Do you know where your kids cyber surf?
Muslim Brotherhood launches forum on Facebook


Jails and universities aren’t enough of a breeding ground for the serious Caliphate agenda driven…. A group of youth from the Muslim Brotherhood has gotten permission from from the Brotherhood’s second-in-command, Muhammad Habib to spread their message via the Internet. Their message?

The creators of the project decided to call themselves an “electronic student cell of the Muslim Brotherhood” and their aim to to push for the return of an Islamic Caliphate [a Muslim state].”


Their political activity is also not limited to Egypt either but is aimed at Muslims all around the world.

The new discussion forum on Facebook is based on five points.

The first is the organisation of protests in all Muslim countries for the salvation of Islam and issues of the Islamic nation.

The second issue refers to the spread of the stories of the Prophet Mohammad with regards to the caliphate and the third point is a request to all imams to talk about this issue in their sermons.

The fourth and fifth points are spreading of leaflets to remind Muslims of the importance of the caliphate and to sensitize all Islamic parties and organisations to support this initiative.

Loathed by the west as radicals, and disdained by al Zawahiri as wusses, the Brotherhood is not likely to be swapping recipes for car bombs on their Facebook forums. Instead, this more “moderate” Brotherhood is even more stealth, and thereby more dangerous. Afterall, it’s easy to despise and reject outright advocation of violence. But luring in to Islam and the Caliphate design, and attempting to achieve Islamic law by converting the masses and achieving power via elections? Subtle.. and very do’able. It’s easy to dazzle the young, impressionist youth that frequent Facebook.

Per a Foreign Affairs report Mar-Apr, 2007:

Over the past year, we have met with dozens of Brotherhood leaders and activists from Egypt, France, Jordan, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, and the United Kingdom. In long and sometimes heated discussions, we explored the Brotherhood’s stance on democracy and jihad, Israel and Iraq, the United States, and what sort of society the group seeks to create. The Brotherhood is a collection of national groups with differing outlooks, and the various factions disagree about how best to advance its mission. But all reject global jihad while embracing elections and other features of democracy. There is also a current within the Brotherhood willing to engage with the United States. In the past several decades, this current — along with the realities of practical politics — has pushed much of the Brotherhood toward moderation.

Robert S. Leiken and Steven Brooke – authors of this report (of which only a certain part if viewable free) – believe the US makes a mistake in not seeking out and engaging parts of the Brotherhood as moderates. I have to wonder – what the heck are they thinking? What is a common thread – despite their “moderation” by achieving the Caliphate by elections and non violence – is rule under Islamic law. A governance that promotes third world conditions, human rights abuses, and sets women’s right back centuries.

Certainly Egypt, outlawing their homeland group, recognizes this perceived “moderation” as dangerous – arresting 39 Brothers just days ago ranging in ages from 18-35, suspected of seeking reorganization of the group.

So are they mellowing towards the west? Not if you pay attention to this English translation interview with the Muslim Brotherhood leader just this past May. They may recognized that Egyptian Christians may have rights of citizens, but under no circumstances should they be allowed to hold high elected office, saying:

(Abd-al-Rahim – interviewer) Is this not a clear violation of the citizenship?

(Akif) It is not a violation at all. This is the culture of the citizen who lives in a Muslim country that has its values and principles, which ought to be respected.


(Abd-al-Rahim) Then, you still plan to apply the Islamic shari’ah as soon as you ascend to power?

(Akif) If we ascend to power, this will mean that the people believe in our vision. Moreover, do we live for anything other than the shari’ah? The Egyptian Constitution itself says this.


(Abd-al-Rahim) Then, in your opinion, how do you honor women while you do not believe in their right to ascend to the senior positions; moreover, women are far from even the leading positions within the Muslim Brotherhood?

(Akif) Should I place them in positions that would expose them to imprisonment?! The activity of the Muslim Brotherhood women through which they satisfy God is to bring up their children well. Let me give you a living example; when some female members of the Muslim Brotherhood were nominated as candidates in the parliamentary elections, what happened to them? Moreover, do you not know that the woman is under the guardianship of the man, who does not want her to be “trampled upon?”


Abd-al-Rahim) What about your stance toward democracy, have you crystallized a clear stance, or are you still within the realm of the talk about Shura [consultation]?

(Akif) Shura [consultation] is the highest level of democracy in its respect of the human being.

(Abd-al-Rahim) This claim is rebutted, because Shura [consultation] has nothing to do with democracy as it is not binding, and the ruler is the unilateral decision maker. Therefore, how can it be the highest level?

(Akif) Shura [consultation] is the perfect democracy if it is done properly and respects shari’ah. I distinguish between Shura and western democracy that allows man to do whatever he wants, and to do the things that God has not ordered. Among us, the leader comes only through Shura, and the final word is up to the Guidance Bureau and not to me. I am talking about democracy here, in the society and not within the group!

(Abd-al-Rahim) Then, are you, as it is circulating, riding on the wave of democracy in order to fulfill your aims despite the fact that you do not believe in it, and after that you will show your dictatorial face, and implement the policy of closed doors?

(Akif) We now are back to using the words of the secularists! I reject this logic, because it judges the intentions, and it has no aim other than muddying the issues.

“muddying the issues”… uh, is that like a “distraction”?? LOL

Needless to say, whether Islamic law is achieved via propaganda, brain washing and elections – or via violent methods – Islamic law and western freedoms and lifestyle are completely incompatible. So forgive me if I’m still not appalled at their presence on Facebook.

I looked around to see who else was on top of this story… Or was it only me who was concerned that the Brotherhood are now on the other side of the computer screen from western our children, seeking to advance their cause of the Caliphate and Islamic law in an Internet social network that caters to the young? JihadWatch has it posted, but sans any comments. Other than that, quiet as a church mouse.

Have kids? Or have friends with kids haunting Facebook? You may want to give them a heads up.

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“Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among a list of Democrats that “have expressed their solidarity” with the Muslim American Society (MAS). (source: MAS is on the record as stating that their long-term goal is the implementation of Sharia Law. MAS is an Islamic extremist front group masquerading as a civil rights organization, whose motto is: “God is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations.” (source: It will be interesting to watch our Socialist Senators try to wrangle out of their “solidarity” with MAS once word gets out about their appeasement to this voting bloc. It’s going to be very difficult for the Senators to state that they knew nothing about the MAS motto. They know, they knew and they appeased…all for the sake of power.”

MataHarley typed:

Jails and universities aren’t enough of a breeding ground for the serious Caliphate agenda driven….

Holy Smokes!

Seemingly overnight leftist professors pushing their collectivist agenda of socialism, drugs, sexual promiscuity, homosexual recruitment and any other aberration at odds with good old American values have morphed into Muslim fanatics bent on inflicting on the rest of us a life of puritanical asceticism following the of word of Allah.

Who’d have guessed?


‘Tiny minds, in over their fungus gnat heads, as usual’

This is better:

Tiny minds, in over their fungus gnat heads, fearful of everyone and everything, exaggerate to preposterous extremes, as usual.

But golly thanks for pointing out the imminent threat to the republic.

I think the Weathermen, SLA, SNCC, the Wobblies, Black Panthers & the NAACP all were poised to pull down the state. Add to that the MSA.

Added to that, there’s Obama ’08 ads EVERYWHERE on Facebook. It’s disgusting, really.

Added to that, there’s Obama ‘08 ads EVERYWHERE on Facebook. It’s disgusting, really.

Precisely how is that “disgusting?” Are they ads for naked Obama or something?

I meant the obsession. The lack of fairness or balance in displaying party candidates. I guess I was wrong in expecting you to figure that out on your own, but then again, this isn’t the first time you’ve misread my comment.

I meant the obsession. The lack of fairness or balance in displaying party candidates.

I took several stabs at writing a comment about this, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around The Stupid. Your idea that people need to apply the fairness doctrine to their personal Facebook pages–which would be akin to expecting people to apply the fairness doctrine to their choice of bumper stickers–is of surpassing idiocy.

Be disgusted that people prefer Obama, if you must, but you only show yourself as a fool if you expect people who prefer Obama to tout McCain as well. Or to buy a cereal they don’t like, or wear clothes they don’t want to wear–all in the name of fairness.

Can I assume from your post that you’ll be displaying both Obama and McCain signs in your yard this fall? It would, after all, be fair.

I was wrong in expecting you to figure that out on your own, but then again, this isn’t the first time you’ve misread my comment.

In the future, it would help immensely if your comments made any kind of sense at all. Reading is the act of bringing meaning to print, and the task is made infinitely more difficult when the print itself has no meaning.

“Your idea that people need to apply the fairness doctrine to their personal Facebook pages–which would be akin to expecting people to apply the fairness doctrine to their choice of bumper stickers–is of surpassing idiocy.”

Your ability to understand the simplest of comments is of surpassing idiocy. If your logic made any sense at all, you’d understand my comments and not twist them into something else. I’m not bashing on the people who choose to display their candidate, I’m addressing THE ADS. You know, those annoying ads that pop up everywhere? Yeah, THOSE. Not the pages of candidates that a Facebook user chooses to display. If you go back and read my original comment, you can see I explicitly wrote “ads”, not the users’ choice. Those are two different things.

And yes, there are ads that say something along the lines of “Loving Obama?”

This is another strike against you in misreading comments, I hope you know. And I’ve also noticed it’s not only my comments you choose to misread. You have been the only one on this site who cannot seem to grasp the meaning of my comments, sarcastic or otherwise, so my comments aren’t the problem, it’s you. It’s rather tiring to have to S.P.E.L.L__E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G__O.U.T for you.

I meant the obsession. The lack of fairness or balance in displaying party candidates. I guess I was wrong in expecting you to figure that out on your own, but then again, this isn’t the first time you’ve misread my comment.

I’m not bashing on the people who choose to display their candidate, I’m addressing THE ADS. You know, those annoying ads that pop up everywhere?

I’d say that the thing that threw me off is that you’re talking about “fairness” and “balance,” which is kind of a stupid way to look at advertising.

Let me suggest another paradigm for you that doesn’t involving whining: “buying ads on Facebook” and “not buying ads on Facebook.”

Obama and his supporters, it would seem, are buying ads on Facebook. McCain and his supporters, it would seem, are not. Do you want McCain ads on Facebook? Then either buy some ads or convince McCain to buy some ads. Stop sniveling about “fairness.”

Perhaps you’re suggesting that McCain is, in fact, buying ads, but that Facebook is unfairly suppressing them? Then say so.

Either way, “disgusting” is an absurd description. It’s disgusting that Obama supporters want him to win and are buying advertising to help make that happen? McCain ads, then, must also be disgusting. I don’t think that that word means what you think it means.

*sigh* What’s the point? I’d disprove you again, but you’ll only come back at me with another misunderstanding and another instance of your missing the point. Think what you want, interpret my comment the way you want. Like I wrote before, it’s tiring to have to explain things to you. It’s no use educating you.

What’s the point? I’d disprove you again, but you’ll only come back at me with another misunderstanding and another instance of your missing the point.

I understand perfectly. You don’t like Obama, so if you see and Obama ad without a McCain ad to balance it or something, then it’s unfair. You won’t vote for Obama, so the idea that a lot of people will is disgusting.

Par for the course for the Right.

There you go, twisting my comment again. First of all, the reason I wrote what you quoted me on is because you’re good for nothing except for causing a big headache. That’s NOT what I said OR implied.

Secondly, true, I don’t like Obama. What pisses me off, besides explaining EVERYTHING to you, is that everything I’m surrounded by seems to be obsessed with candidate Hussein. And it is unfair what the MSM and everything involved with the media is doing. And yes, I won’t vote for Hussein, and yes, it is disgusting how he manages to fool everyone with his lies.

Now that we’ve gone off-topic again, it’s time to close the debate.

Thanks, MH. I was a little late at reading your comment to me.