you read is not true…you guys have got to stop believing it is…

this reminds me of the recent media news about killings in norway and honed thew even before the norway police questioned the suspect all american media assumed it was an Islamic terrorist… i looked at that and thought who would be dumb enough to believe that..i guess i got my answer to that one…it was actually a Christian terrorist against Muslims…sad but true…yet the media didnt overly sensationalize it because guess what? He was not a Muslim and that did not sell news…

for the person who said Islam is not compatible with today’s world…i say you my friend are spot on in that observation…todays world consists of capitalists who suck the poor dry and the rich bleed money…i would say Islam definitely would have some say against that…so yeah definitely not compatible with todays world…it is a religion about peace and … before you say anything those who say they have apparently read the Quran and the Hadith, I say read a Quran translated by a Muslim who practices what he preaches, not some random person who thinks he knows Arabic and read an authentic Hadith…and please dont take quotes out of context in the Quran, because I can even do that and tell you lots of quotes out of context in many Holy Books, and make all religions seem the worse possible thing on the planet…so go think before you start writing and think once again before you publish it….I am pretty sure if someone took a totally wrong turning in understanding your religion you would be pretty pissed…at least I would be…

…the problem with today;s people is they don’t see beyond their own comforts and selfish wants and must haves…but that is not my issue to deal with it is your own personal problem i guess…all im saying is if you dont know anything keep quite…and if you really want to open your mouth just go research have authentic sources and facts…and yes then i will gladly listen to you…i try not to be disrespectful but it just pisses me off when people say anything about Jews, Muslims or Christians…and for the person who said “Joos” really i dont even know if you are trying to be funny with that or racist…but that just doesnt excuse your rudeness for those people…so kindly keep your thought inside your head where they cant hurt no one

for those who said it was propaganda…i disagree..i meant you hardly see videos like these…mostly its poor americans, poor w.e. and w.e., bad Muslims…etc. The media is full of that kind of crap and most of you who gave examples of “the bad Muslims” would agree there…there is hardly any of that for any other to say this was propaganda i would say it is actually a bit of equality time for Muslims to bring their truth to light…and they are doing it not by demonizing or discriminating against another religion but by presenting their side of the story and their history…I agree with the person who said we should study the religion and not the people practicing it…

Until you stand with us against the radicals of YOUR religion you are part of that religion. ….whoever said it I agree with you on that however what you are saying is we should all become someone that in your mind is an acceptable human being…which i beg to differ just cannot happen in this world…many criminals may even go against your basic morals and beliefs but that doesnt give you the right to judge them and/or demonize them…whatever you may think they are still human…and so not every human being will have the same point of view as you but the point is to minimize hostility which will require compromise…which sadly fanatics on either side arent willing to do..for one side because its a lucrative source of income…and the other because they think they are right for whatever reason….and so I would stand up against the fanatics but i still wouldnt be like you so forgive me for saying this id rather stick with my own and fix their problem within my circle then join forces with you and have you judge me at every turn…you dont know me, my religion, where i come from, my background…i dont know you either…and so thats the kind of thing that goes through a persons head when a stranger asks them to go against their own…just saying dont be so narrow minded…look at the other side of the story as well…and i only wrote this from one side because well everyone else was already presenting the only side…so forgive me if some of my points go against what you believe in but i have studied the three Abrahamic faiths extensively and to my knowledge havent so much as said something that would go against the other…i admire love and believe in all faiths that go towards a peaceful path and i think you should try and minimize your resentment too just because the world isn’t exactly as youd like it to be or what you think it should be (more like what the media has told you it should be..)

There are at least 109 Quran verses that call Muslims to make war with non-Muslims:
Fight the unbelievers…strike off their heads…Sura 47:4. Make war on the unbelievers. Sura 9:73. Theirs is the garden of heaven, they that fight in His cause, and slay and are slain. Sura 9:111. Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them. Sura 2:191. Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war). Sura 9:5. Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Sura 3:151. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight…Sura 4:95. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. Sura 8:12. The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger…is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. Sura 5:33.
There have been over 18,000 Muslim terrorist attacks just since 911. Mohammed led 66 battles and killed thousands just because they were non Muslim. His followers attacked city after city, conquering half of the Christian Byzantium people, some 26 countries from Spain to India. Along with 13 centuries of Muslim slave trade, with forced marches across the Sahara, amounted to 100 to 200 million deaths at Muslim hands. There have been over 2 million, mostly Christians killed by Muslims in the genocide in Sudan. Perhaps Muslims need to be better informed of their own errors. They need a whole new reformation to end the killing of innocent people.

This is the most slanted hour of b.s. i’ve seen in some time. I love how muslim terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11 and of course the real victims here are the muslims. Is anyone else tired of these hour long sermons on fake islamophobia and muslim victimology. Each question was more slanted than the next. Why doesnt it talk about the jew-hatred that is rampant in the arab world (not a minority). How about the fact that the alternative to the arab autocrats are anti-western muslim fundamentalists who are being voted in by the MAJORITY of the allegedly peaceful arab citizens. How about how muslims love the west so much that their perception of israel as vaguely ‘western’ is enough to make them hate it and seek its destruction.