If You Can’t Sell Something, Change The Image


The Obama White House is frustrated with their inability to sell the public on “Global Warming” and pass legislation that will give them control over “Greenhouse Gas Emissions”. They have now devised a new tactic, the term “Global Warming” has now become “Global Climate Disruption”.

John Holdren, The White House Science Czar,

Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.

One way to carry out this disapproval might be to insist that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption—especially those born to minors, who generally are not capable of caring properly for a child alone. If a single mother really wished to keep her baby, she might be obliged to go through adoption proceedings and demonstrate her ability to support and care for it. Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone. It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.

Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.

Toward a Planetary Regime


Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist. Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans. The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market.

advised people to start using the new term because the old term oversimplifies the problem and makes the problem sound less dangerous; while the new term explains the problem in all its subtle nuances and stresses the immediate danger we are in.

During a speech in Oslo, Holdren stressed the fact that “Global Warming” is a dangerous misnomer far a problem that is far more complicated than a simple rise in temperature. It is also hard to get the public to swallow the story now that it has come out that the data has been manipulated to fit the theory.

The Climate Bill is stalled in congress, as congressmen know that the public is no longer believing the lies and it is political suicide to continue on with the bill that is written to strangle the industrial might of the United States and give control of industry to the Obama Socialists. This will surely keep the public from laughing at the Global Warming Blizzards and can easily blame every discomfort from the weather on the need for a Climate Bill and for Obama to have control of American industry.

“They’re trying to come up with more politically palatable ways to sell some of this stuff,” said Republican pollster Adam Geller, noting that Democrats also rolled out a new logo and now refer to the Bush tax cuts as “middle-class tax cuts.”

He said the climate change change-up likely derives from flagging public support for their bill to regulate emissions. He said the term “global warming” makes the cause easy to ridicule whenever there’s a snowstorm.

“Every time we’re digging our cars out — what global warming?” he said. “(Global climate disruption is) more of a sort of generic blanket term, I guess, that can apply in all weather conditions.”

Holdren likes the new term because it covers a broad range of problems and doesn’t just rely on rising temperatures to capture the public’s imagination.

The explanation he gave last week was that the impact from greenhouse gas emissions covers a broad “disruption” of climate patterns ranging from precipitation to storms to hot and cold temperatures. Those changes, he said, affect the availability of water, productivity of farms, spread of disease and other factors.

But Republicans predicted that re-branding the issue would have limited effect on the legislative effort. GOP strategist Pete Snyder said he doubts the term is going to change hearts and minds.

“Are they going to change the name of weathermen to disruption analysts?” he quipped. GOP lawmakers already exploited a terminology change of their own by re-branding the “cap-and-trade” bill as “cap-and-tax.”

NASA has decided to rebrand the failed idea as “inadvertent climate modification”. I hope NASA will use better judgement with judging conditions for their space flights than they use in backing fraudulent politicized science.

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They have now devised a new tactic, the term “Global Warming” has now become “Global Climate Disruption”.

Reminds me of Josef Pieper’s definition of the Sophists: “Those highly paid and popularly applauded experts in the art of twisting words, who were able to sweet-talk something bad into something good and to turn white into black.” (Abuse of Language–Abuse of Power).

Dim BULB: hi, you know as I write your name, I feel like I’m insulting you,WHAT I want to say is
THE way they phrase it, mean the CLIMATE IS DISRUPTING US HUMANS,

It’s really hard getting the real world to obey the propaganda.

As the Earth expands the plates move, and doing so, they create havoc including a disruption of the established polar ice-caps and movements in Greenland which is sinking thereby reducing its glaciers. Some coastlines are dropping and some are rising. We still need to do our best to reduce pollution of our air and our waters, but the UN and this Administration are politicizing the game to redistribute “borrowed” cash to the 3rd world.

Can’t help it Skook, . . . was choosing the above image, a subconscious subliminally purposeful metaphor pointing us to a view of Obama’s warped vision of America’s future? . . . A people convinced that being reduced to sunning themselves in captivity, as if in a zoo, is good thing? . . . Come on, own up.

SKOOKUM: hi, good story, I feel that all they have to do Is CLOSE THE BORDER, to solve this problem, IF we look at all angles that’s the solution, but for them is finding a reason to get more money from the AMERICANS. bye
I love the bears

@ james raider, Plate Tectonics is very real but “Global Climate Disruption” appears to be just a lot of “Hot Air”. Selling Carbon Credits is fraud and “Cap and Tax” is as shameless a scam as the shake downs that Jesse Jackson has been pulling off for years in the name of “Social Justice”.

In my opinion, the Nobel Folks should have stuck to the manufacture of explosives and stayed out of the Prize Business. Climate has always been cyclic and volcanic activity has done more to change the climate than mankind could ever dream of doing. Global Warming according to Gore and his band of data manipulators is today’s version of the Snake Oil that guys in derby hats and pin stripe suits used to sell at County Fairs.

Entertaining but less than truthful.

@ Old Trooper 2,

Yup, 2 of the most successful prestidigitators ever – Obama and Gore – who accomplished nothing, but were able sell Snake Oil to a whole Nation. A sad statement on those who bought it.

I agree wholeheartedly with your “Nobel” sentiments – The Obama Nobel Is Not About Peace

So much of this President is a sham, it’s embarrassing, but not to him evidently.

The Alaskan permafrost was melting from underneath. That right there indicates some sort of volcanic activity — not “climate disruption.” I guess next they’ll design a new “climate disruption” logo. I can hardly wait.

We of the North . . . as in North American continent, generally have absolutely NO perspective of what the conditions are in other parts of the world. Relative to other areas of the world, we have preserved or restored to near as possible conditions, our environment . . . our waters are pristinely clean, our homes are mansions, our highways are the wonder of the world, our air is as our water . . . I could go on and on about our true Garden of Eden.

Yet lurking at our borders, you need look no further than Haiti or Mexico . . . to find a virtual sea of over whelming dimensions in distruction of the “chemical soup” from which life on this planet originated. OMG I can not explain how it feels to drive through a human created disaster of 25 miles of trash and refuge . . . in which human beings are living their daily lives under piles of garbage and muck . . . it is an insult to my senses of the most grave proportions. I have been to “Smokey Mountain” (Gore’s coined term for the squalid conditions in the Philippines) . . . YES I HAVE BEEN THERE!!!! I have witnessed the scavangers and squatters . . . I have seen the mongrel dog processed and eaten for food. I have been driven by the miles of mud huts, no taller than a dog house . . . a hovel that NO ONE THAT HAS NOT SEEN IT CAN EVEN REMOTELY COMPREHEND.

I have sat in the company of Presidents of countries, I have been to meetings in the third world and I know that in the mind of a LIBERAL that they SEE a solution . . . BUT I am NOT a LIBERAL.

Therefore, I must approach the irrational, insanity that I was subjected to . . . a true post tramatic shock . . . as a Moderate to right perspective.

I believe that to some extent, Al Gore is INSANE . . .his experiences have taken him to the land of the Apocalypse . . . for I too have been there. I assure you that any human with a soul that saw these conditions out there in the world . . . that YOU would be severly impacted. Al was driven beyond reality . . . and the impact of the road less traveled is one of two ways . . . desperationally motivated drive for wealth (have been on this road) or a near monk-like withdrawal to martyrdom (I have been there too). Eventually, after a long period of self evaluation and introspection . . . I came to a new level of consciousness. I returned from the wilderness of my own mind.

Words of a scientist, politico, imam, or pastor . . . there is only prayer. For this planet is inhabited by the human . . . and so it shall be.

Do I think there is hope . . . yes . . . for OUR GREAT MOTHER is self healing. If we take no action to cleanse Her . . . believe me, please . . . She will cleanse Herself. The shift in the “Chemical-soup” that created life on this plant . . . is reversable . . . and so it Shall (in it’s own due course) extinguish the very plague it created (or change it as the evolutionary scholars so believe). The world of the invasive slime is coming . . . . hopefully it will be billions and billions of years from NOW. LOL

TALLGRASS: hi, WOW, I take your word, against any one else, you have so much SUBSTANCE
to support it, and coming from the soul is the real fact,that nobody can deny.
byeand thank you.

I like what Texas is doing.

The state of Texas today sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in a federal appeals court in Washington DC, claiming four new regulations imposed by the EPA are based on the thoroughly discredited findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and are ‘factually flawed,’ 1200 WOAI news reports.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott says the rules are illegal and if imposed, will cost Texans in higher energy costs and tens of thousands of lost jobs.

“The state explained that the IPCC, and therefore the EPA, relied on flawed science to conclude that greenhouse emissions endanger public health and welfare,” Abbott said.

Because the Administration predicated its Endangerment Finding on the IPCC’s questionable facts, the state is seeking to prevent the EPA’s new rules, and the economic harm that will result from these regulations, from being imposed onTexas employers, workers, and enforcement agencies.”……

The state of Texas called Obama’s bluff.
Either prove the case with good science or drop the programs and rules that will ruin their economy.

In my state, California, they have recognized the problem but come up with a different ”solution.”
CA will NOT impose harsh rules unless and until our state unemployment rate drops below 5.2%
It is now a bit over 12%.

Well, at least our state leaders recognize these rules will bust the economy of the state.
But sheesh!

Tallgrass, I hope your commentary gets a lot of exposure, it is really good.

Nan G: Thanks for the contribution, you can’t help but to like Texans. I wish more states had the will to stand up to the Carnival Barker Obama and his Socialist Dreams.

Now to work.

If push comes to shove, we Texans areready to revert back to Republic status. All 22 million of us. Wonder if the “Big O” has the balls to handle that confrontation.

@ Tallgrass,

At the root of the dismal picture you present of the too pervasive human condition on Earth, rests the lack of education in too much of the population. This is only an opinion based on personal experience, but it’s a firmly held one.

A most significant project in that process, IMHO, is the endeavor by Doctors Without Borders to educate women in the 3rd world to become masters of their own bodies. Easier said than done, but what other choice is there when faced with an environment where millions of single women have on average 7-8 children, when they can’t support 1, the disaster perpetuates itself.

What you describe are the results of overpopulation, . . . again, in my opinion, . . . OVERPOPULATION – EARTH’S CHALLENGE

While we get bombarded by pleadings for money to send food to various corners of the globe, the challenge which should be addressed more effectively is how to get “Education” to these impoverished places. You never see any ads pleading for your cash to send education to a village in Africa. Yet, if anything, that is where the money should go. The pleading television commercials are the same one we watched 10 years ago, 20 years ago, and 30 years ago. The only thing that has changed is the amount of money requested. I’ve participated very directly, supporting research projects providing technology to kids who barely had electricity. The results were incontrovertible.

The new technologies and the Internet provide incredible opportunities to implement a quantum leap in the education of isolated kids, bypassing our 600 year old antiquated system. Skook, on a previous post, actually hit that nail on the head.

Most impoverished countries, if not all of them, are run by dictators who are supported by the likes of Gore, Clinton etc. While I don’t see Gore as insane, I do see him as not having been gifted with much intelligence, and being a self-serving charlatan getting too much energy in his sail from Hollywood. Distributing knowledge, and stimulating interaction between all sectors of the globe’s popoulations is the answer.

BTW, my inclusion of “Clinton” referred to Slick Willy, not his wife. Since his time in the Oval Office, he’s been busy being Mr. Facilitator in the structuring of natural resource extraction and distribution contracts with ruthless authoritarians like Nazarbayev of landlocked, but resource rich Kazakhstan.

Such deals only serve to strengthen the stranglehold a thug like Nazarbayev has on the population. These deals make Clinton rich and give him access to the best private jets in the world. This is how his supposed foundation became the biggest “former president” foundation in America.

This is also why, as you will recall, Clinton shamelessly supported Nazarbayev to lead an international organization established to support democracy, arms control, human rights, press freedom, and monitor elections in developing Europe – the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Even his own wife did a double-take on that one.

Evidently principles, ethics, and leadership by exemplary behavior are not Clinton’s gift to America.

Holdren is really a nutcase.