Under The Radar: 10th Amendment Movement Picks Up Steam [Reader Post]


Millions of Americans watch with horror as the Obama administration continues to implement its own version of ‘change.’ Change that involves an unprecedented and systematic devolution of power to the federal government, in direct contravention of the Constitution.

From the pending takeover of 17% of  economy under the auspices of health care reform, to the government takeover and subsequent ownership of automobile companies, to the unconstitutional interference in the formerly private market under the rubric of stimulating the economy. Not to mention the proposed cap and trade legislation which would give the federal government unlimited powers of taxation and regulation under the guise of saving the planet.

Totally ignored by elected officials of both parties is the tenth amendment of the Constitution, which states very clearly, “The power not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Many Americans don’t agree with the left’s idea of a ‘living constitution’, arguing that the intent of the founders should govern the interpretation and application of the Constitution, not the whimsical and politically motivated present day politicians. And, largely unreported by the media, they are starting to stand up to the federal government.

To date, 37 states have introduced sovereignty resolutions, asserting their state’s sovereign rights under the tenth amendment.

Earlier this month, Louisiana became the seventh state, joining Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Idaho and Tennessee to officially adopt a resolution affirming their sovereignty. These states are putting the federal government on notice that politicians in Washington do not have the right, under the Constitution, to continue to impose their increasingly onerous federal mandates on sovereign states.

Some states, with Arizona leading the way, are going a step further.

Under Arizona’s Health Care Freedom Act, which was passed by the Arizona state legislature this month, a voting initiative will be placed on the 2010 ballot that, if passed, will allow Arizona to opt out of any federal health care plan.

Following Arizona’s lead, five other states — Indiana, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota and Wyoming — are considering similar initiatives to opt out of federal health care for their 2010 ballots This, even before Congress has created the program.

Arizona is also preparing for the misnamed ‘climate’ bill, that passed the House this month. (With eight Republican votes.) The Arizona state Senate voted 19-10 to approve a bill banning the Department of Environmental Quality from enacting or enforcing measures with language pertaining to climate change.

to climate change.
Other states are stepping up to the plate and asserting their state’s sovereign right under the second amendment – a right that guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

On July 6, Florida introduced the Firearms Freedom Act which seeks to provide “that specified firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition for personal use manufactured in state are not subject to federal law or regulation” in the State of Florida.

Increasingly, the representatives ‘we the people’ have elected to preserve and protect our rights, are ignoring the clear, unequivocal language of the Constitution. Our politicians seem unaware of the fact that the Constitution does not include  congressional power to override state laws.

In fact, the power our representatives are now accruing to the federal government was expressly voted down, not once, but several times.

During the Constitutional ratification process, James Madison drafted the ‘Virginia Plan’ which advocated a strong federal government. It proposed, among other things, giving Congress legislative authority, and a veto over state laws. Each of Madison’s proposals was soundly defeated. Our founders clear intent was vesting all powers in the states, with but a few, listed exceptions.

Ever since 1938, when FDR used the occasion of the great depression to drastically expand the scope of federal government (Wickard vs Filburn) using an absurd reading of the Commerce Clause, this unconstitutional taking of power by the central government has gone virtually unchallenged. Until now.

Though the media has ignored these efforts, ‘we the people’ are starting to fight back, via our state and local representatives.

Politicians need to be reminded that our Constitution is still in effect. And Americans need to be reminded that just because some believe the trendy notion that our Constitution is a ‘living, breathing’ document, doesn’t make it so.

Crossposted from Right Bias

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Here in NC, the dems have our Sovereignty Bill (HB 849) locked up in committee.

We must keep up the fight, but we must also realize that we will never, “win,” like the war with the Islamofascists, this is and will be a perpetual struggle. The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization, only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally). But until then we must confront this folly every day. Not long ago on a liberal blog I pointed out the 10th Amendment and had a moonbat write back that it was the 10th Amendment that gave the government “the right to do whatever they need to do.”

This work is long overdue and must be accomplished. If the Federal Government infringes on the rights of the States and Citizens there will be a backlash that will occur prior to the 2010 elections that will most likely not include tea bags. The sentiment of resentment is growing. The authority of Governors and State Legislatures must be respected. Other wise Congress, the Senate, the Czars & Commissars not elected by the voters will be sent an unmistakably clear message. A lesson on Constitutional Law, the Bill of Rights and limits of authority of Federal Government will get very ugly. Tyranny creates Patriots.

Our writer says,

“Politicians need to be reminded that our Constitution is still in effect.”

The real question is, Is it? There is serious reason to doubt it. The feds have abridged the Constitution for so long and so egregiously that it could be argued it has been abrogated entirely. Only by insisting that this is not the case can we have it still be in effect. You can take it the bank that the federal government will not take that lightly. In particular, all of Congress, that supposedly represent our states, really represent themselves in their cozy little federal sinecures. They will fight it tooth and toenail.

JustAl: Wait! there is another way to get our country back! Fox News has broadcast the solution! They have issued no retraction, and Glen Beck seems to be in agreement!


We don’t have to wait for “a complete collapse of civilization” for those Liberal infestations to be snuffed out my friend, let us hope and pray that Osama can get our country back on track!

The bad thing about Osama though, is he kills Americans when we don’t want him to, like when Bush is in office, and now when we need him to kill Americans, where is the guy?? Why can’t he come thru and kill some Americans when we really need him to save our Nation?

You Said:”only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally)”

Yes, it will be worth the collateral deaths of all the small children and old people who may die out “perhaps literally” along with the Flawed thinkers to rid ourselves of “this flawed way of thinking” The loss of life is nothing compared to the flawed thoughts and concepts that ARE AND COULD BE brought to fruitation by Flawed Thinking Humans who would impose them on people who do not exhibit Unflawed Thinking. But we don’t have to do that! Only Osama can save us now!

You and Michael Scheuer and the rest of the unflawed thinkers still have hope, hope for the kind of America we have lost.

You Said: “but we must also realize that we will never, “win,” like the war with the Islamofascists”

I just wanted to point out to you that you, Michael Scheuer, and the “Islamofascists” are all on the same side when it comes to hoping that America suffers a “complete collapse of civilization” so you can get rid of the “Flawed way of thinking”

Why don’t you go and enlist with your buddies, the Taliban, and take your correct thinking twin Michael Scheuer with you?


“Yes, it will be worth the collateral deaths of all the small children and old people…”

No, but if people don’t wake up to the danger, that IS what will happen, but by then it may be to late to take back our country. You Lefties twist everything. Do you do it deliberately, or is your thinking really that warped?

Oh, wait… “let us hope and pray that Osama can get our country back on track! “

A bunch who have more in common with Stalin and Mao than with Washington and Jefferson are our best hope? I see, it really is that warped.

Yonason: These are NOT my words, they came from JustAl:

“The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization, only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally).”

See this link for yourself:


Lefties twist everything eh? No twisting from me here, only a sarcastic agreement with JustAl and Michael Scheuer and their treasonist and “unflawed” thinking, just taking them at their word for the sake of argument. It is sad to see you defend people who hold and espouse this extreem position of hoping for an attack on America or the collapse of America.


“Lefties twist everything eh?”

Yes, you do. Americans aren’t aware of the danger they are in. What he’s saying is very realistic. We are at war with barbarians, and our Legislators are out to lunch on everyting important. Threats are ignored while the Left pilfers the national coffers in the name of all manner of perverse fantasies.

The American people are collectively asleep, and need to wake up to the danger while it can still be dealt with effectively. If we don’t wake up ourselves, then some external jolt will need to cause it. If that doesn’t happen, then the Leftist rot will continue to spread until we are unable to effectively defend ourselves, and America will cease to exist.

Now for the anarchists that would probably sound great, at least until they are confronted with the reality of how it would impact their lives. But, not being able to see how what they do will harm them is where we get the “idiot” part of “useful idiots.”

You want to paint a picture of Scheuer as hoping that Americans die, when all he wants is for them to wake up. But, being a realist, he’s telling us that as far as he can see, only a tragedy will effect that. Failing that, our “leaders” continue to destroy our country unimpeded. You and your ilk would rather have us continue to ignore reality, which in the end will get a whole lot more of us killed. And you have the nerve to criticize him?! You’re the sick ones.

yonason said: “You want to paint a picture of Scheuer as hoping that Americans die, when all he wants is for them to wake up. But, being a realist, he’s telling us that as far as he can see, only a tragedy will effect that.”

Being a realist, I am just taking him at his word, no more and no less. Scheuer has painted his own picture of hoping for Osama to execute an attack on America, and I don’t need to add or embelish on that above what he has himself stated. His political views are so strong that they have him hoping for an attack on America in order to win the survivors over to his way of thinking. That is beyond sick, and there is no defense for that whatsoever.

yonason said: “Failing that, our “leaders” continue to destroy our country unimpeded. You and your ilk would rather have us continue to ignore reality, which in the end will get a whole lot more of us killed. And you have the nerve to criticize him?! You’re the sick ones.”

When you stated: “You and your ilk would rather have us continue to ignore reality, which in the end will get a whole lot more of us killed.” what do you mean by that? Are you saying that an attack on America by Osama would be less people killed than “ignoring reality” which will “get a whole lot more of us killed”, and the attack would be preferable?

And yeah, I damn right do have the nerve to criticize him, and if he wants to come down to the dark corners of my stomping grounds and talk like that, we here would be more than happy to send him on a one way trip to his friend and ally Osama. There he could state his wish for an attack on America in public and have all the support he wants and no “sick ones” criticizing him. Anyone else who in any way states their wish for an attack on America can go with him, including you if that is what you are in agreement with.

Obama’s policies will weaken America to the point that it will no longer be able to defend itself abroad, and possibly not even at home if we are invaded. And you’re OK with that?

Even in the absence of foreign invaders, Obama’s own policies of infanticide and euthanasia of the elderly and terminally ill will result in far more deaths than an attack by Osama.

You are the ones who actually suppport making the murder of Americans a part of public policy, not us.

Sheuer is NOT hoping and praying for an attack, just saying that we have come to the sad point in our history that failing such a wake-up call, we may not survive as a nation. To say he is as eager for that to happen, as you Lefties are of imposing Fascism on us, is grossly twisting his words.

Did it ever occur to you “geniuses” that he’s using a statement like that to try to bring home to people the seriousness of the situation? NO! …because you have to hate the Right, because without that hate you have nothing to motivate you – right and wrong, good and evil have no meaning, only your identity as an accepted member of the collective is what matters. I.e., everything you know is wrong.

ANOTHER THOUGHT – If such an attack doesn’t come before Obungler has destroyed America, it WILL come after. So, if it’s going to come, better when we can deal with it, then not.

mooseburger, look Jocko, read the 10th Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights and learn that there are Limits to things that the Federal Government can fool around with or outright trash.

Until you get an education on that don’t expect any discussion from me. I refuse to argue with Fools or Idiots. You Socialists quite frankly will not be allowed to further destroy My Country.


“Defending the Constitution is not always a Peaceful Event

The people who want to destroy the United States have just as much at stake as those who want to save her. They have worked a very long time to push the USA to the brink of collapse. They intend to finish the job, one way or another.

You can’t figure out why no member of congress or the courts will be the first to ignite civil war by challenging this evil cabal?—Think!

If Americans won’t let leftists have their country, the left will burn it and leave it in ruins. There is no peaceful way out of the corner leftists have placed Americans in… Congress, the courts, even the military brass and law enforcement, will do nothing to save this country. The state run media complex is running interference. The American people are on their own here…”

Read the 10th Amendment and get off your Socialist soapbox.

Scheuer? Let’s see:

1: anti-war, Clinton era CIA agent who couldn’t convince Bill to get OBL on ten separate occasions,

2: hated Bush and his military aggression,

3: thinks “… that 2008 was a year of setbacks for America, and that the future appeared rather bleak…”. That was a year when Iraq violence declined to record lows, Iraqis were stepping up to the plate, SOFA agreed to, successful election with Sunni participation, and Muslim approval of jihad continued to decline. I’d say Scheuer got that call wrong. .

4: Gets himself fired from Jamestown Foundation, offending the Obama loving membership by saying Obama US-Israeli policy was Bush policy….. yeah, they really look alike on foreign policy. Israel’s JPost is telling us that Obama’s making some room under the bus for them. Shunned big Israeli association, and told them there needs to be “more space” between the US and Israel. Real Bush like, don’t you think? There’s another miscall.

5: said the two best POTUS candidates to battle the global jihad movements was Kucinich and Ron Paul. Right… isolationism and protectionism is soooo conservative.

6: comes from the “let’s change US policy to the terrorists demands” school of thought. His battlefield is founded on his belief that terrorists hate our policies, so we have to change our policies, not fight. uh hummm. Another “our fault” kind of guy.

Considering all the above about Scheuer, two things come to mind:

Don’t thrust your anti-war Clinton guy on me, because he’s not part of my brand of conservatism. You libs can claim him as your own – party registration be damned. Or the Paulbots can have them. Nope… not mine.

BUT… that’s not going to happen, tho he shares their stance on war. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t some sort of deliberate back room play of subterfuge to further tear down the GOP. He knows very well the Dems will jump on a comment like that, and tie him to the conservative right. He is anything but.


Thanks Mata. I wasn’t defending him on all counts, just saying that the Lefty pit-bulls have no reason to take his remarks out of context. He unfortunately does have a point. I think he may be correct that Americans collectively just don’t ‘get it’, and won’t unless we get hit upside the head REAL hard, and maybe not even then.

So, regarding that point, do you see any other way America will wake up and unite? The disasterous Obama policies do seem to have begun having some effect, but it’s not anywhere near the level it needs to be to bring about the kind of change we need. And I think it can be said that most Americans don’t have a clue of what direction to stampede in, if they get spooked.

Lets suppose there is another major terror attack. What effect will it have? Will we unite, or be further split? And even if we unite, will it be for the right reasons, and will we head in the right direction? It could as easily work against us as for us, and probably most likely against.

There’s no decent leadership. The Dems are all crooks, as are some if not many Reps. The Dems are all wrong on everything, and the Reps, while many are right, don’t seem to have the backbone to assert themselves.

So, I would much prefer Americans do the right thing without having to be so disasterously prodded, because a disaster is no guarantee of success, especially given the leadership vacuum we currently suffer from.

I’m hoping for the best, with the realization that the worst is entirely too possible.

Bottom line, it doesn’t look good any way you slice it.

Doesn’t matter to me who belongs to who, talk like that is treason, it is anti American and it’s wrong, it is wishing death on innocent people who don’t deserve it and it is astounding to me that yonason and Old Trooper can’t bring themselves to condemn it.

Instead, yonason says:”Obama’s policies will weaken America to the point that it will no longer be able to defend itself abroad, and possibly not even at home if we are invaded. And you’re OK with that?”
“Even in the absence of foreign invaders, Obama’s own policies of infanticide and euthanasia of the elderly and terminally ill will result in far more deaths than an attack by Osama.”

So basically, your cool with Osama causing some deaths here again if it would get Obama in a position where he couldn’t enact his policies?

Old Trooper says: “You can’t figure out why no member of congress or the courts will be the first to ignite civil war by challenging this evil cabal?—Think!

If Americans won’t let leftists have their country, the left will burn it and leave it in ruins. There is no peaceful way out of the corner leftists have placed Americans in… Congress, the courts, even the military brass and law enforcement, will do nothing to save this country. The state run media complex is running interference. The American people are on their own here…”

yonason, Old Trooper; whatever happened to promote your ideas, your values, your positions, have a vote, and let the will of the people decide the direction of the Country? Why the talk of civil war? Was this something you were discussing during the Bush years, or this a recent developement? If an election is decided, not contested and deemed valid, isn’t this what the Founders determined as our own self determination?

I’m sorry for you that the election didn’t go the way you liked, but there is no excuse for talk of:

“The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization, only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally).”


period. Doesn’t matter who says it, or what political views they hold. Or who they voted for or didn’t vote for, or how much they dislike the the current leadership.

If you cannot take a stand and denounce talk of “The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization” to ensure ” this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally).” or Mr. Scheuer’s words regarding another attack by Osama, and be defensive, understanding and enabling of such talk, then we know who is really rooting against America don’t we. It is those who speak such words, and the good men who do nothing to call it down or speak against it to stop it.

Yon, have you ever fallen for that decades old trick when someone gets you to look down so they can flick your chin up? This is sorta what happens with this stuff. You’ll notice that Scheuer is so repulsive to moose, definitely a left leaner, that it’s hard to tell which of us is putting distance between Scheuer faster… me or moose.

Scheuer shares more in common with the progressive left’s views of war and diplomacy than he does with the right.

Ponder this… he goes out, makes an obviously politically incorrect statement that will cause an uproar. The left blogosphere immediately paints him as a right winger, and a (gasp) Republican. So now that’s an official right wing view, even tho he shares nothing of conversative views on the war.

Now don’t you find that odd? It’s like setting out honey for the flies…. because Scheuer hates the GOP more than he hates the left.

moose is right to wash his hands of him, and it’s a rare moment of agreement for us. Nobody … but nobody really wants Scheuer except the fringes. Libs think he’s a traitor, conservatives have nothing in common with him.

Now it’s a game to see who comes to his defense first in the news and blogs so you can make his views stick to the opposition. I don’t care if he insisted it rains in the winter in the NW. In the political media game, if you defend him, he’s yours.

Oh yes… apologies to Nancy for falling for the “Scheuer” off topic sidetrack.

Oh man… how perfect. Thanks for that most timely demonstration, moose.

Yon, read moose #14… now calling for you and Old Trooper to “condemn” Scheuer, and that you despicable types hope for death to thwart Obama. LOL Yep… right on schedule, and oh so predictable.

I told you, Yon. They lay in wait during opportunities like this… and then paint you with venom to get the best mileage out of it all. When you see dead bait, don’t bite.


He is NOT “wishing” anything. He his saying that the fools have made their own bed, and now they may just have to sleep in it.

Did you complain when Obama’s “pastor” said America’s “chickens were coming home to roost?” I’ll bet you didn’t, you hypocritical little piece of gnat spit.

And no, this is not the same thing. In Wright’s case he was “G-Damning America” for things America never did. AND HE REALLY WAS WISHING FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA!, unlike Sheuer. Did you condemn WRIGHT for treason? No, of course you didn’t!

In Sheuer’s case, he’s just saying that America has allowed the Left to get so powerful that the terrible suffering that could be coming as a result is probably inevitable, and with any luck we’ll wake up. (I’m not so optimistic).

But go ahead and keep fantasizing and distorting the truth. It’s what you do best.

Oh, yeah, and treason is allowing Kenyan trailor trash to get elected President, in violation of the Constitution, and then allowing him and his pirates to destroy the country.


He’s getting no “mileage” out of me, except maybe in his own demented imagination.

And I’m not going to shut up just because some punk is going to lie about what I say.

Yon: In Sheuer’s case, he’s saying that America has allowed the Left to get so powerful that the terrible suffering that may be coming as a result is probably inevitable, and with any luck we’ll wake up. (I’m not so optimistic).

mmmmm… may I suggest a few alterations to your theory, Yon?

Leave off the “allowed the left to get so powerful”. Not the case.

Scheuer’s argument is that Obama is Bush III on the now outlawed war on terror, and the nation won’t see that until another catastrophe. He is not advocating for aggression, and advocates complete withdrawal of any American presence in the Middle East.

How do we know this? His books. He believes the US policies are putting the US at risk, and we must correct those to the terrorists liking… meaning no bases anywhere in the Middle East, no western influence in Muslim lands, etal. He *is* a leftist and isolationist… along the lines of Kucinich. He thinks Obama is right wing. LOL

So the correction I’d suggest about Scheuer is “….he’s saying terrible suffering (because of Obama’s Bush’like policies) may be coming as inevitable.” I’m sure he’s very happy the left is in charge. They didn’t like war either, and also blamed the US.


“Leave off the “allowed the left to get so powerful”. Not the case.”

Ok, maybe I’m reading a bit into it. (Also, I probably wasn’t clear enough in that by “Left” I meant the actual practice of governance, not just actively by the Dems, but passively by the Reps, which is essentiall what Sheuer was saying by, correctly I believe, blaming them all for the problems we are in.)

in the interview, he did say that none of the Politicians can be trusted, that they are all just interested in keeping their jobs, whether Dem or Rep. And there is a lot of truth to that, too. (Same in Israel, many times over, which is a major reason why they can’t get their act together.) It’s America’s fault that our elected officials aren’t being held more accountable, and from MY perspective this is primarily a problem with the Left, though the faux-Right is involved (as I also acknowledge above).

Anyway, in the tape Sheuer was pretty clear that Americans need to DEMAND of our “leaders” (Right AND Left) that they protect us. We aren’t doing that, and it is his thesis that only a major terror attack will motivate us to wake up. I think he DOES have a point, regardless of how falacious his reasoning to get to that point. All Sheuer’s other faults aside, he’s right that we aren’t doing enough to hold our elected officials accountable. A terror attack MAY be the only thing to wake us up, but this has drawbacks that I explained above.

I don’t know what else Sheuer has advocated, and from what you’ve told me I’m almost surprised Moose isn’t on his side. But he is right that America needs to wise up, and he doesn’t seem to be anywhere neer as obnoxious as J. Wright, who I doubt Moose criticized.

In any case, if Moose didn’t call Wright a traitor for “G-Damning” America, AND GLEEFULLY PRAYING FOR HER DISTRUCTION, then he needs to shut up about Sheuer, because he (Moose) is obviously not ranting out of a sense of conscience, but out of an ideological obsession of the most dishonest kind.


“Scheuer’s argument is that Obama is Bush III on the now outlawed war on terror, and the nation won’t see that until another catastrophe. He is not advocating for aggression, and advocates complete withdrawal of any American presence in the Middle East. “

That’s good info to have, but none of that is mentioned in the Beck interview, so I don’t see what relevance it has. I looked at Sheuer’s assertion solely in terms of the interview, since that was what he was being criticized for. There is NOTHING in THAT interview that should lead one to believe he was advocating an attack, ONLY that such an attack might be the last hope for Americans to wake up and demand our leaders do likewise.

You know, he (and apparently you?) would probably be in a huff over some things I’ve said, like…. “Wouldn’t it be ironic if America were invaded by ChiComs, and that saved us from Islamofascists and/or the Dems?”

I mean, I don’t like any of the choices, but I would much prefer the Chinese to the Taliban, and they even seem to have a lot more common sense then the fools who are in Congress now.

So, would Moosie (or you?) accuse me of hoping that America is invaded by China? He probably would, if he’s at all consistent with his rantings against Sheuer above. But he would be wrong, at least about me, …and probably about Sheuer, too (I hope).

Yon, go back and read some of the links in my post. One of them is my Sea2Sea post back in Mar 2008 (pre FA days) about this guy.

He’s no newbie… was Clinton’s head of the OBL CIA unit. Written many books. Left considers him traitorous since he publicly blasted Clinton for not getting OBL. Right doesn’t like him because he’s a blame America (foreign policy) first kind of guy.

This leaves him on the fringes with Ron Paul and Kucinich… the latter of which he identifies more. Kucinich also tells us not to trust our leadership, but that doesn’t mean I’d give him the time of day if he asked.

Here’s a few more ditties that tell you about the man… some items from his columns from Antiwar.com, where’s he’s been a contributor since 2007.

Syria and Iran: The Threats That Aren’t

Why does Normal Podhoretz Hate America?

The Anti-Americanism of Israel-Firsters

Can’t resist his last paragraph of the above little number:

Finally, I wish to directly refute Mr. Schoenfeld’s claim that I “cast aspersions on American Jews.” I do not cast aspersions, I forthrightly damn, and pray that God damns, any American – Jew, Catholic, Evangelical, Irish, German, Hindu, hermaphrodite, thespian, or otherwise – who flogs the insane idea that American and Israeli interests are one and the same. The nation-state of Israel is an intolerable burden to the treasury and security of the United States, and Washington’s current relationship with Israel – sanctioned by the AIPAC-funded political leaders of both parties – is one of several factors that are leading to full-scale American participation in other peoples’ religious wars, religious wars that David Horowitz’s recent “Islamofascist Awareness Week” manifestly wants to bring to the streets of the United States.

Here’s what he wrote in 2007 about who was in better shape in 2007… the US or AQ. This analysis that was tandamount to an “America 0, Bin Laden 1” summary appeared in the Asian Times Dec 21, 2007… right about when the first wave of our US Surge troops were beginning to leave.

Here’s another article akin to the anti-American accusation on Podhoretz, only this one’s on George Weigel.

What, one wonders, can possibly inspire the neoconservatives’ hate for Americans, their history, their traditions, and their ideas? In the context of this question, George Weigel’s new book, Faith, Reason, and the War against Jihadism. A Call to Action, is more troubling than Norman Podhoretz’s viciously anti-American World War IV. The Long War Against Islamofacism because of Mr. Weigel’s reputation as a brilliant Catholic scholar, confidant of popes, and commentator on Catholicism’s role in America. In Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism, however, Mr. Weigel reveals himself as just one more America-hating neoconservative; he is a clone of Mr. Podhoretz and his acolytes, and, like them, can barely constrain his contempt for his countrymen, saying, for example, that it is the “sovereign prerogative” of these fools to elect non-neoconservative candidates who are incompetent, naive, and clueless. [p. 142]

I didn’t watch Beck’s interview, and I don’t know if Beck is aware of Scheuer’s history and scribblings. But I most certainly am. There’s nothing this man can say that I would defend. Scheuer’s scum in my book, and not to be trusted as an ally (as the Dems well know).

As I said, I would not be in the least bit surprised if this was a planted statement so that his radicalism can be tied to conservatives. This fits with the Alinsky “spin and pounce” tactics that are arising in desperation in the past week. The left must discredit the GOP (and Blue Dogs siding with them) who stand against the agenda. Obama is laying in on DeMint and misrepresenting the Waterloo statement, and Huffpo is nailing Steele with agreeing with DeMint using the same tactic. CBS and Huffpo are busy touting Steele using the “socialist” word in a Q & A… guess he’s finally calling it as he sees it. About bloody time.

You pick a politically incorrect phrase from the opposition, distort it, and watch the fish bite the dead bait, scrambling to explain it in defense. It’s a waste of time. And with Scheuer it’s really easy…. he belongs to the fringe left, not the right. He deserves not even a nod of acknowledgement.

Your clue should have been that moose brought him up on a 10th Amendment thread. Don’t you wonder why the slide off topic?


You know, he (and apparently you?) would probably be in a huff over some things I’ve said, like…. “Wouldn’t it be ironic if America were invaded by ChiComs, and that saved us from Islamofascists and/or the Dems?”

This has nothing to do with you, and what you say. I am not passing judgment. I am simply saying this is a political fishing trip for negative fodder, and I’m not playing. Especially if it defends Scheuer.

I’m in. Where do I sign up? It is good that the separate states are beginning to take their own sovereignty seriously. I do believe that I read an article awhile back that Texas has invited Oklahoma and Kansas to join them. I could be wrong but you never know. I even remember a time when there was discussion on whether Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Nebraska should secede from the union and form a separate country. These five states are the least populated in the lower 48. Their economies are primarily agricultural: wheat, cows, safflower, etc. Montana and Wyoming share the Powder River Basin coal fields and all five are excellent vacation spots. It is wide open up to the Front Range and the Bighorn Mountains and I mean open as all have counties that have populations of 1,000 or less.
The catch/ace-in-the-hole: These are the only states with active ICBMs in the ground. Around places like Great Falls, Minot, Rapid City, Cheyenne and west of Omaha. I can take you to silos in Montana, some of which are right next to numbered highways. Washington would either clamp down or fold with two pair. Cause when you have those puppies on your ground, you are holding at least a full house.


OK, and I’ll stop playing, too, as soon as Moose shows me where he and his Leftist buds were just as outraged over Wright, who was a LOT closer to O’Bummer than Sheuer was to Bush, and who really DOES think America deserves to be destroyed, not just woken up.


NICE background info. Thanks.



Just one more, sorry Nancy.

I used to read Gabriel Schoenfeld’s, Connect the Dots on the Commentary Magazine blog. Schoenfeld critiqued Scheuer and his book, Imperial Hubris, in a post he entitled “What became of the CIA.” That started a back and forth between them which started a series of postings Schoenfeld called Michael Scheuer Watch, there are 8 numbered posts and are all catalogued in the link below, including “What became of the CIA.” The whiz kid was no match for Schoenfeld.


Mata is right about Scheuer, I personally think Scheuer had no business in the CIA. He’s a leaker and a liar, very much anti-Israel.


Thanks, Missy.

Just a recap for Mata. I’m not defending all of what Sheuer says, only pointing out that taking what he said in context, it didn’t appear to be as bad as Moose and his “Crooks and Liars” Lefty friends said it was. When you consider Obama’s pals, who do want to harm America and Americans, Moose and his ilk are damned hypocrites. If they cared, they would be far more worried about O’Hopeless than real Conservatives (which apparently Sheuer most definitely is not). That was my point. I wasn’t “taking his dead bate.” I was just trying to shove it back down his throat, where it belongs. I thought I made that clear, but if not, I hope this does.

Look. A Rep commits a crime, and he’s out on his ear. A dozen Dems commit crimes, and they get promotions. When one of our guys (or someone they try to associate with us, but is probably one of them) does or says something they think will slander us, they scream. When their clowns do as bad or worse, it is ignored, and I’m sick of it. It’s not going away by ignoring them. The only way to stop them is expose them, and the only way to do that is to deal with it, messy as it may be.

That’s an interesting find, Missy… but then you always come up with interesting finds, girl. LOL I’d even go further than your descriptions and call him the KKK grand poobah of CIA agents. This is a vicious and vile man… not to mention woefully inept. With this boob at the helm, small wonder OBL escaped our clutches for so many years prior to 911.

Yep… the left and their fringe can keep him. Not my dirty laundry.

Yon, don’t you find it the least bit amusing that moose and his crooks/liars (apt name for that blog, BTW) are so clueless they don’t know Scheuer is one of their own?

The point of the argument is not whether Scheuer’s deliberately inflammatory political remark has validity… it is that they (the left) are using the statement while desperately trying to spin him as a conservative.

But no one’s asking you to shut up. If you want to rise to the occasion and engage in the defense of Scheuer, that’s certainly your right. I just wanted to give you a bug in the ear that there may be more to this subterfuge than you thought (ala another attempt to paint the conservatives as political wingnuts who’d welcome a terrorist attack if it dislodged Obama) and a heads up on just whom it was you were defending. I think now you know a little more about Scheuer.

“If you want to rise to the occasion and engage in the defense of Scheuer, that’s certainly your right”

I guess it’s still not clear that I’m not doing this to defend Sheuer, just to point out, as you rightly say, the Left is so desperate to attack us in any way they can, all the while their people are FAR worse and they don’t mind. And not only do they not mind, but really love the awful stuff they advocate, while pretending to hate less offensive stuff in us. That was my point, not that Sheuer is credible, and not even entirely in this (as you can see from the caveats I brought in my earliest posts on this).

I appreciate the excellent material on him. Also, even if Obama said something that I found true, I wouldn’t be above agreeing with what he said, though almost certainly not for the same reasons he said it.

mooseburger, I swore an Oath to the US Constitution, not the political hack that is the temporary resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Accuse Me of Treason, try it. I am Retired now so the Kenyan Pretender in Chief and the Traitors in Congress cannot deploy me anywhere and I owe Loyalty and Allegiance to none of those phonies that have violated the Constitution under illegal interpretation of the Common Clause Provision.

Read the 10th Amendment and stop trying to blow your Socialist Party Line smoke up my backside. There are Clear Limits established on the Power & Authority of the Federal Government. Why do I have to keep repeating that? You cannot be that dense.

Old Trooper:

Are you familiar with the case of Army Major Stephan Frederick Cook? It seems that retirees aren’t the only ones who need have no fear of deployment by this group of wackos. Apparently they also will not deploy reserve officers who file court cases stating they believe that Obie was born outside the U.S., that Obie is therefore ineligible to be president, and that it would be committing a crime to serve under him.

Old Trooper:

Just dump my last comment in file 86. I’ve been doing some more research. The MOAA believes Cook was set up “in an attempt to get more members of the military involved in refusing orders.” First he volunteered for duty in Afghanistan, he received orders to deploy, then he filed suit to cancel those orders based on his belief that Obie was born outside the U.S. It seems quite convoluted. He may do himself and his cause more harm than good.

It is interesting to note that when I state that I deplore these comments:

these from JustAl:

“The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization, only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally).”

And These:


The issue here in response to my comments becomes about everything else except what was said by JustAl and Scheuer, which I still stand on my comments deploring such talk. I see no reason for ANY American who cares about this country, no matter your political views, to not understand that this is way over the acceptable line of reason. I don’t know how you can even begin to try to justify it. I notice JustAl hasn’t came back to defend his statement, and my comments about his and Scheuer’s statements were directed at them, with my thoughts being that nobody would try to defend sentiments such as these, at least non of the people I know or interact with.

If folks want to defend those comments, or talk about context, try to mitigate what was said, that’s your right. Your outrage with Rev. Wright is understandable, but it seems some are enabling and possibly defending talk like Scheuer and JustAl promote because they perhaps feel that my statements against JustAl and Scheuer’s comments were directed at them and their ideology. That is an inference that you have drawn yourself, not that I have imposed on you

It seems the political gulf referred to regarding this Liberal “flawed way of thinking” comment even prevents any common ground on such outrageous statements from some people.

I didn’t realize the gap was that wide, I stand on my comments, and I don’t feel I have to defend them to anyone. There is much to legitimately disagree with, but when there is disagreement over comments regarding an attack on our country, or comments like “The only thing that will solve the problem of the moonbat liberals is a complete collapse of civilization, only when all people are reduced to the basic struggle to survive will this flawed way of thinking die out (perhaps literally).” then I see no rational basis for further argument about if these comments are rational, reasonable, anti American, treasonist, or whatever. The comments go past issues of Party, Politics, or ideology, and go right to the heart of the very things Patriots of ANY political view should be able to recognize as just plain wrong.

Still trying to frame the discussion around the alternative point, eh moose?

Americans… not our government, but Americans… are always at their best in response, clarity of mind and purpose, and loyalty after a crisis. That very real fact, in which we should take pride, does not mean anyone pines for a “crises” so we can “be at our best”.

So moose… I responded to your question. Now why don’t you tell us why you brought up Scheurer from your crooks and liars who live up to their name, and try to throw your left fringe garbage in the conservative garbage can?

Toothfairy, I have more deployments than I can recall, never refused deployment regardless of any political views from anyone and was not political at all on Active Duty. I was sent off on good missions as well as lost causes and politics was never a consideration. Contribution to the Success of Mission and Survival of my Teams as well as All applicable Laws, Treaties, UCMJ and Geneva Conventions was complied with in both word and spirit of the Law.

Cook could have and should have resigned his Commission. The Oath of Office as a Commissioned Officer was one He could not hold, obviously due to a lack of Sense of Duty. Just my Take on That.
Anyone Commissioned that broke political on me got relieved and reassigned. It is a voilation of the Oath and compromises missions.

mooseburger, the things you have not realized could fill several books and I have real work to do so get off the Kool Aid and realize that your ignorance and indoctrination are not My responsibility.

I offered you information that was wrapped in Obamanation delusions or was discussed as Evil in your Freddy Engels copy of Das Kapital. I have been shot at by folks more indoctrinated than you and more dangerous than you. I have had more influential folks piss on my boots and I watched them come and go while I served honorably and was decorated and promoted by people that I despised but respected me for my honesty, integrity, sense of duty and came to my Teams for things that were dirty, ugly, fragile and too dangerous for State Department or other forces.

You amuse me. I could care less about your employment, personal achievements or whether your cat, dog or children meet you at the door every night. Your sense of reality just quite frankly puzzles the hell out of me. How anyone can have your mindset and live to adulthood outside of an Institutionalized setting is your mystery. Not mine.

Hey Mata…after doing some homework, Scheuer is as large a buffoon and a jackass as Ron Paul, Kuchinich or Al Gore.

Never heard of the guy but I do not do the research that a lot of folks do.

The Tenth Amendment is All about limits to Government. It gives America recourse against tyranny from a Federal Government that over reaches, becomes Royalty and was written by the Founding Fathers that had foresight but fears of the loss of Liberty, Freedom and Dignity that they fought, risked their lives for a century or two back. Some of the posters here got revisionist history for an education.

A few did not. Do you reckon that Obama could recite the Pledge of Allegiance from memory?
The American one. Could his Daughters?

Let the rock throwing begin with the usual rules… civility and just the facts like Joe Friday said on the black and white TV that I watched. Antenna vs Sat Dish. Digital Plasma vs a 12″ by 12″ set that
beat the daylights out of radio up here in Montana in my youth.

Moose, I get neighbors dogs that come on property and crap, chase my cattle and wolves now and then that are teeth first and lethal. You are like the stray dog that craps on my lawn because you were never taught better. I shoot wolves. The neighbors stray dogs get a 12 gauge rock salt dosage.

Mata said:”So moose… I responded to your question. Now why don’t you tell us why you brought up Scheurer from your crooks and liars who live up to their name, and try to throw your left fringe garbate in the conservative garbage can?”

JustAl made his comment, and my comment was in response to his, and his comment in my view falls in line with Scheurer’s comment which I linked to. The folks who are worried more about Scheurer’s affiliations than his statement and also not touching with a ten foot pole the comments JustAl made are some of Y’all. I haven’t introduced anyone’s political viewpoint into the mix and feel the repulsive comments stand alone and speak for themselves.

I haven’t addressed your politics, and don’t plan to in this thread. I have restricted my comments to only my revulsion toward those anti American sentiments, and have not engaged in any back and forth about your or anyone’s politics, (at least in this thread anyway).

I don’t see it at all as framing anything toward an alternate point as you suggested Mata, just my straight up response to the comments in question and my lack of understanding how some folks can seemly defend those statements and not see them for what they are. That’s all.

I guarantee you that if I had come to this forum and stated similar comments regarding Conservative “flawed way of thinking” and the only real prospect for it ever going away is the outcome JustAl stated toward Liberals, you would then pronounce your righteous outrage, and I WOULD BE DEAD WRONG FOR HAVING CROSSED THE LINE. I would have such a slap down coming.

I have said nothing in this thread worthy of outrage, and again, stand on my statements regarding the comments about a potential attack on America or destruction of civilization.

If I personally get to the point that any of the Destruction of America/Americans scenarios I have denounced above are seriously in my mind an acceptable and legitimate thought process or concept for me and my country to escape the impending calamity and see the end of the threat I feel exists, then I will know that I have given up on any peaceful solution, that I have turned my back on the whole Democratic process that countless have fought and died to preserve and that the values that I held dear regarding my country have taken second place to my desire for my views to be attained at horrific cost. Maybe others feel differently about it, but that’s my take.

Old Trooper said: You are like the stray dog that craps on my lawn because you were never taught better.

mooseburger, the things you have not realized could fill several books and I have real work to do so get off the Kool Aid and realize that your ignorance and indoctrination are not My responsibility.

Your sense of reality just quite frankly puzzles the hell out of me. How anyone can have your mindset and live to adulthood outside of an Institutionalized setting is your mystery. Not mine.

Well Old Trooper, why are you troubling yourself on my account?

Saying “You are like the stray dog that craps on my lawn because you were never taught better.” implies that my folks didn’t do a good job…….how in the hell do you know that? Maybe they did a great job and I followed my own path, and if I am a screw up, it’s all on me….at any rate, respect for your service or not, don’t appreciate you bad mouthin’ my Parents to score some silly forum zinger. My Dad and Mom were fine folks that if I could be half what they were I would be a better man than I am now.

Because you have lost respect for folks you don’t like or disagree with Old Trooper, doesn’t mean I have lost my respect or even my respect for you and your service. 70% of your discussions here is all about you and your service, my Father served too, and he rarely talked about it, and he sure didn’t wear it like a flashy, shiny badge to draw attention to himself from others. He didn’t demand respect, he received it because he earned it. He died in ’95, he’s not here to defend himself, but in his honor, I will tell you that he was a man who deserved YOUR respect Old Trooper, I bet you and him would have gotten along pretty well.

I think my last comment is stuck in spam…thanks


So, where’s your answer to my question? When will you show me where your buddies, the real crock of liars, have deplored J.Wright saying “G.Damn America,” and where they have deplored John Holdren’s belief in the need to forceably abort and sterilize American women, or at least where you have deplored it. (more than “belief,” because he actually called for it) I’ll bet you can’t on either count.

America had to have the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor before we woke up to the fact that with Europe and Asia in flames, we couldn’t sit back and think it would never affect us. That’s the historical fact. If someone before the war had said, “It’s going to take an attack on America for us to wake up.” that WOULD have been a realistic statement, not a wish that it happen. That sort of thing would be a commentary on the apathy of idiots like yourself who are dramatically increasing the chances of such a scenario, which is how it appeared in that tape. If he meant it any other way, as Mata’s material indicate he may, then for sure I deplore it. But that wasn’t clear from the context of the tape, or from what you or your C&L pals said, and unless YOU bring more proof than what you have, that alone is not an indictment.

Now, answer me about Wright and Holdren before you ask me any more questions.

Moose, Scheuer is an idiot. And Mata is right, this is bait. Anyone that claims we need an attack on the U.S. to seal the deal on Obama and the dems has some serious issues. I can’t speak for JustAl or anyone else, so JustAl will have to address your post himself.
In post #14, you say:

If an election is decided, not contested and deemed valid, isn’t this what the Founders determined as our own self determination?

I guess your out for that is to say Bush didn’t really win the first election he stole it. Because the left lost their minds. Some actually accused Bush of helping plan the attacks of 9/11.
Right now Obama is shoving unadulterated socialism. But many governors pulled the 10th amendment out and dusted it off for Bush as well. Some of his unfunded mandates were shoved down the states throats and they let him know they weren’t swallowing.
Conservatives don’t like the feds in our lives, no matter what letter is behind their name.


“Some actually accused Bush of helping plan the attacks of 9/11.”

Some space cadets still think we lied about going to the moon!

Great crew you have there, Moose.


You silly, silly man, you should know that there is no consistency in Bedlam.

moose: JustAl made his comment, and my comment was in response to his, and his comment in my view falls in line with Scheurer’s comment which I linked to. The folks who are worried more about Scheurer’s affiliations than his statement and also not touching with a ten foot pole the comments JustAl made are some of Y’all. I haven’t introduced anyone’s political viewpoint into the mix and feel the repulsive comments stand alone and speak for themselves.

Gawd… love it. Distract distract. It’s not *really* about who shares that “correct thinking”, you say. LOL Really? You didn’t introduce anyone’s “political viewpoint”? Flashback….

I just wanted to point out to you that you, Michael Scheuer, and the “Islamofascists” are all on the same side when it comes to hoping that America suffers a “complete collapse of civilization” so you can get rid of the “Flawed way of thinking”

Why don’t you go and enlist with your buddies, the Taliban, and take your correct thinking twin Michael Scheuer with you?

oops… I guess that “same side” means you and yours, right? Because Scheuer’s “correct thinking” buddies happen to include the liberal progressive Congress (who also blames US foreign policy for terrorist actions), as well as the left fringe and a good portion of the Democrat anti-war membership.

What is “correct thinking” and “same side” BUT “political viewpoints? And what “buddies” can you be talking about except those that share Scheuer’s beliefs? And I assure you, that’s not JustAl.

Then you say:

I don’t see it at all as framing anything toward an alternate point as you suggested Mata, just my straight up response to the comments in question and my lack of understanding how some folks can seemly defend those statements and not see them for what they are. That’s all.

Yep… distract, distract from the original point when it falls flat. You expect everyone “see” those words the way you interpret them. And if we don’t, you’ll just isolate and freeze it, pouring on the venom and dirty associations with bad guys. (Hey… I’m learning this game…)

But the way you see them is viewed thru an extreme political spectrum…. despite your “but but’s”.

First of all, if we were all required to condemn every a’hole on the planet, there would be little time left for anything else. People like Scheuer shouldn’t even register on anyone’s sonar screen. They condemn themselves adequately every time they open their mouths… even if once or twice in a lifetime they might happenstance upon a valid point. They don’t need my help to be seen as scum, and none of us owes you a litmus test.

Now let’s see if we can remove your “correct thinking” political spectrum 3D glasses. JustAl pointed out the light bulb won’t go on in the O’faithful brain until they’ve sunk themselves below the foul line of the socialist bog. Do I need to repeat that in a more politically correct way to break thru your brain pattern?

Does this statement require “condemnation” by you? Only when viewed in the political spectrum.

Is it factual? There is no other way to explain blindly accepting unfathomable debt for generations, based solely on faith in the Eunuch in Chief. To accept his words “this will work” as gospel requires ignoring history, performance of recent parallel systems, and the facts and figures placed before their eyes. Not to mention, his outright lies because he’s not read the bill before he speaks.

Yup… JustAl’s right and owes you nada. The only way liberals will turn that light bulb on to the repercussions of what they *think* they want is when it hits their wallets. And I’m pretty darned sure that most of this nation doesn’t want the economy Obama is “remaking” for us. However, by then it just may be too late to reverse.

To spin JustAl’s comment as anything other than highlighting the typical NIMBY American attitude is nothing more than an Alinsky distraction. Why? Because we don’t have enough time to condemn all the NIMBY types that inhabit the planet either.

You can’t pull out the bottom feeder, Scheuer, compare it to JustAl’s “liberal dim bulb” mentality, put them in the same “correct thinking” category…. and then claim you’re not talking “politics”. You read on crooks/liars that Scheuer was a right winger, and bought into it hook, line and sinker… then trawled that bait over here to spread the Alinsky spin machine using JustAl as a comrade in arms. At least you weren’t alone… Every dimwit with a C/L bookmark followed up with equally uninformed, sheeple comments to that pack of lies. Not one bubble head on that site knew who the heck Scheuer was, and what his beliefs on foreign policy were. Nope… uh uh.

Even after a patient, good hearted and oft-times frustrated Yonason tried to explain what I expressed as “just because we are best after a crisis doesn’t mean we pine for a crisis”, you still demand some sort of litmus test that makes the folks on this FA thread worthy of being considered your fellow American.

Personally, I think it’s a no brainer. American’s don’t often realize what a pickle they are in until the going gets tough… and then the tough get going. Very American trait. To recognize that as fact is hardly an attitude to be condemned.

But to continue to spin it as something more nefarious and demand “condemnation”, is truly a hallmark of the politically blind, emulating the Alinsky spin machine.

@Aye Chihuahua:

LOL – But that is what I’ve been trying to say, and what better way to do that than ask them “who ate the strawberries?”

@ yonason
I think I know what you’re saying in your post. It kind of like this:

The TARP and Stimulus Spending are the wrong direction for the country. But it’s going to take 10% unemployement for America to wake up and see that.

Am I close?